Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Feb 10, 2021, 09:50 (UTC) Black Desert: What’s Changing? Part 3: Communication



Greetings Adventurers!


We believe communication with our Adventurers is incredibly important.


Listening to your exciting stories, frustrations—both big and small, creative suggestions, and feedback regarding gameplay and updates with the purpose of getting a practical perspective to make Black Desert more fun and satisfying to play is a key goal of communication that we are chasing after.


To reach this goal, we will try to communicate with our Adventurers in a more active manner and listen to your voices as much as possible.


And so, here we are again with Part 3 of 'What's Changing in Black Desert.' Following last week's topic, today's will be about 'Pearl Abyss's Communication with Adventurers.'



Black Desert Official Broadcast


Do you know that we have CMs who have been answering questions and chit-chatting with Adventurers on our Discord server? For the Black Desert NA/EU service, our CMs will be on our official streams every week, so we can interact with even more Adventurers.


In our official broadcasts, we will be covering a wide variety of topics. Here’s a sneak peek into some of the upcoming topics below.



Introducing New Content Updates


Before a major content update, we will be previewing the update’s important details on our official broadcast. We hope they’ll be good opportunities for Adventurers to get first impressions of the upcoming content and ask the CMs questions about anything they may be wondering about.



Update Roadmap


Differing from the content update preview above is the Update Roadmap. This is a program that will showcase content that is currently under development and our intentions behind content that is near release. We hope the Update Roadmap program will be a place where we can share the overall direction of the development team.


Beyond what’s listed above, we will do our best to make the official stream a broadcast where we can all share our genuine thoughts.



Dev Talks


Many of you may be wondering whether or not our development team is really listening and what their thoughts are about your feedback. Once our service begins, we will be running a program called 'Dev Talks.' With this program, Adventurers will be able to ask developers questions that they’ve always wanted the answers for such as the developers’ intentions behind changes, and more.


Our official CMs will be gathering all your valuable feedback left by Adventurers on our forum, Discord, etc., and forwarding it to the members of the Black Desert service team for everyone to discuss it together.


From there, we will be sharing the developers' feedback regarding the community’s collected feedback through the official stream, or in separate videos and posts. We hope the Dev Talks program will provide a place for a closer form of communication between Adventurers and the development team.


More details on how the Dev Talks program will be run will be announced in the future.



Adventurer Round Table


Adventurers worldwide are always sending us a wide variety of suggestions and ideas for various content and future updates. Depending on how necessary it is, we try to create updates while keeping this feedback in mind. However, some of Black Desert's contents are ever-changing due to factors such as complexity, level of difficulty, and version update. There are many cases where our Adventurers' opinions and thoughts about the content differ depending on how they enjoy its gameplay. As a result, it is no easy task to make a decision that reflects our Adventurers' feedback in its entirety.


In order to better gather feedback that improves the Black Desert experience, we will be holding the Adventurer Round Table (ART). The ART will be a place where we can discuss content updates and balance changes with Adventurers and explain our thoughts and direction.


To participate in the ART, we will be selecting Adventurers who have a lot of gameplay experience and can provide feedback at a certain level. However, this selection criteria will be adjusted depending on the topic to ensure Adventures of all levels and experiences can share their thoughts and feedback with our team. Additionally, we hope you’ll understand that ART will take place only once the risk of COVID-19 has subsided or through an online setting to ensure the safety and well-being of our Adventurers.


After our direct service begins, we look forward to receiving and discussing valuable feedback from Adventurers for all aspects of Black Desert’s content such as game balance and quality-of-life improvements through our ART.


We will be making more announcements with more details and information on what we covered today about our new communication plans—which includes the Black Desert official broadcasts, Dev Talks, and the Adventurer Round Table (ART). We hope you’ll stay tuned!


With the upcoming start of our service, we are looking forward to closer communications with our Adventurers. If you want to communicate or reach us in a different way, please let us know and we will see what we can do.


Come back next week for the fourth and final post of our 'Black Desert: What's Changing?'!


Until then, happy adventuring!


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