Before the RGB palette, it was often hard to get deep and dark colors - they were either too washed down (the Basic palette) or too bright (all the other palettes).
With the RGB we can now achieve darker, deeper and intense colors. You can dye details a lot better as well, using a variety of browns and silvers on the leather and metal palettes. Now you can also match colors on pieces that come from different sets and would previously dye very differently.
^ proper dark red details, silver details and brown leather belts that match on the pants and boots.
^ deep, dark red
^ variety of leathery greens from the calpheonian RGB palette + valencian white as silver, no more faking silver by using the premade yellow and blue valencian colors
^ dark red and dark silver on both character and the horse outfit
^ deep, dark green on an outfit that dyes very bright normally
^ more shades of deep red, calpheonian and olvian
^ honorary mention for the Trilby headpiece achieving more natural hair colors. Before RGB it looked like a wig:
(still, please make it an actual hairstyle and not a headpiece, thanks)
Lovely, some of those greens are perfect.
Could not agree more regarding the Trilby headpiece.
What dyes did you use on the 1st image? cause that looks pretty awsome!
And those boots, i was thinking ekett but it doesnt seems like any i have seem before