Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Mar 26, 2021, 03:14 (UTC) Guide to the New, Randomly-Generated Family Names



Hello Adventurers, this is [GM] Daisy. It’s been a while!


Did you know that starting from the March 24 (Wed) maintenance, the process of creating a Family Name for new Adventurers who just started Black Desert has changed?


Now, you won’t have to agonize for hours on end about which Family Name to choose before even starting your Black Desert adventure!


Adventurers who first connect to the game will now be randomly assigned the word “Adventurer” and four random lowercase letters and numbers as their Family Name.



Upon entering the game, the name above new Adventurers’ characters will be displayed as “Rookie Adventurer.”


Even though your actual Family Name will be a randomly assigned “Adventurer” and four random lowercase letters and numbers, the name displayed in-game to others will be “Rookie Adventurer.” You won’t have to fear leaving an ugly Family Name impression to your fellow newbies!


Are you one of the new Adventurers with one of these randomly-generated Family Names?


If so, you should simply focus on enjoying the adventure. Feel free to take your time pondering about the Family Name you want to use.


Once you have decided upon a Family Name you really like, press [Enter] to active game-chat and the name change window will appear!



Darn! It looks like there's already an Adventurer using this Family Name!




Let’s keep trying!


After you successfully change your Family Name, you will be reconnected to the game and the following screen will appear.


Hooray! Your Family Name is being changed!



After about 20 seconds, you will finally be able to play with the Family Name of your choosing. Say goodbye to “Rookie Adventurer” and “Adventurer8aw2!”


The great thing about this new process is that you won’t be pressured into finding a Family Name right away and can instead think about it slowly while enjoying your adventure!


Thanks for listening, and welcome to all the new Adventurers joining us in Black Desert!


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