Greetings, Adventurers!
It's [GM]Corruption and [GM]Ronin here to feature a representative from a selection of your very own NA and EU life skill guilds! Many of you may know the guilds interviewed below. Maybe you saw them in-game stealing your pine tree rotation! Maybe you've seen some of their guild members sitting at the top of the Gathering leaderboards! However it may be, we have decided to get some input from Clarity, Life, Sisu, ManosHoes, Ingenious, Calypso, and A00. Life skilling may not be the only content these guilds participate in but it is a big part! Check out these interviews to gain some insight on how these guilds began, their throughts on the state of life skilling, and much more!
* Did you know that we also interviewed nodewar guilds? You can find these interviews [here].
Would you please introduce yourself?
Clarity(EU) I am Skooti, Advisor for the guild Clarity and started playing the game with its release on Steam.
ManosHoes(NA)Hey! I'm Merms. Been playing BDO for 4 and1/2 years now and streaming my journey along the way.
Life(EU)I am JTR, many people in the game call me Jeff. (Yes it's because of the meme "My name is Jeff" but no. My irl name isn't Jeff). I am the leader of Life, which is currently the number #1 lifeskill guild on EU. We are an international mature guild that mainly includes high end lifeskillers who want to chill and lifeskill in a peaceful environment.
Ingenious(NA)Hi! My name is JariWeis, I am the GM of Ingenious, which is part of the Ingen community. I am 26 years old, and I am from Frisia, a Northern province of The Netherlands!
Sisu(EU)Hi, I'm Nemo, also known as Kossukissa by fam name or Niimmo on twitch. I am The Lioness aka leader of my pride, Sisu. These answers are also strongly influenced by the opinions of my second in commands: Habuzaki and Freecca.
Calypso(NA)Calypso is a casual-yet-active PvE/Lifeskill guild where we try to just have a place to enjoy some (hopefully) positive interactions while we're all working our way through the long-game in BDO. My family name is Heartguard, and I am the current GM and cat-herder for Calypso.
A00(EU)I started actively playing Black Desert March 2018 on the 2nd anniversary and have been actively trying to stay in the top growth since the combat experience rework in August 2018. I got Lv.66 on June 21, 2020 being the 5th in EU and got Lv.67 on September 25, 2022 where I placed 2nd in EU. Currently, I am pushing the 1st in EU, RisingSun, to always move up his schedule to maintain his spot since the beginning of the year. In between my EXP sessions, I'm doing guild quests and leveling my lifeskill mastery, as well as keeping the A00 guild running and evolving, of which I am the founder and guild master. I had a music composer period, a red battlefield period, I also do housing, currently at #1, Eilton.
How long has your guild been around?
Clarity(EU)Clarity was founded in November 2017 and will be turning 5 years soon!
ManosHoes(NA)The Hoes have been active since September 2021.
Life(EU)The guild Life was created on the 3rd of September, 2020. We have recently celebrated our second year anniversary.
Ingenious(NA)Ingenious has been around since about mid 2017!
Sisu(EU)Sisu, as is, was born at the beginning of this year.
Calypso(NA)Calise started Calypso in January of '21, which feels like three ages and four lifetimes ago now.
A00(EU)The guild was created on March 5, 2020 and has never been inactive since.
How did your guild grow into the guild that it is today?
Clarity(EU)I think the main reason why we are where we are is because of the lifeskill ranking system. Early on we set our main goal to be at the top of the lifeskill rankings. Character and Guild wise. This was the spark that kept us going and persevered until we reached it! We did reach that goal and held it for 2 years. We had a slow start but grew with having a core community that supported each other in their endeavours. Doing lifeskill centered guild activities like whale-and khalk hunting kept the fun in.
ManosHoes(NA)I don't really know lol. I think it was mainly by me streaming and people seeing the positivity and coziness that many guilds do not have. No pressure or judgment, just a willingness to learn. |
Life(EU)When Life started, we had a good player base to kick-start the guild. We were around 20 members that migrated together from our previous guild. The first couple of months of Life were very rough. There was too much to be done in too little time. I remember how many sleepless nights I had especially when everyone was an apprentice and I was the only one able to take guild quests (maybe a suggestion to adjust the apprentice system for newly made guilds). I skipped my sleep for those 2 weeks and survived on power naps (don't try this at home) until my friends ended up doing an intervention to stop me. Seeing how it all paid off when we ended up on the top rankings within 3 months of creation and we claimed our #1 on our 1 year anniversary, it was all worth it.
Ingenious(NA)We started as a Sailing guild, but after that content was fundamentally changed the guild started to accommodate for more than just sailing content. There was a brief period where we acted as a kind of "reserve" / Ingenium waiting list guild, but those days were very short lived. Slowly but surely we became more well known as a friendly, helpful, and casual lifeskill/PvE guild!
Sisu(EU)We have worked hard to make everything in the guild work and to be a pleasant place for all of our cubs. The biggest spark for me to make this guild work was to try and create a safe place for lifeskillers while nurturing that bit of competiteveness and hunger for greatness. We are not only a BDO guild. We are a community and we have sprouted forever lasting friendships and even relationships within our guild. We chill in discord and enjoy our time together just doing other stuff as well.
Calypso(NA)We originally made it up to Medium and didn't really think to do much more than that. Then Calise hurled us into a guild recruitment event from which I'm still nursing scars. It was so hectic! But we took off after that, and we decided we really enjoyed having an active playerbase. It just makes the BDO grind a lot more enjoyable. So we try to keep our roster at least somewhat active, and discourage those who are only afk-active, to give ourselves and our players that important level of interaction. And as our officers like to point out, "Calypso #1 Community Guild!"
A00(EU)I founded the guild because I needed a fresh start, I had just sold my gear for the last bid event at the time and had to start the progression from scratch. The guild was called Synthesia at the time, but we changed it in the fall of 2021 because of the guild ranking order. It froze at 2000 points, and the second criteria was the alphabetical order of the guild name. After several tests of the Black Desert naming system, it turns out that A00 has priority over all other names.
What is something interesting about life skilling that most players don't know?
Ingenious(NA)That you can get a special pet from the moles that spawn during farming! If you gather enough of the petals you can exchange them for a mole pet which functions like a hedgehog pet, but for farming instead of gathering!
Calypso(NA)The most interesting thing about lifeskilling is how the smallest objects you run by can make a lot of silver like the Insectivore Plants or the Stoneback Crabs.
And players can actually make big profits if they explore the markets and find the right areas in which they want to make silver. (Contributors: Twighlite and Rogue_Coffee) |
A00(EU)Against the shortage of Hard Crystal Shard or Black Crystal Shard Sharp, there was 13 rare hunting monsters that got implemented in the game during 2021. They each have 3 to 5 possible spots, all isolated, a repop time of 12 hours, are present on every server and give 5 hard and 3 sharp per skinning for sure. This loot can be multiplied in a guaranteed way by 2 with a hunting mastery of 900+ or by 3 with a hunting mastery of 1500+.
What is the bread and butter of life skills in your opinion? What would they be and why?
Clarity(EU)Gathering is easy to get into and offers lots of variety from butchering, to logging, and to gathering in remote spaces like the desert and the ocean.
Hunting is an excellent way to farm resources at any level of progression and levelling up your hunting skill gets massively rewarded by unlocking skills and more bullet capacity.
Cooking is a great way to make AFK silver and boost your contribution points, which in turn can be invested into more storage space or expanding your worker empire. It can be as chill as you want but also offers endless possibilities for min-maxing if that's what you're into. Together with gathering and hunting you can form production chains and reap massive rewards. |
Life(EU)If you ask any lifeskiller this question the answer will be very easy: "gathering/hunting/cooking/alchemy". With the "meta" mentality spreading these days and the amount of profit you can generate from those lifeskills, it kind of is the obvious answer. But the truth is that in Life, we have all sorts of lifeskillers, we have trainers, hunters, sailors, market players, gamblers, sheets addicts, cooks. All sorts of lifeskillers exist here, we even had some members that do active trading and if you are familiar with lifeskilling you will understand how weird this is.In the end we do our best to avoid Monotony in the guild and make sure that everyone gets to have fun as they want.
Sisu(EU)Bread and butter of life skilling in BDO is the theory-craft that stands behind long-time plans, hours of brainstorming, studying spreadsheets, adapting to changes, and sometimes planning ahead for the course of months, maybe even years. Then watching everything unfold as planned, bringing life-levels, silver income and personal satisfaction for a well executed plan.
I've heard about duel for spot for milking cows, is that a thing you are aware of?
ManosHoes(NA)LOL I haven't heard of such things happening. But if it does just swap channels. There's no need to waste your time. The griefers' goal is to waste yours so don't let them win. |
Calypso(NA)I hadn't heard about dueling for cows but it's not a surprise either. Lifeskillers are protective of their spots and we could definitely use more cows in the game since it can get a little crowded during the most populated gaming times. When it comes to milking it helps to stick to smaller milking spots to avoid other players. (Contributors: Twighlite and Rogue_Coffee)
Sisu(EU)Personally, not for milking but things have gotten agressive at times. Especially fighting over horses during events and gathering Behr at peak hours. As a guild we aim to stay away from fighting and instead use our words to deal with situations like these. We prefer peaceful options that can make both parties happy. Duels shouldn't be a thing at lifeskill spots. People mostly don't carry gear there and we would prefer more peaceful and fair options that can be fun like Yar for spot instead.
What is your proudest accomplishment? Are you aiming for anything specific?
Ingenious(NA)There's two ways to answer this question for us! The first, and most important one, would be that we became a fairly well known guild that's generally seen in a positive light! We've created a friendly and helpful community that a lot of people feel is their home. I would say that's something quite unique! The second being the fact that we, as a casual guild, managed to win a Siege on the Balenos territory! We were just dabbling in the PvP content for fun and we managed to have a crown over our heads while we were fishing for Koibois! |
Clarity(EU)Our biggest accomplishment, I would say, is that we reached and kept our goal of leading all lifeskill rankings for over 2 years pretty consistently.
On top of that, seeing our guildies and ex guildies help other lifeskillers in the BDO community from answering questions in the game itself, to making whole websites and spreadsheets to help figure out lifeskilling.
We aim to support our guildies in their BDO progress. Mainly through lifeskilling of course. But we have all sorts of content lovers. There's always someone to give advice no matter what the type of content is. We try to offer members everything we can as a guild to help them, for example weekly Khan and Guildbosses, and to just be a fun place to hang out. |
Life(EU)I think that would be the day we overtook the #1 lifeskill guild position and currently we are trying to claim #1 on all 11 lifeskills. I remember, during that day, I went through our #announcement channel, having a look at all we have been through. I could see the story of the guild as I scrolled down. I remembered old friends that left us. I remembered how I met new friends that became closer than I had thought they would. I remember having tears in my eyes looking at the fruits of all of our efforts in front of us. Despite all of the attacks and discouragements that we had and still have, we made it. Another proud moment I had was last year when PA distributed Garmoth scrolls to guilds. (I don't recall the circumstances). I remember we had almost 50 members attending. It felt so warm to see the huge attendance that day. It was like looking at your child and admiring how much they grew. |
Which recent life skill change/improvement/update is your favorite?
ManosHoes(NA)That's a tough question! I would have to say the heavy duty packing cord for imperial boxes and the fact that we don't have to race someone at reset for the turn-ins. |
Calypso(NA)The recent horse changes are MY FAVORITE. But really they've revitalized horse training for a number of members in guild and that's exciting to many of us. The farming changes have also been very appreciated by our lifeskillers and we're looking forward to seeing what has been hinted at to come. And the addition of Mastery a few years back was really game-changing overall. It brought both profitability and depth to the skills that hadn't been there before for those who had been lifeskilling since launch. (Contributors: Twighlite and Rogue_Coffee)
Sisu(EU)The Sisu lions agree that the recent updates that has helped us save inventory space have been amazing. Especially combining the drops on different lifeskills like Blush Leaves for farming. The artifacts were a really nice addition and has hugely improved the Quality of life for lifeskillers as well.
What are your thoughts about the current state of life skilling in Black Desert?
Ingenious(NA)Personally I would say that it feels fairly imbalanced to a lot of people. Not only is PvE content a better money maker 95% of the time, it also seems that at any given time there's one or two lifeskills that are "king" for a while, which then gets changed around. It's a bit like a cat and mouse game! In a more general sense I think most of the lifeskills are pretty well designed at the moment, especially hunting and bartering which are in a really good spot. I think trading could do with a rework, though. |
Clarity(EU)We had some nice improvements to certain lifeskills recently. But there are still many lifeskills that feel lackluster or are outdated. So most people only stick to a few lifeskills and ignore the others sadly. For those that do all lifeskills it's more for a passion or for chasing ranks, not a way to make silver.
I would like to see alchemy, sailing, bartering and trading get some love as well. Maybe a shift in the lifeskilling meta would be a nice challenge.
A lot of lifeskills could do with some simple QoL changes that don't really affect silver or xp per hour, but would make doing that lifeskill just more pleasant. For example, changing the taming minigame, reducing the time for wild horse respawns, stackable farming seeds in inventory, harpooning from carrack, stackable fishing relics etc.
An extra reason to keep pushing in a lifeskill would be a good addition. At G50 the only reason to keep doing that lifeskill is silver. Adding lifeskill treasure items would be motivating for those already at the top to keep going and for others to keep lifeskilling to eventually reach that top. |
A00(EU)The expectation of the players is turned almost exclusively on the economic side of things, which unfortunately makes the lifeskill a part of the game excluded from the progression of the players because of the gear value which is more expensive than those of combat for a much weaker result and there are no mechanics such as Narchillian, Capotia jewels or NPC Jetina to be able to experiment lifeskills correctly without investing money which would be more useful elsewhere.
If you could make a new life skill, what would it be?
ManosHoes(NA)That's hard to answer! Maybe an artist skill? Things we can paint and put in our residence and the higher the mastery the better furniture buff it gives. That or animal taming and breeding. |
Life(EU)1) Archaeology/Excavation lifeskill: From what the members suggested, we want a radar, compass or maybe a map combined with hints from NPCs. We will ride our horses or sail our boats around the world to find treasures such as antique manor furniture that give special buffs that can be sold on the market place and maybe some gold bars. Of course the good hard working adventurers that find the treasures will be rewarded with a good experience.
2) Taming: This idea started as a suggestion to adjust farming by adding animals to be collected (example sheep/deer/wolves), but instead it can be a whole new lifeskill where you go around the world and capture animals to take them to your manor. In your manor you could have certain “stats” that determine the growth speed of your herd of animals and you have to craft certain furniture to change those stats. You can capture bunnies, have a bunny farm, and add some carrot related furniture to the house that you refill with carrots. Then, you get to collect bunny meat from it after some time.
3) Other ideas that were thrown around were wine brewing or printing/writing to craft buff items (drinks and scrolls) or a carpenter to craft furniture. |
A00(EU)I would love a relic hunter job, archaeology style. Too many lifeskills require you to be on a rotation, a sector or a residence, but not really to be in exploration mode. I know that with the Lakiaros in Kamasylvia and Drieghan, as well as the fairy rifts, there are already random harvest point mechanics. Making a system to detect random harvesting points throughout the map based on crafting levels should not be impossible in Black Desert.
Any final words you would like to express?
Clarity(EU)While many people say the combat of BDO is the main draw of the game, I actually think the part of the game that is by far done the best is lifeskilling. I hope Pearl Abyss realises that for many players lifeskilling is main content and don’t consider it sidecontent, and therefore will keep putting in effort to improve it and keep it relevant.
As for players that never tried lifeskilling or only tried the main three (cooking/gathering/hunting), I recommend you try going outside the box. You may end up loving it. This current lifeskilling season is a good time to try it. If lifeskilling seems too daunting, there are enough content creators, Discords and websites to help you out. |
Life(EU)We want to thank you for this opportunity to speak and talk about our guild and community experience. We want to thank PA for a lot of their recent changes to the game, such as qualities of life changes, and encourage them to give more attention to lifeskilling. I want to remind them that BDO had its peak back in 2019 when mastery and sea content changes were introduced. Lifeskillers like to try out new stuff and it has proven very beneficial to the game whenever we are given new content. We humbly ask you to give lifeskilling more attention. We want to thank the support team for their efforts. You have been working hard to give the game special events and keep the community safe. Last, but not least, I would like to say thank you to all of my ex and current guild members for all of your contributions to the guild. I want to tell you all that whether we were on good or bad terms, I still appreciate meeting you and that you matter. We will end this by letting you know that our guild is open to helping the game/support team in anyway needed ^^. We can take surveys or partake in events etc…
Sisu(EU)I would like to thank PA for this opportunity and we really appreciate you looking at the players' (especially lifeskillers') opinions and feedback. And I want to send love to all the lovely people I have met on my 40 thousand hour journey in Black Desert. This community has the ability to be so nice and immersive<3
A00(EU)I would love a repairable fishing boat that wears jolly sails and allows spearfishing. Spearfishing is the back end of the fishing lifeskill mechanic. If it could be given a new lease on life, I would be truly grateful.
ManosHoes(NA)Trading rework WHEN!? I can't wait. All in all, the game is in the best state it's ever been. BDO life forever. Cheers.
Ingenious(NA)I would like to express my gratitude to the developers for working on the game. I know it's a thankless job and that it's not easy these days to keep a game alive for as long as you have. I would like them to know that, despite the fact that you can't please everyone, their effort doesn't go unnoticed. Black Desert isn't just a game. It's an MMORPG, which means it's a place where people come together and meet friends. I've met some great people because of this game, mainly in the Ingen community, and for that I will always be thankful.
Calypso(NA)I love lifeskilling and providing either the materials or the crafted items to other players. It doesn't make the same money as grinding mobs but I've gotten to see more of the game looking for different ways to lifeskill. I suggest spending some time lifeskilling!
Lifeskill is not a PA top priority. The combat system here is one of a kind and great but these new lifeskill changes have really helped and we hope that the changes to come will maybe close the silver-per-hour gap between the top end grinding and end game lifeskilling. Giving lifeskillers some group content like duo hunting spots would be amazing. And we hope we can turn in delicacies/catalysts/other byproducts with Liana soon, PLEASE. And MORE WAYS to get Iridescent Pebbles PLEASE!!
ADD LIFE CHURCH BUFFS AND LIFESKILL CUPS As for myself, playing since release and seeing the breadth and quality of changes being made in Black Desert Online, in every aspect of it, is one of the main reasons I am still compelled to immerse myself in the game and work to improve in most areas of interest. Constant events, QoL improvements, system overhauls, and new content additions are what keep the game from feeling hollow over time. Thank you for that and please continue to show lifeskillers that they're appreciated and are included as part of the playerbase! Even if they DO get feisty and protective of their milk spots!
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