Greetings all new and returning Adventurers!
Don’t miss out on the amazing benefits we’ve prepared for your journey ahead!
Who are New Adventurers?
- New Adventurers are players who are logging in within 30days (720 hours) of having first created their Family Name.
Who are Returning Adventurers?
- Returning Adventurers are those who have not logged in for at least 30 days (720 hours) and have not used the Web Central Market for at least 30 days (720 hours).

Special Support benefits for New and Returning Adventurers
Don’t worry about items when settling into the game. We’ve got you covered with plenty of support! (ง •̀_•́)ง
Olvia Servers – The perfect environment for new/returning Adventurers
- New/returning Adventurers can enter the Olvia Servers which offer an additional +100% Combat EXP and +20% Skill EXP.
- Olvia Servers are available to new and returning Adventurers for 30 days from the day of Family creation or the day of return.
- The Olvia server will have a majority of the events that run across Black Desert, but certain events or content such as Conquest Wars, Node Wars, Red Battlefields, horse racing, etc. may not be available.
Cliff’s +15 Weapons – Reliable equipment support for your grand journey
- Cliff’s special quests! +15 Main Weapon, Sub Weapon, and Awakening Weapon for new and returning Adventurers.
- Cliff's Weapon quests (consists of 3 quests) can only be completed once per Family/account.
- You can get +15 Cliff’s Main/Awakening/Sub weapon boxes for completing the quests.
- Open the box to obtain a pre-enhanced +15 weapon for the class you open the box with.
* Shai characters will not be able to open the Cliff’s Weapon Box.
Value Pack Buffs (15 Days) to help you on your adventure.
Adventurers will be provided the buffs of the Value Pack for 15 days which gives lots of handy benefits including +16 Inventory and Storage slots, 200LT Weight Limit, +30% Combat/Skill/Life/Mount EXP, Remote Node Investment, and 30% increased silver collection from the Central Market.
Attendance Rewards that help new Adventurers get a head start and returning Adventurers jump back into the fray.
- We’ve prepared Attendance Rewards to welcome and support the New Adventurers at the exciting start of their journey and to help returning Adventurers take a leap forward.
- We will be providing plenty of items that you will receive immediately after logging in to the game each day.
▶ See details on the Attendance Rewards
Bonus Benefits for Black Desert Adventurers!
Pearl Shop Discount Coupons to reduce the burden of your Pearl item purchases
* When your character reaches level 10 for the first time, we will give you three Pearl Shop Discount Coupons (20% discount) for the following Pearl Items:
- Inventory Expansion Slots
- Weight Limit
- Pets
* One coupon will be given per item.
■ How to use coupons
- Upon reaching level 10, the coupons will be sent to your coupon book in the Pearl Shop (F3). (Expires in 7 days)
- Please make sure the coupon is applied to the corresponding product when making your purchase in the Pearl Shop (F3).
Pearl Shop Discount Coupons to support advanced Adventurers
* When your character reaches level 56 for the first time, we will provide you [20% Discount Coupons] for the following Pearl Shop categories:
- Costume
- Function
* One coupon will be given per item
■ How to use coupons
- Upon reaching level 56, the coupons will be sent to your coupon book in the Pearl Shop (F3) (Expires in 7 days).
- Please make sure the coupon is applied to the corresponding product when making your purchase in the Pearl Shop (F3).
A welcome guide for Adventurers who just started their adventure.
▶ Go to New Adventurer guide
A welcome back guide for Adventurers looking to catch up and get back into their journey.
▶ Check Update History
* Additional Notice
- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. If changes are made, they can be found on this event page.
-Rewarded items may have restrictions on trading, sale, and usage period and may be bound depending on each item. Thus, some event items cannot be moved or restored.
- Please refer to the in-game item description for details on whether the item is bound.
- Items that were already sent or used as intended cannot be recovered.
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods will result in a cancellation or retrieval of your reward and restriction from the game
- If you have any questions about this event, please send a ticket to [Support].
- Content not listed on this page follows the [Black Desert Event Rules].
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New / Returning
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