Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


GM Notes Feb 27, 2025, 09:59 (UTC) [9th Anniversary] Anniversary Week of GM Events


[9th Anniversary] Celebrate 9 Years With Anniversary Week

Enjoy Anniversary Week to the fullest, featuring new GM Events each day!
Event Period: March 3, 2025 - March 7, 2025

Event NA EU
Day 1
March 3, 2025 (Mon)
Trip Down Nostalgia Lane
3:00 PM PST
Trip Down Nostalgia Lane
19:00 CET
Day 2
March 4, 2025 (Tue)
Fashion Show
3:00 PM PST
Fashion Show
19:00 CET
Day 3
March 5, 2025 (Wed)
Find the GM
3:00 PM PST
Day 4
March 6, 2025 (Thu)
Black Spirit Games (Mini)
3:00 PM PST
Black Spirit Games (Mini)
19:00 CET
Day 5
March 7, 2025 (Fri)
Guild Galley Race
3:00 PM PST
Find the GM
17:00 CET

Event 1

Trip Down Nostalgia Lane

Trip Down Nostalgia Lane


Join us as we embark on a journey down memory lane, starting from Olvia all the way to the Land of the Morning Light!


See the Participation Instructions!

Participation Instructions
Participation Instructions
  1. To begin, Adventurers will gather at the Olvia storage keeper, Makuum, at the designated start time.
  2. To register your participation in the event, you will need to type a key phrase which the GM will announce during the event.

    *More information will be given on the day of the event.

March 3, 2025 (Mon) 19:00 CET

EU_Valencia 3


March 3, 2025 (Mon) 3:00 PM PST

NA_Valencia 3




GM's Care 1

GM's Care 1/2/3


Adventurers who win in the specified scheduled in-game GM events will receive a GM's Care 1 as a participation reward! Press RMB to obtain Value Pack (1 Day/7 Days/15 Days)  and GM's Grace (3 Hours) buffs will be instantly applied.

GM's Grace Buff Effect (3 hours)
- Energy Recovery +1
- Item Drop Rate +10%
- Combat/Skill/Life EXP +10%
- Chance to Gain Knowledge +10%
- Movement Speed +1
- Luck +1

Event 2

Fashion Show

Fashion Show


Over the years, many outfits have made their way into Black Desert, but which outfit, or compilation of outfit pieces has been your favorite of all time? Showcase your favorite look for us!


See the Participation Instructions!

Participation Instructions
Participation Instructions
  1. Adventurers will gather at the designated area in Grándiha, which can be found west of Grána.
  2. To register your participation in the event, you will need to type a key phrase which the GM will announce during the event.
  3. Adventurers will line up as directed, then, 1 by 1, will make their way to center stage to show off their signature outfit.


March 4, 2025 (Tue) 19:00 CET

EU_Valencia 3


March 4, 2025 (Tue) 3:00 PM PST

NA_Valencia 3




GM's Care 1

GM's Care 1/2/3


Adventurers who win in the specified scheduled in-game GM events will receive a GM's Care 1 as a participation reward! Press RMB to obtain Value Pack (1 Day/7 Days/15 Days)  and GM's Grace (3 Hours) buffs will be instantly applied.

GM's Grace Buff Effect (3 hours)
- Energy Recovery +1
- Item Drop Rate +10%
- Combat/Skill/Life EXP +10%
- Chance to Gain Knowledge +10%
- Movement Speed +1
- Luck +1

Event 3

Find the GM

Find the GM


Using provided hints, you must find as many GMs as you can within the alotted time! Will you be able to find them all?!


See the Participation Instructions!

Participation Instructions
Participation Instructions
  1. To register your participation in the event, you will need to find at least one GM and type their name in chat after finding them.
  2. An Image will be shared once the event begins, detailing all you will need to find the hidden GMs, wherever they may be.

    *More information will be given on the day of the event.

March 7, 2025 (Fri) 19:00 CET

EU_Valencia 3


March 5, 2025 (Wed) 3:00 PM PST

NA_Valencia 3




GM's Care 1

GM's Care 1/2/3


Adventurers who win in the specified scheduled in-game GM events will receive a GM's Care 1 as a participation reward! Press RMB to obtain Value Pack (1 Day/7 Days/15 Days)  and GM's Grace (3 Hours) buffs will be instantly applied.

GM's Grace Buff Effect (3 hours)
- Energy Recovery +1
- Item Drop Rate +10%
- Combat/Skill/Life EXP +10%
- Chance to Gain Knowledge +10%
- Movement Speed +1
- Luck +1

Event 4

Black Spirit Games (Mini)

Black Spirit Games (Mini)


Compete against one another in one of two categories to see who can claim the most of the following items in two hours:

Crystallized Despair
Fairy's Breath


See the Participation Instructions!

Participation Instructions
Participation Instructions
  1. Adventurers may hunt monsters or gather in any area that drops the desired item they wish to enter the competition with.
  2. Adventurers' loot will be tallied at the end of the event period, pulling only from the two hours since the beginning of the designated start time.
  3. To participate in the event and be eligible for participation rewards, you need to hit the minimum required of either one item within the alotted two hours.
    1. Crystallized Despair minimum amount: 7
    2. Fairy's Breath minimum amount: 10

March 6, 2025 (Thu) 19:00 CET

EU_Valencia 3


March 6, 2025 (Thu) 3:00 PM PST

NA_Valencia 3




First Place

GM's Care 3 x1

Second Place

GM's Care 2 x1

Third Place

GM's Care 1 x3


GM's Care 1 x1

GM's Care 1/2/3


Adventurers who win in the specified scheduled in-game GM events will receive a GM's Care 1 as a participation reward! Press RMB to obtain Value Pack (1 Day/7 Days/15 Days)  and GM's Grace (3 Hours) buffs will be instantly applied.

GM's Grace Buff Effect (3 hours)
- Energy Recovery +1
- Item Drop Rate +10%
- Combat/Skill/Life EXP +10%
- Chance to Gain Knowledge +10%
- Movement Speed +1
- Luck +1

Event 5

Guild Galley Race

Guild Galley Race


Prepare to prove your guild is the fastest!


In this event, guilds will participate in a series of challenges --each one worth a set amount of points--, racing against one another to see who is faster than the rest!


The race, composed of 4 parts, requires at least 5 outstanding members from each participating guild to engage in challenges as well as separate members to specifically man the oars! So pick your representatives wisely since this battle will not be solely determined by superior numbers.


See the Participation Instructions!

Participation Instructions
Participation Instructions
  1. Guilds will need to have their guild galley, two challenge representatives, and oar-men ready at Velia Wharf by the designated time.
  2. To register your participation in the event, you will need to sign up in the Official Black Desert Discord by following the directions in:
    1. NA: #na-guild-galley-signup
    2. EU: #eu-guild-galley-signup
  3. The race is divided into the following 4 parts:
    1. A race via guild galley from the starting point, Velia, to Iliya Island. Upon arrival, the two representatives will need to find two sheep hidden on the island, then bring them to a designated point near the island's wharf.
    2. Once your team has been given the go-ahead, you will race from Iliya Island to Oquilla's Eye, where your two representatives will be tasked with finding two hidden GM NPCs. After finding these two GMs, which will be positioned next to each other, the representatives must dash back to the wharf where a third GM will be waiting.
    3. Once your team has been given the go-ahead, you will race from Oquilla's Eye to Kuit Island's northern shore. Once arrived, your two representatives will each need to drive a wheelbarrow to the southern part of the island. While your two representatives are driving the wheelbarrows, you will need to sail your galley to the southern shore of Kuit Island. After entering the designated area with the wheelbarrows, you must meet your galley at the southern shore.
    4. Once your team has been given the go-ahead, you will race from Kuit Island's southern shore back to Velia Wharf where the first guild will be crowned the victor.

March 5, 2025 (Wed) 19:00 CET

EU_Valencia 3


March 7, 2025 (Fri) 3:00 PM PST

NA_Valencia 3




First Place

15 Billion Silver in Guild Funds

Second Place

10 Billion Silver in Guild Funds

Third Place

7 Billion Silver in Guild Funds


1 Billion Silver in Guild Funds

Adventurers, let the festivities begin!

* Additional Notice

- These GM Events will take place on the North American and European servers.

- These rewards will be sent via in-game mail in 2 weeks after all the events have been completed.

- Items listed without a quantity are all 1 quantity.

- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. If changes are made, they can be found on this event page.

- Event items may have restrictions (sale/trade) and/or different binding settings/expiration dates. Due to this reason, these items cannot be transferred or restored.

- For details such as whether the item is bound, please refer to the in-game item description.

- Items and/or rewards that were used normally cannot be recovered.

- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may result in a cancellation/retrieval of your reward(s) and/or restriction from the game.
- Disrupting/interfering with the event may result in immediate penalties. Any losses or damage incurred will not be compensated or recovered.
- The event details may change depending on how the event progresses. Please make sure to follow the GMs instructions if any changes occur.

- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support].

- Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].


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