BDO costumes are made of various materials. Leather. Cloth. Metal. To maximize usefulness of Color Palette i took an advantage of different palette properties. If costume material part was made of metal i've used palettes that provided shiny effect making surface very reflective. Cloth materials covered with fabric palette colors. Some costumes are designed with gradient fabrics which can fully utilize new slider options to accentuate shadows and highlights of the fabric texture. With basic palette we had no option to choose different shades of each color. Now we can adjust shade at will! Awesome idea for the fashionistas. What i like the most is the fact that we can now add proper shades to the previous fixed color palette to the costume parts that lacked proper material setting. It's related to old costumes or with badly set material property in Blender. Also new feature is especially beneficial to the people that use IPS monitors and play on remastered mode. Making colors even more vibrant and accurate. Or in some cases prevent glaring effect of oversaturation. In short new option should have been implemented at the very beginning giving us more freedom at dyeing options. Waiting for more costumes to play with.