First off, we’d like to say thank you to the Adventurers who helped spread the news of Pearl Abyss’s direct service and game data transfer.
As mentioned in our [First Quest from Pearl Abyss] GM Notes, we will be rewarding the Adventurers who shared their successful transfer news on social media channels.
Winners of the First Quest from Pearl Abyss!
* Use the Ctrl + F tool to find your nickname.
NA – Winners (Nickname on Pearl Abyss account) |
AdverseSel |
AmethystRN |
Andaro |
Angel |
Anodyne |
Aphy |
Arcontes12 |
ArlequinSS |
Avenstin |
Becca |
Benji |
Betopardo |
blendtek |
Brownie |
Celestine |
Chimera |
Coves |
CrazyWild |
Cvnnibal |
Deadlylasr |
Deepriver |
DominantD |
Dragonith |
Eririn |
Euphie |
EyeBall |
Fuzzy |
Garnier |
Geminian |
GnatGoSpᇈt |
Gunn |
Helius |
Henryhv |
Hiramatsu |
Imhoff |
iridescia |
Janeweigh |
japtic |
Kevllar |
Kyrandis |
Kyron |
LazyKobold |
LeGig |
Levanadel |
LilCiri |
LttlPete |
Luxurious |
Lyoness |
Mago |
Mel910 |
MidNiteMlk |
miikku |
MintMint |
Morfin |
Nanobot |
Nattykitty |
NotPendragon |
Outofluck |
Paraxsis |
RataBlanca |
Ren |
Revanmug |
Rupert |
Ryuu |
Sablier |
Serpa |
Seulji |
Sinyang |
SnapFire |
Soell |
Sorrow |
Strigida |
Teraysa |
TK |
Trucido |
Vampeer |
Weldouf |
WoT |
Zakatack |
Zenara |
Zerin |
EU – Winners (Nickname on Pearl Abyss account) |
0ktober |
4th |
Adalsteinn |
Alita |
anekky |
Antera |
Arcadiacraft |
Astronomicz |
Azu |
Azure |
Azuu1 |
BadEagle |
BaQuenene |
BareAlan |
BeeMiner |
ben7821 |
Bersserker |
BlackFyres |
Blackrainbowss |
Blackrose3 |
boredgb |
Chen |
Cig |
Clear |
cmates233 |
CmdrSAMU |
D4N1RS |
DaleBoris |
Darkims |
DarkNeit |
DarthKiweh |
DBuS |
dieAgentin |
Drake117 |
DrauclaTepes |
Dulzen |
DzSnK |
Electroduende |
ElTorero |
Etagu |
Etenaith |
FabiuzPC |
Faby609 |
Faephyra |
FakersToyz |
Falocco |
Felinaen |
Filosof |
FlareShi |
Foxisek |
FranEsp |
Frodalon97 |
Fuci |
Fynexe |
Gandalf |
Garic |
Gurghul |
hana |
Haunted |
HDane |
Hiregan |
Hopinhos |
Horo |
Ithaqua |
Ivaneczka |
Ize |
Jaakuza |
Jcob |
JDawson |
Jenniferr |
Jennysis |
JenOSyd |
JohnSalchichon |
jorgeadoni |
Kaellys |
Karasan |
Kastarin |
Kazzazel |
Kelio |
keyu |
KiimJong1 |
Kimtaro |
Kittzie |
KlitschKlatsch |
KoadRom |
kojiro |
KoMeT |
Kossukissa |
Kotar |
Kratoulis |
Krisstoff |
Lailesh |
Lain |
LegendaryG26 |
Leoure |
LordDespair |
LowkeyRip |
Lykrin |
Lyssandre |
ManuM15 |
MarSara |
Marylucky |
MataPaletos |
Meggling |
MFan |
MissWho |
Mizunette |
MMOFalcon |
mugashisen |
Munha |
naolux |
Navarro |
NeoFox |
Nesswyn |
Netheril |
Nhank |
Nicknero |
OeTu |
Pacheco |
Paghur |
Pan1X |
PanosG |
PCookie |
Pilzyy |
Polysics |
PowerGrid |
Prestian |
prvCNT |
PsylockeX |
Radge |
Rafallero |
RainbowRat |
Recah |
RedBullDrinker |
Rescoldo |
Resmu |
Revelk |
Rocky |
Rosenquarz |
Rosheen |
Rurruu |
Sayias |
Science |
Shad0w |
Shadark |
sharky |
ShyKaZa |
Siknata |
Skooti |
SkyGuards |
Sleepe |
SoilPT |
Sorath |
Spider |
Stefan |
Suke13 |
SurrenderNow |
Tarka |
Temolis |
Ternezia |
Thana |
TheMixta |
Tikondo |
Tohka |
TQueen |
Trogui |
Tuberchimpy |
Urp |
Valar |
Vanguardy |
Vendalis |
Vigoo |
vonmorgan |
Weiss |
WinterOmei |
WTFrost |
Xei |
Xen |
Xoker69 |
Xyreses |
Yahmato |
Yamiasecas |
Yonneh |
Yosh |
Yukaty |
ZeroLegion |
Zikiri |
Quest Completion Reward
- 1 Sealed Book of Combat (15 days)
- 1 Sealed Book of Life (15 days)
- 5 Gold Bar 100G
Where and When to Receive the Rewards:
- Rewards will be sent to the in-game mailbox after the March 10 (Wed), 2021 maintenance.
* Additional Notices
- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. If changes are made, they can be found on this event page.
- Rewarded items may have restrictions on trading, sale, and usage period and may be bound depending on each item. Thus, some event items cannot be moved or restored.
- Please refer to the in-game item description for details on whether the item is bound.
- Items that were already sent or used as intended cannot be recovered.
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods will result in a cancellation or retrieval of your reward and restriction from the game.
- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support].
- Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].
[Events] Plump Yourself Up with Plump Pufferfish! Plump Yourself Up with Plump Pufferfish! (Last Update : 03/24/2021 8:23 UTC) Mar 10, 2021 (UTC)
[Events] Sweeter Adventures with Sweet Candy! Sweeter Adventures with Sweet Candy! Mar 10, 2021 (UTC)
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