Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Events Mar 28, 2025, 14:00 (UTC) April Fools’ Mischief & Wacky Joke Items! 






April Fools’ Mischief & Wacky Joke Items! 


Mar 27, 2025 (Thu) after maintenance - Apr 3, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance 

The Calpheon Times

The “Mischief Maker” Causing April Fools’ Mayhem?

On March 27, Adventurers’ reports flooded into the Calpheon Times regarding “joke” items appearing in the world of Black Desert.


These items, with names like “Balenos Original Gukbap” and “Button’s Pocket Watch,” seem to be humorous twists on existing items and apparently can be found through various means throughout the world.


Our investigation revealed that all of this was instigated by the “Mischief Maker,” a mischievous spirit seeking to spread April Fools’ Day mayhem. There’s some speculation that this spirit was also connected to the previous incident of PEN (V) Ogre Necklaces that were placed in circulation for a past April Fools’ Day.




Knock, knock! Who’s There? Joke Items!

The wacky “Mischief Maker” spirit has scattered joke items all throughout the world of Black Desert... which you can obtain through various activities, right now! 


Defeat all monsters to obtain the following according to a set probability:

Lafi Babymountain's Telescope 

Ache-ologist's Map 

Lafi Sadmountain's Compass 

[Event] Flame of Mystery 


Complete the "[Bonus] Dalishain the Wandering Antagonist" quest to obtain: 

[Event] Adventurer's Sweaty Necklace 

[Event] Mysterious Food Box 

Weight +50LT 

* The "[Bonus] Dalishain the Wandering Antagonist" quest can appear while performing Alchemy/Cooking Imperial Delivery and Trading fish according to a set probability.

Defeat Garmoth & from Gathering activities: 

Defeat Garmoth & obtain according to a set probability:

[Event] Trace of Garmoth 

Perform Gathering & obtain according to a set probability: 

[Event] Adventurer's Sweaty Belt 


Open April Fools’ event items and obtain according to a set probability: 

[Event] Adventurer's Sweaty Necklace ▼

PEN: Mammoth Necklace

[Event] Adventurer's Sweaty Belt ▼

PEN: Mammoth Belt

[Event] Mysterious Food Box ▼

Balenos Original Gukbap

Weight +50LT ▼

Weight +100LT 

Weight +150LT


Complete event quests (O) and Challenges (Y):

'[Event] Techthon's Masterpiece“ quest reward ▼

DEC:finitely-Not-X Blackstar Kriegsmesser

Reach Lv. 60 with a normal character Challenge (Y) ▼

Button’s Pocket Watch


Exchange April Fools’ items with an NPC: 

Exchange “[Event] Trace of Garmoth” via Kukao: 

Garmoth's Fart

Exchange "[Event] Flame of Mystery" via Tranan Underfoe 

Flame of Dreams


Use the following items to obtain 1 type according to a set probability. 

Item Name 

Obtainable Items 

[Event] Adventurer's Sweaty Necklace

PEN: Mammoth Necklace

Manos Necklace

[Event] Adventurer's Sweaty Belt

PEN: Mammoth Belt

Manos Belt

[Event] Mysterious Food Box

Balenos Original Gukbap

Dalbeol Gukbap

Weight +50LT
* Openable item, weighs 50LT

Weight +50LT

* Duration: 60 min, Weight +50LT, weighs 50LT

Weight +100LT

* Openable, weighs 100LT

Weight +100LT
* Openable item, weighs 100LT

Weight +100LT

* Duration: 60 min, Weight +100LT, weighs 100LT

Weight +150LT

* Sell via shop, weighs 150LT




How to Outsmart the Mischief Maker


Want to get back at the Mischief Maker? The best way is to uncover all those wacky items that are hidden away! 


For adventurers who might still be searching, we've got some special supplies ready to help you get those elusive April Fools' items.


Mail Contents
These support items for collecting April Fools' items will be sent via Mail (B) on Mar 29 (Sat) 10:00 (UTC).
* Collection Period: Until Apr 11, 2025 (Fri) 23:59 (UTC)

Supreme Old Moon Scroll x3

Item Collection Increase Scroll x5

Secret Book of Florin x5


The Mischief Maker has a little surprise for you! 


All those wacky joke items uncovered by adventurers 


If more than 10 of these items are found, the Mischief Maker will send a bundle of gifts to your mailbox as a token of gratitude. 


And remember, even if just one adventurer finds all 10, everyone will get the gift, so don't forget to check your mailbox! 



Mail Rewards

  The Mischief Maker's gift will arrive in Mail (B) on Apr 2 (Wed) 10:00 (UTC).
* Collection Period: Until Apr 15, 2025 (Tue) 23:59 (UTC)


Item Collection Increase Scroll x5  

Secret Book of Florin x5 

Enhancement Aid Box V x1 

Cron Stone x300 

Supreme Old Moon Box x1 

* Notes

- Mail rewards can only be obtained by the Family that was created at the time the collection started. 

- Rewards sent by mail will be deleted if not collected within the claim period. 
- Unspecified quantities in rewards default to one item. 

- Event details and duration are subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. Any changes will be announced on this event page without separate notices. 

- Event items may be restricted in trade, sale, and usage, with varying binding settings per item. Transfer or recovery of these items is not possible. 

- For details on item binding, refer to the in-game item descriptions. 

- Items or rewards, once used, cannot be recovered. 

- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may lead to cancellation, reward repossession, and game access restrictions. 

- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support].

- Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].

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