Greetings Adventurers,
Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on January 31, 2024 (Wed). Today’s patch contains 128 updates and is approximately 1.29 GB.
War of the Roses

War of the Roses - Main Questline
- Added the War of the Roses main questline.
- Upon completing the [O'dyllita] Hadum's Realm quest, talk to the Black Spirit and accept [War of the Roses] Tulid's Message under the Main quests tab.
- The War of the Roses questline divides into two crossroad paths by selecting either Kamasylvia or O'dyllita, and you can only proceed with one path at any given time.
- Completing each crossroad path will grant you the following titles.
Kamasylvia Crossroads Path | O'dyllita Crossroads Path | ||
[Title] White Rose Bloom | [Title] Black Rose Bloom |
War of the Roses - Participation

Leading (Captain's) Guild | The Third Legion | |
How to Apply | ESC Menu - War (F7) - War of the Roses | |
Participants | Up to 100 (members of the same guild/alliance, including war heroes) per faction | Up to 200 per faction |
When to Apply |
NA | |
Fri 11:00 PM - Sat 11:10 PM (PST) |
Sat 11:10 PM - Sun 01:05 PM (PST) |
EU | ||
Sat 01:00 - Sun 01:10 (CET) |
Sun 01:10 - Sun 15:05 (CET) |
Leading Guilds will be announced right after the application window closes.
Guilds (alliances) appointed as leading guilds must select a "Captain" by Sunday |
Conditions | Guilds (alliances) who've won at least one Tier 4/5 Node War/Conquest War in the past two weeks (Each victory accrues points, and guilds /alliances with the highest *accrued points will be appointed) |
Total gear score of at least 700 (AP + DP) (Sum of main/awakening AP (highest of the two) and DP) |
Costs | 10 billion Silver in Guild (alliance) funds * Refunded if not selected |
500 million Silver * Refunded if not selected |
Selection Process | NA: Sat 11:10 PM (PST) EU: Sun 01:10 (CET) Guild with highest accrued points selected |
NA: Sun 01:05 PM (PST) EU: Sun 15:05 (CET) Applicants randomly selected |
Participants after Selection | Up to 100 (members of the same guild/alliance, including war heroes) per faction | Up to 200 per faction |
Faction | Randomly selected between Kamasylvia and O'dyllita factions | |
Other | Can join via the "Participate" button on the War of the Roses server (akin to Node/Conquest War) | - |
Additional Notes
- Application fees (guild funds/Silver) will be forever lost if unclaimed before the leading guild's application period of the next War of the Roses.
[On Participation]
- Application for and participation in the War of the Roses is separate from occupied nodes/territories of Node/Conquest War.
- Guilds/alliances with the highest accrued points from Node/Conquest War in the past two weeks will be appointed as the leading (captain's) guild for War of the Roses.
* If there are multiple guilds/alliances with the same number of highest points accrued, the final selection will be random.
- Guild (alliance) members of any rank (from apprentice to officer) in a leading (captain's) guild can participate.
- You can opt in/out of War of the Roses participation up until the war begins. Similar to Node/Conquest War rules, you cannot change your participation status after this.
[On Forming/Breaking Alliances]
- Once your guild has applied for the leading (captain's) guild, you cannot disband your guild, nor form/break any alliances until it ends.
* If you opt out of participation before a leading (captain's) guild is selected, then you can disband your guild and/or form/break an alliance.
- When forming/breaking an alliance, points for the War of the Roses leading guilds/alliances accrued from the Node/Conquest War will be reset.
[On Joining/Leaving Guilds & War Heroes]
- Once your guild has applied for the leading (captain's) guild, you cannot disband your guild, nor invite/kick members until the war has ended.
- Once appointed as the leading (captain's) guild, you can appoint and participate as many war heroes of your guild/alliance as you see fit up until the war begins.
* Once the war begins, however, you won't be able to appoint any more war heroes until the war ends.
- You cannot leave a guild without claiming any outstanding War of the Roses rewards after a war has concluded.
[On War Heroes & the Third Legion]
- Any war heroes of guilds/alliances appointed as leading (captain's) guilds cannot apply to participate in the Third Legion.
- Applicants of the Third Legion cannot be appointed as war heroes of leading (captain's) guilds.
War of the Roses - Schedule
War of the Roses Schedule Table |
War Server | - O'dyllita-1 server | |||
War Period | - Once every two weeks (Subject to change during preseason) |
Applying for the Leading (Captain's) Guild | NA | EU | ||
- Fri 11:00 PM - Sat 11:10 PM
(PST) * Any points accrued after the initial application will automatically be factored in for the final count.
- Sat 01:00 - Sun 01:10
* Any points accrued after the initial application will automatically be factored in for the final count. |
Leading (Captain's) Guild Appointments Announcement |
NA | EU | ||
- Saturday at 11:10 PM (PST) | - Sunday at 01:10 (CET) | |||
Applying for the Leading Guild's Captain and the Third Legion |
NA | EU | ||
- Sat 11:10 PM - Sun 01:05 PM (PST) | - Sun 01:10 - Sun 15:05 (CET) | |||
Leading Guild Captain Appointments & the Third Legion Announcements |
NA | EU | ||
- Sunday at 01:05 PM (PST) | - Sunday at 15:05 (CET) | |||
War of the Roses Times |
- Sunday at
EU: 17:00 - 19:00 (CET)
NA: 03:00 PM - 05:00 PM (PST) (Subject to change during the preseason) |
Captain & Lieutenants
- The leading (captain's) guild must appoint one captain to command the Third Legion within the designated time, otherwise, the guild master of the leading guild will automatically be appointed as the legion's captain.
- You can appoint the captain via ESC Menu - War - War of the Roses.

- One captain can be appointed appointed to each side (Kamasylvia & O'dyllita), and they can utilize the tactical map to decree orders and set up objectives for the Third Legion to take on and carry out during the war.
- Captains also gain access to exclusive skills that will grant their faction benefits in battle.
- Captains can place leading guild members and Third Legion mercenaries into platoons, and only captains can set and edit the platoons.
- You can edit platoons even while a war is in progress, but you cannot remove members of a platoon once war has begun.
- You cannot edit Third Legion platoons that have been assigned with missions.
- Captains can follow allies on the tactical map, along with occupied points, while continuously issuing/canceling missions to the Third Legion. (Canceling a mission will deem it completed.)
- Captains of each faction's leading (captain's) guild can appoint three lieutenants.
- Lieutenants can also assign orders and various missions to members of the Third Legion via the tactical map.
War of the Roses - War Area
- The War of the Roses is held over sections of Kamasylvia and O'dyllita territories displayed below.
- There are no safety zones in the War of the Roses - the entire map becomes a combat zone.
- Ornette & Odore Castles have stable keepers and wharf managers in certain spots available.
- Old Wisdom Tree and Starry Midnight Port also have stable keepers and wharf managers available.

War's Commencement & Progress
Participant Placement
- Once the war begins, all participants within the war area will be moved to one of three random coordinates within their faction's castle walls.
- You won't be moved if you're already inside your faction's castle.
Faction Buffs
- When the war begins, each faction's commander will grant a boon for 5 minutes to all who approach them within Ornette/Odore Castle.
- These buffs will help support your conquest of sanctums.
Kamasylvia Faction | O'dyllita Faction | ||
Narchillan's Blessing (Effect: Extra AP Against Monsters +30 for 10 min) |
Sephir's Blessing (Effect: Extra AP Against Monsters +30 for 10 min) |
Ranks & Simplified Family Info
- All participants will see their character name display simplified as the following during the war:
- Faction (Kamasylvia: White Rose Legion / O'dyllita: Black Rose Legion)
- Rank (Based on performance, but Captain/Lieutenant remains fixed)
- Family Name

Hero | Devourer | Elite Champion | Champion |
100 kills | 50 kills | 30 kills | Base rank |
Additional Notes
- Guild skills are restricted on a server with War of the Roses in progress.
- Akin to Node/Conquest War rules, all monsters on War of the Roses servers will disappear 15 minutes prior to war's beginning, only to return 10 minutes after a war's conclusion.
- Akin to Node/Conquest War rules, all usage of/access to the Archaeologist's Map, Lafi Bedmountain's Improved Compass/Telescope, and the Magnus Abyssal Wells are restricted.
- Akin to Node/Conquest War rules, all non-participants on the same server will see their DP reduced to 0 and become susceptible to participant attacks.
* Only adventurers bearing the "War Correspondent" title can go about their corresponding ways, unaffected by the above effects.
- All areas where the War of the Roses is in progress become Combat Zones.
War of the Roses - Sanctums & Monsters

Sanctums & Guardians
- There are 20 sanctums in the War of the Roses, with different monsters spawning at each sanctum.
- Minus the 1st sanctum occupied in the beginning by each faction, once war commences, Faded Relics will spawn at each neutral sanctum, which will remain passive to adventurers.
- If a sanctum is occupied by the opposing faction, you will need to defeat all monsters that have spawned at that sanctum. Once all monsters have been cleared, an allied guardian monster will spawn affiliated to the newly re-occupied sanctum.
- Guardian monster types are fixed based on each sanctum.
Kamasylvia Faction Guardian Monsters | O'dyllita Faction Guardian Monsters | ||
Urugon, Ronin, Narc Brishka, Old Mirumok, Fadus Warrior, Fadus Shaman, Fadus Archer |
Olun's Golem, Ulutuka, Turo Berserker, Dark Knight, Ahib Salun Wolf Spearmaiden, Ahib Salun Bear Spearmaiden, Ahib Dark Champion |
- You can only conquer sanctums that are closest to a sanctum occupied by your faction. Defeating monsters in any other sanctums will not let your faction occupy them.
- Each time your faction occupies a sanctum, all participants in your faction will obtain one of the following passive effects.
- You can check the tactical map to see which sanctum grants which passive effect.
Sanctum Passives | |||
AP +40 | |||
Damage Reduction +40 | |||
Black Spirit's Rage Recovery +2% per 10 sec | |||
All Resistance +5% | |||
HP +2,000 | |||
Movement Speed +10% | |||
Attack Speed +3% | |||
Accuracy +40 | |||
Evasion +40 |
Spirit's Altar
- There is only one Spirit's Altar during the war, and you must transfer enough Black Spirit's Rage into the monsters spawned around the altar to occupy it.
- The Spirit's Altar is crucial to occupy before attempting to siege the enemy faction's castle due to the powerful buffs it grants, and will also spawn Ancient Chariots, Ancient Trolls, and elephants.
Spirit's Altar Occupation Effects | |||
Ancient Chariot, Ancient Trolls, Elephants "Spirit's Blessing" boon granted * The Spirit's Blessing grants temporary but powerful effects helpful when besieging the enemy castle. |
so taking them down while under the effects of the Spirit's Blessing is the key to achieving victory in the War of the Roses.
- Once the Spirit's Altar is activated, it cannot be re-occupied for 20 minutes, and you can check the timer on the tactical map.
War of the Roses - Victory Conditions
- You must defeat the opposing faction's commander located within their castle walls to achieve victory in War of the Roses.
- If both commanders remain standing at the end of the War of the Roses, the faction whose commander has the highest HP wins.
Commander Narchillan of Ornette Castle | Commander Sephir of Odore Castle | ||
![]() |
![]() |
- Guards watch over the inner and outer walls of each faction's castle, and they are quite formidable, so proceed with caution.
- Defeated guards will not respawn.
War of the Roses - Tactical Map
Tactical Map

- The Tactical Map is exclusively used in place of the world map during the War of the Roses.
- The war area and status of the faction commander can be checked, along with sanctum status (remaining HP, occupation status), and the placement of platoons.
- Regardless of your faction, allies are marked in blue, and enemies are marked in red on the Tactical Map.
- The location and status of members based on their position can also be viewed.
Captains & Lieutenants | - Can see the location of all allies and enemy locations in revealed areas. | ||
Platoon Leaders of Each Faction | - Can see one's current location and the location of other platoon members. | ||
Platoon Members of Each Faction The Third Legion of Each Faction |
- Can see one's current location |
Tactical Map Control
[F1] Platoon List | - The list of platoons formed by guild members and the Third Legion can be checked on the bottom left of the Tactical Map. | ||
[F2] Platoon Deployment | - Captains can place guild members and the Third Legion in platoons (20 members max each). - Once placed, the Third Legion can be given missions by the captain at a platoon level. |
[F3] Mission Assignment | - Captains and lieutenants can assign missions to the Third Legion by clicking on sanctums and such. | ||
[F4] Chat UI | - The chat UI can be toggled on or off in the Tactical Map. | ||
RMB | - Navigation is directed to the region right-clicked on. | ||
Area Selection ALT + LMB (Drag) |
- Select allies located within the area. - RMB after selection to set navigation for allies towards said area. |
Navigation (Ping Function) ALT + RMB |
- The Tactical Map displays four different navigation guide colors: red, yellow, blue, and green. - All allies can see the navigation guide colors on their screen. |
Faction Skills
- Only the captain can use the six faction skills during the War of the Roses.
- The six faction skills are as follows.
Skill Name | Skill Description | ||
![]() Enhance Vision
Reveals an obscured field of vision for 10 sec. Cooldown: 5 min |
![]() Rally Forces
Instantly teleports a selected platoon to the targeted sanctum. Cooldown: 5 min |
![]() Powerful Attack
Summon King Griffon/Khalk near a designated sanctum to temporarily unleash heavy area-of-effect damage. Cooldown: 10 min |
![]() Summon Ogre
Summons a group of violent Ogres near the designated sanctum. The summoned Ogres will disappear when a targeted sanctum's guardian is defeated or after a certain time period. Cooldown: 20 min |
![]() Obscure Vision
Obscures the enemy's field of vision in fog for 30 sec. The enemy captain can use "Enhance Vision" skill to remove the obscure vision effect. Cooldown: 3 min |
![]() Immobilize Guardians
Freezes the sanctum's guardians and restores 20% of their HP, making them impossible to target for approximately 1 min. Cooldown: 10 min |
The Third Legion's Mission
- Adventurers participating as members of the Third Legion can go on missions assigned by the captain, which may be completed at a platoon level.
- The six types of missions are as follows.
- Depending on which mission is selected for a given location (attack, defense, or enemy suppression), the Third Legion can be assigned one of the following six missions.
Sanctum Attack | Capture a specific sanctum within 10 min. | ||
Sanctum Defense | Defend a specific sanctum for 10 min. | ||
Defeat a Commander | Defeat a Commander within 10 min. | ||
Protect a Commander | Protect a Commander for 10 min. | ||
Defeat Enemies (x40) | Eliminate 40 enemies within 10 min. | ||
Spirit's Altar Activation | Activate the Spirit's Altar for your faction within 10 min. |
- Missions performed at platoon level can only be carried out one at a time, and multiple missions are impossible.
- Missions can continuously be assigned and completed. The more successful missions, the higher the rewards. (Note that during the preseason period, mission completion rewards will not be applied).
War of the Roses - Weapons
- During the War of the Roses, five types of weapons are available: Elephants, Chariots, Trolls, Ballistae, and Cannons. These spawn at specific locations at the start of the war.
- Elephants, Chariots, and Ballistae spawn on the bridge in front of each faction's Ornette/Odore castle, while Cannons spawn at designated spots.
- The Ancient Troll, a siege mount, is only summoned when the Spirit's Altar is occupied. It can be directly mounted by an adventurer from the occupying faction.
- Once deployed at the start of the war, these weapons do not respawn if destroyed and will disappear at the war's end.
- The War of the Roses weapons are accessible to all allies, regardless of whether they belong to the leading (captain's) guild or the Third Legion or their rank.
- When using the War of the Roses exclusive weapons - chariot, ballista, and cannon, no ammunition is consumed.
War of the Roses - Revival
- Upon death, you can choose a location on the Tactical Map to revive at.
- You can choose a location in your faction's castle, or a sanctum occupied by your allies.
- You can choose either Quick Revival (30 sec) or Revival (45 sec).
- Quick Revival is faster, but only recovers your HP by 20%, whereas Revival takes longer, but you recover full HP.
Quick Revival | Select an occupied sanctum and be revived with 20% HP 30 sec cooldown |
Revival | Select an occupied sanctum and be revived with 100% HP 45 sec cooldown |

War of the Roses - Rewards
War of the Roses Preseason Rewards
- The following rewards will be given at the end of the War of the Roses during the preseason.
- Rewards are distributed via Mail (B) during the maintenance after the War of the Roses.
War of the Roses Result | Leading Guild | Third Legion |
Victory | [Reward worth 3 billion Silver] - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x3 |
Liberation | [Reward worth 2 billion Silver] - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2 |
Defeat | [Reward worth 1.5 billion Silver] - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x1 - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x5 |
War of the Roses Season Rewards
- The following rewards are given at the end of the War of the Roses during seasons.
War of the Roses Result | Leading Guild | Third Legion |
Victory | [Reward worth 6 billion Silver] - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x3 - Rosy Victory Reward Chest x1 |
[Reward worth 3 billion Silver] - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x3 + additional rewards for mission completions |
Liberation | [Reward worth 4 billion Silver] - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2 - Rosy Liberation Reward Chest x1 |
[Reward worth 2 billion Silver] - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x2 + additional rewards for mission completions |
Defeat | [Reward worth 3 billion Silver] - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x1 - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x5 - Rosy Defeat Reward Chest x1 |
[Reward worth 1.5 billion Silver] - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G x1 - Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x5 + additional rewards for mission completions |
War of the Roses Penalty
- You will receive a penalty for the following violations while participating in the War of the Roses.
- Not connected to the War of the Roses server (O'dyllita-1) for more than 10 minutes.
- No character movement for more than 10 minutes during the War of the Roses.
- Moving out of the war area for more than 10 minutes or 10 times.

- When you receive the War of the Roses penalty, the below will be applied.
- Cannot collect War of the Roses rewards.
- Cannot participate in the following 4 wars as part of the Third Legion.
- Penalized participant information (guild and Family details) will be shared with their faction's captain and lieutenants for the real-time platoon reorganization.
- Penalized adventurers will be marked on the participants list on the left of the War of the Roses placement edit screen and the platoon list.

Repetitive Third Legion Participation Prevention
- When selecting participants for the Third Legion in the War of the Roses, the following priorities are applied.
- 1st Priority Group (Third Legion first picks): Those who are not selected as the Third Legion in the last war
- 2nd Priority Group (when the 1st priority group is short on members): Those with a history of being selected as the Third Legion in the last war
War Correspondent
- Added a function for adventurers with the War Correspondent title to view the status of the war via ESC → War → War of the Roses UI.
- You can check the Tactical Map and overall sanctum occupation status/HP while on the O'dyllita server during the war via the War of the Roses UI.
- You can also receive messages on the bottom right on the faction skills used by the captains of each faction.
- Removed the weight penalty applied within the Magnus.
- The Total Likes in each chat group will reset during the Feb 7 (Wed) maintenance.
- Temporary titles (90 Days) will be awarded to Adventurers who own either gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons.
- Temporary titles (90 Days) will also be awarded to Adventurers who own either gold, silver, or bronze Black Spirit icons in the Hall of Adventurers Chat Group.
- All previous titles that were awarded will be deleted during the next maintenance.
Chat Group | Gold | Silver | Bronze |
Lunar Halo Inn | Protector of Newbies | Luminary of Newbies | Herald of Newbies |
Dancing Marlin Tavern | Oh Captain, My Captain | Reliable First Mate | Hardworking Steerer |
Battle Arena | Fist of Legend | Born to Fight | Backstreet Fighter |
Hystria Ruins | Relentless Slayer | Perceptive Hunter | Clever Tracker |
Florin Neighborhood Meeting | Touch of Midas | Crafty | Diligent Life Skiller |
Garnier Troupe | Virtuoso | Genius Composer | Rhapsodist |
Heidel's Street | City Celebrity | Famed Storyteller | Street Herald |
Hall of Adventurers | Pathfinder | Role Model | Mentor |
Life Crystal & Vital Crystal
- Simplified Life Crystals and Vital Crystals that were once divided into each Life Skill.
Before | After | ||
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 11 Types of Life Crystal - Gathering/Fishing/Hunting/Cooking/Alchemy/Processing/Training/Trading/Sailing/Farming/Barter |
![]() Life Crystal
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() 8 Types of Vital Crystal - Gathering/Fishing/Hunting/Cooking/Alchemy/Processing/Training/Sailing |
![]() Vital Crystal
- Depending on the type and number of crystals owned for each Llife Skill, Silver and crystals have been reimbursed in accordance with the following processes.
One. The Life/Vital Crystals owned will be deleted and converted into Silver according to their type and quantity [Notice regarding silver and crystal type]
Two. You will receive up to 16 of the new simplified Life and Vital Crystals in place of the ones owned. The price of each Life/Vital Crystal is set at 150 million Silver.
(This has been set lower than the lowest priced crystal in all regions to prevent losses.)
Three. The total amount of Silver reimbursed from method (One) will be calculated from the number of Life/Vital Crystals distributed via method (Two). This will be sent to the Central Market warehouse.
Silver and Simplified Crystal Reimbursement: A Working Example | |||
① Owned Crystals | Life Crystal: Gathering (Assumed value of 400 million Silver) x10 Life Crystal: Fishing (Assumed value of 300 million Silver) x10 |
② Silver Reimbursement Calculation | All Life Crystals: Gathering/Fishing are deleted. (400 million Silver x 10) + (300 million Silver x 10) = converted to 7000 million silver |
All owned Life Crystals will be deleted and converted into Silver during step ①, ② The new simplified Life Crytal will then be provided based on the number of crystals owned (up to 16) This Silver deduction is to the benefit of adventurers who previously owned crystals, as the price has been set lower than that of the lowest costing crystal in all regions (150 million Silver). |
③ Simplified Crystals Acquired | New simplified Life Crystal is provided and the cost is deducted from the previously converted Silver balance (150 million Silver each) (Up to a max of 16, the total that can actually be equipped and used in the Crystal Preset before the update). |
④ Results | - Obtain 16 newly simplified Life Crystals for a full Crystal Preset, - Acquire 4.6 billion Silver (converted Silver - cost of 16 new Life Crystals) |
* The following measures have been taken for those who crafted crystlas via Alchemy or sold them on the Central Market since the initial item simplification notice on Jan 19, 2024 (Wed), up until before the Jan 31 (Wed) maintenance.
- For crystals crafted via Alchemy, materials used in crafting were returned.
- For crystals crafted via Alchemy and sold on the Central Market, the total amount of Silver earned was retrieved.
Deletion of Certain Crystals
- Deleted the following Magic Crystals from the game.
Magic Crystal | Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame | Magic Crystal of Abundance | Magic Crystal of the Sun |
Magic Crystal - Crimson Flame Magic Crystal - Destruction Magic Crystal - Temptation Magic Crystal - Meditation Magic Crystal - Enchantment Magic Crystal - Agony |
Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame - Carnage (3 types) Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame - Precision Magic Crystal of Crimson Flame - Power |
Magic Crystal of Abundance - Healing Magic Crystal of Abundance - Armor Magic Crystal of Abundance - Patience Magic Crystal of Abundance - Resonance Magic Crystal of Abundance - Vigor |
Magic Crystal of the Sun - Ensnare Magic Crystal of the Sun - Valor Magic Crystal of the Sun - Sturdiness Magic Crystal of the Sun - Boulder Magic Crystal of the Sun - Assault |
Magic Crystal of Nature | Magic Crystal of Enhancement | Magic Crystal of Infinity | |
Magic Crystal of Nature - Swiftness Magic Crystal of Nature - Ascension Magic Crystal of Nature - Descent Magic Crystal of Nature - Endurance Magic Crystal of Nature - Adamantine |
Magic Crystal of Enchantment - Intimidation Magic Crystal of Enchantment - Memory Magic Crystal of Enchantment - Vision Magic Crystal of Enchantment - Agility Magic Crystal of Enchantment - Experience |
Magic Crystal of Infinity - Carnage (3 types) Magic Crystal of Infinity - Precision Magic Crystal of Infinity - Power Magic Crystal of Infinity - Vigor Magic Crystal of Infinity - Patience Magic Crystal of Infinity - Healing Magic Crystal of Infinity - Resonance Magic Crystal of Infinity - Swiftness Magic Crystal of Infinity - Adamantine Magic Crystal of Infinity - Ascension Magic Crystal of Infinity - Descent Magic Crystal of Infinity - Endurance Magic Crystal of Infinity - Assault Magic Crystal of Infinity - Sturdiness Magic Crystal of Infinity - Valor |
Magic Crystal of Infinity - Ensnare Magic Crystal of Infinity - Strength Magic Crystal of Infinity - Memory Magic Crystal of Infinity - Intimidation Magic Crystal of Infinity - Vision Magic Crystal of Infinity - Agility Magic Crystal of Infinity - Durability Magic Crystal of Infinity - Speed Attack Magic Crystal of Infinity - Counter Attack Magic Crystal of Infinity - Siege Magic Crystal of Infinity - Melee Defense Magic Crystal of Infinity - Ranged Defense Magic Crystal of Infinity - Magic Defense Magic Crystal of Infinity - Melee Attack Magic Crystal of Infinity - Ranged Attack Magic Crystal of Infinity - Magic Attack |
- Changed the number of item types needed for Chapter 3 of Deve's Encyclopedia - Volume 5 from 5 → 3.
- Removed Magic Crystal of Infinity - Vision from the ingredients needed to craft Marking Reagent.
- Changed some completion objectives, conditions, rewards and conversations for the quests such as [Alchemy Skilled] and [Alchemy Professional].
- Removed the above deleted crystals from jewelers and monster zone loot.
- Knowledge of deleted crystal items can now be obtained through jewelers in each town.
- Changed the items in some reward boxes which included the now deleted crystals.
- Changed the item name of Faint Magic Crystal Box to Magic Crystal of Infinity Box.
- Deposited Silver in the Central Market warehouse according to the Central Market price of each Magic Crystal owned.
- For Nature/Magic Crystal of Infinity - Endurance, where some effects have been transferred to Hystria Crystal, Silver has been compensated based on the max price on the Central Market.
* The value of items were set based on the Central Market as of an 19, 2024 (Fri) at 08:10 (UTC).
JIN, BON, WON Magic Crystals, Black Magic Crystal - Hystria
- Changed the max Stamina effect of the following Hystria Crystals.
Magic Crystal | Equipped Effect | ||
![]() JIN Magic Crystal - Hystria |
Max Stamina +175 → +300 Movement Speed +1 Weight Limit +30 LT |
![]() BON Magic Crystal - Hystria |
Max Stamina +150 → +275 Movement Speed +1 Weight Limit +50 LT |
![]() WON Magic Crystal - Hystria |
Max Stamina +150 → +275 Movement Speed +2 Weight Limit +20 LT |
![]() Black Magic Crystal - Hystria |
Max Stamina +150 → +275 Movement Speed +1 Weight Limit +20 LT |

Dim Magic Crystal
- Simplified Dim Magic Crystals that were once divided into each Life Skill.
- Removed Dim Magic Crystal: Combat and Dim Magic Crystal: Karma.
Before | After | ||
![]() Dim Magic Crystal: Gathering/Fishing/Hunting/Cooking/Alchemy/Processing/Training/Trading/Sailing/Farming (+3% EXP in the life skill when equipped) |
![]() Dim Magic Crystal: Life
(+3% Life EXP when equipped) |
![]() Dim Magic Crystal: Combat/Karma (+3% Combat EXP gain, +3% Karma Recovery) |
Removed (Silver reimbursed according to the Central Market price) |
- Increased the max number transfusable in the Dim Magic Crystal group from 2 → 6.
- Dim Magic Crystals for each Life Skill have been collectively converted into the simplified Dim Magic Crystal: Life.
* The value of items were set based on the Central Market as of an 19, 2024 (Fri) at 08:10 (UTC).
Changes to Crystal Grades
- Changed the following Magic Crystal of Infinity items from Blue Grade to Yellow Grade.
- Magic Crystal of Infinity can no longer be crafted through Alchemy due to its grade change.
Changed Magic Crystal Grades | |||
Magic Crystal of Infinity - Armor Magic Crystal of Infinity - Experience/Skill Magic Crystal of Infinity - HP Recover/MP Recovery Magic Crystal of Infinity - Back Attack/Down Attack/Air Attack Magic Crystal of Infinity - Critical Hit Magic Crystal of Infinity - Special Evasion Magic Crystal of Infinity - Energy Increase Magic Crystal of Infinity - Submergence Magic Crystal of Infinity - Ignore Knockback/Knockdown/Grab/Stun Resistance |

- Updated the following World Bosses loot to now drop Lackluster Crystal Fragment.
- Kzarka, the Lord of Corruption, Nightmarish Kzarka
- Nouver, Bloodstorm Nouver
- Ancient Kutum, Thundercloud Kutum
- Karanda, Stormbringer Karanda
- Obtaining Lackluster Crystal Fragments will allow you to obtain one of the following items according to a set probability:
Obtainable Items | |||
Magic Crystal of Infinity - Experience Magic Crystal of Infinity - Skill Magic Crystal of Infinity - HP Recover Magic Crystal of Infinity - MP Recovery Magic Crystal of Infinity - Energy Magic Crystal of Infinity - Submergence |

- Changed the loot gained when defeating a Guild Boss to no longer include Stone of Malice.
- Changed the preferred items of some NPCs that could be given as Gifts.
Changed NPC Preferred Items | |||
Magic Crystal - Crimson Flame → Clown's Blood Magic Crystal of Infinity - Vigor → Iron Ingot Magic Crystal of Infinity - Patience → Lead Ingot Magic Crystal of Infinity - Healing → Copper Ingot Magic Crystal of Infinity - Resonance → Tin Ingot Magic Crystal of Abundance - Armor → Gold Ingot Magic Crystal of Nature - Swiftness → Brass Ingot Grade 1 Weapon Reform Stone → Strong Resurrection Elixir Grade 1 Armor Reform Stone → Surging Energy Elixir Shining Steel Lumbering Axe → Magic Lumbering Axe Shining Steel Pickaxe → Magic Pickaxe Lucky Sharp Tanning Knife → Magic Tanning Knife |
Southern Ulukita
- The passage to Southern Ulukita, concealed amidst the rugged sandstorms of the barrens, has now become accessible.
- This region is characterized by chilly winds, providing a stark contrast to the abrasive sand dust and blazing sun that define Ulukita. Legendary stories abound regarding the descendants of the Knights of Dawn, who vanished from Calpheon in the past and are said to inhabit this land.
Yzrahid Highlands
- Added Yzrahid Highlands, the new monster zone in Ulukita.
Recommended Stats | Monster Zone Description | ||
Yzrahid Highlands Recommended AP: 310 Recommended DP: 420 |
Ancient weapons, safeguarding Yzrahid Highlands over countless ages, have been revealed. The largest among those, Seculion, appears to function as an ark storing the energy required for the other ones to operate. Some scholars suggest that they should control and utilize this formidable energy, yet there are no known attempts to experiment with it. * Seculion has the ability to self-repair and consistently summons weapons. |
Main Loot | Kabua's Artifact Flame of Resonance Kabua's Fragment Embers of Resonance Sealed Black Magic Crystal |
Darkened Artifact
- Darkened Artifacts have begun to appear throughout the Darkseekers' Retreat.
- Artifacts shrouded in dark energy no longer cause confusion among the surrounding Darkseekers.
- Changed the occurrence of the Sealed Artifact to not appear simultaneously when the Blazing Ember appears.
Deep Sunken Darkness
- As Darkened Artifacts emitted a powerful energy, Vengeful and Punitive Darkseekers left the Deep Sunken Darkness and disappeared.
- The Deep Sunken Darkness, which appears where Mournful Darkseekers are located, summons the Vengeful and Punitive Darkseekers at the start of the battle.
- It has three levels, and the higher the level, the more Darkseekers are summoned.
- Additional Mournful Darkseekers will also spawn in the place where the Vengeful and Punitive Darkseekers disappeared.
- The Deep Sunken Darkness, which appears where Mournful Darkseekers are located, summons the Vengeful and Punitive Darkseekers at the start of the battle.
Vengeful/Punitive Darkseeker
- Changed the concealed Vengeful and Punitive Darkseekers to be summoned from Deep Sunken Darkness.
- Changed the damage dealt by Vengeful and Punitive Darkseekers to apply more uniformly than before.
- Improved Vengeful and Punitive Darkseekers to attract its target closer before attacking.
Mournful Darkseeker
- Changed so that when Mournful Darkseeker is defeated, some nearby monsters are affected and take damage.
- Removed crowd control attacks from Mournful Darkseekers and in turn increased the damage of normal attacks.
- Reduced the damage of Mournful Darkseeker.
Eternal Darkseeker
- Changed the Darkseekers drawn by the energy of the Eternal Darkseeker to spawn faster.
- Added a Darkseeker to spawn at a certain probability when the Eternal Darkseeker is defeated.
- When you defeat a Darkseeker, you're guaranteed to acquire one Kabua's Fragment.
Common Changes
- Changed the amount of EXP gained, the probability of acquiring loot, and the quantity of loot.
- Changed the effect of Agris Fever to apply to all monsters in the Darkseekers' Retreat, excluding Darkseeker.
- Changed so that you can acquire Kabua's Fragment from all monsters in the Darkseekers' Retreat.
- Changed so that your Karma remains unaffected when defeating certain monsters in the Darkseekers' Retreat.
Aakman Temple [Dehkia's Lantern]
- Removed Some of the topography of the Aakman Temple.
- Changed the location of the Statue of Illusions in Aakman Temple [Dehkia's Lantern] accordingly.

- Improved the issue where the attack area display of the following World Bosses disappeared too quickly.
- Kzarka, the Lord of Corruption, Nightmarish Kzarka
- Nouver, Bloodstorm Nouver
- Ancient Kutum, Thundercloud Kutum
- Improved the smoothness of movement when moving at a very high speed on a Large Ship.
- Improved movement when moving through Oquilla's Current (sea route) with a ship at a very high speed (such as when using BreezySail).
- Changed the quests to obtain Shim Cheong's Miraculous Fish Tank in the Sea Palace as follows:
- Changed the following weekly quests to be normal quests and their completion objectives.
Quest | Quest Objective | Quest Requirements | |
Unexpected Encounter | Talk with Dorio Before: Catch green grade fish x3 After: Catch green grade fish x1 |
None | |
To Fill One's Belly | Talk with Dorio Before: Catch green grade fish x3 After: Catch green grade fish x1 |
Before: Complete Unexpected Encounter, from Thursday After: Complete Unexpected Encounter |
Otter Fishing Secrets | Talk with Dorio Before: Catch green grade fish x3 After: Catch green grade fish x2 |
Before: Complete To Fill One's Belly, from Thursday After: Complete To Fill One's Belly |
Suspicious Secret | Talk with Dorio Catch green grade fish x3 (Same as before) |
Before: Complete Otter Fishing Secrets, from Thursday After: Complete Otter Fishing Secrets |
- Changed the quests to obtain Shim Cheong's Miraculous Fish Tank so they are not displayed even when the Hide Completed Quests function in the Quests (O) window is unchecked.
- Added an additional quest guided by Dorio to Shim Cheong which is available upon completion of the Suspicious Secret quest and having obtained The Tale of Shim Cheong knowledge in the Sea Palace.
- Changed the daily quests to obtain Fwuzzy Alpaca to normal quests.
- Available from Lv. 50 with a Shai.
Quest | |||
Befwend Fwuzzy Alpaca Fwuzzy Alpaca in Danger Alpaca Cries Wolf Fwuzzy Alpaca Approves? |
- Changed the quests to obtain Fwuzzy Alpaca so they are not displayed even when the Hide Completed Quests function in the Quests (O) window is unchecked.
- Improved the process of accepting [Cleansed Cup] quests from Lejenti, to include a conversation with her about cup removal.
- Added a guide to the description of the quest [Labreska's Helmet] Entangled in Erasure.
- Changed the challenge rewards provided when reaching Trading Professional/Artisan.
- Challenge You reached [Trading Professional]!: Trade Privilege Certificate → Skilled Trader's Clothes
- Challenge You reached [Trading Artisan]!: Trade Privilege Certificate → Professional Trader's Clothes
- Improved the issue where you couldn't proceed with the [Timed Quest] Timeless Stories quest while in progress with the last chapter of Herald's Journal - Volume 3 in the Old Moon Logs due to being unable to talk to Crucio Domongatt.
- Added an explanation about inhabiting in cold regions to knowledge descriptions of Snowflake Stoneback Crab and Snowfield Yak.
- Improved the Node War participation opportunity description in the Guild (G) window to fit actual gameplay.
- Changed the location of some wandering NPCs on Angie Island.
- Fixed the following UIs to open in alignment with the height of the Inventory (I) window to the left.
- Alchemy Stone, Dye Palette, Combine Dye, Totem of the Sea, Processing, Travel Bag, Life Tools Bag, Aquarium, Cooking/Alchemy, NPC Shop, Storage, Trade Warehouse (Central Market)

- Added a feature to show the equipment part name of the empty equipment slot in the mount information window as a tooltip.
- Changed the Recent Cooking and Recent Alchemy window to open from the left during cooking/alchemy.
- Fixed the spacing of the slots in Clorince's Travel Bag and Shim Cheong's Miraculous Fish Tank to be same.
- Fixed the Guild Point Form window to display in the center of the screen regardless of screen resolution.
- Changed the Season 3 server (exclusive to new adventurers) to the O'dyllita 1 Server for the War of the Roses update.
- Added Auto-Login to the launcher.
- When toggled on, the launcher will be automatically logged in upon start up.
- If you have an OTP registered, you need OTP authentication to toggle auto-login on.
- Logging off from a launcher with auto-login activated will disable it.
- If you need to remotely turn off auto-login, you can use the launcher log out feature in My Page.
- Removed the Register PC function.
- If you had both register PC and OTP registered, you now only need OTP to login.
- If you had both register PC and OTP registered, you now only need OTP to login.
- Added a Launcher Log Out function to My Page.
- On the official website's Account page, go to Security Center → Manage Login → Launcher Log Out.
- On the official website's Account page, go to Security Center → Manage Login → Launcher Log Out.
- Changed the display format of mentioned adventurers from "@nickname" to "nickname".
- Changed and unified the following in English:
- Dry Pine Tree → Dry Moss Tree
- Magic Crystal of Infinity - Heal → Magic Crystal of Infinity - Healing
- Camera Perspective → Camera Viewpoint
Modified or Changed
- Fixed the issue where some sounds overlapped when closing the World Map (M).
- Fixed the issue where the camera acted awkwardly when taking out a horse from the following NPCs.
- Muzgar: Stable Keeper Ricter, Oasis Vendor Girgo Viano
- Barhan Camp: Stable Keeper Zraiman, Oasis Vendor Girgo Viano
- Fixed the issue where the direction guide was not displayed on the minimap when navigating in the desert/Great Ocean.
- Improved the navigation to the Abyssal Well in Ulukita to be more natural.
- Fixed the issue where the filter of the shaded item was removed while using some features of the Inventory (I) in certain situations.
- Fixed the issue where navigation to Oquilla's Eye from the mainland was unavailable.
- Fixed the issue where the appearance of the upgraded guild galley with decreased durability was unnaturally displayed.
- Fixed the following for the Academia outfits for the classes below:
- Female Classes: Fixed the appearance of the armor to be more natural on specific body shapes.
- Witch, Ninja, Drakania: Fixed some aspects of the outfit to appear more natural.
- Sorceress: Fixed the issue where the appearance of a Talisman was exposed.
- Lahn, Nova, Dark Knight: Fixed the issue where the weapon was exposed when out of combat with your awakening weapon equipped.
- Lahn: Fixed so that hair does not overlap with Academia Helmet.
- Lahn: Fixed the issue where the appearance of the skirt was somewhat unnatural.
- Dark Knight: Fixed the issue where the appearance of the helmet was unnatural in certain graphics settings.
- Lahn, Ranger: Fixed the issue where when wearing the helmet with modified ear appearances, the hair appeared unnatural.
- Nova: Fixed the issue where the appearance of the socks was unnatural when Hide Cape function was activated.
- Wizard: Fixed the issue where the gloves appeared unnatural when in combat stance with your awakening weapon equipped.
- Corsair: Fixed the expression during the unique idle animation.
- Shai: Fixed the unnatural appearance of the armor's cape when in combat stance.
- Scholar: Fixed the issue where the color of the socks changed when Hide Cape function was activated.
- [Maehwa] Fixed the hair to be more natural when wearing Grandpa Cron's Assistant Helmet in certain graphics settings.
- [Valkyrie] Fixed the issue where the fishing line and float appeared unnatural during ice fishing.
- [Archer] Fixed the issue where some parts of the appearance were unnatural when wearing the Seahorse Diving Hat.
- Fixed the issue where the appearance of the donkey was unnatural from certain camera viewpoints.
- Fixed the issue where the Graduate Season button could not be used with the Gamepad UI.
- [Scholar] Fixed the issue where incorrect voice recordings were played for some skills.
- Fixed the issue where Kamasylvia Castle appeared abnormal on the World Map (M).
- Fixed the Issue where dead guild members were not displayed on the World Map (M).
- Fixed the issue where you could not use Shim Cheong's Miraculous Fish Tank with the Gamepad UI.