Dream Horse Awakening
A Tier 8 horse can awaken into a Dream Horse through Courser Training.
The probability of each type of Dream Horse (Arduanatt/Diné/Doom) appearing can be viewed via the Probability Information window in the Courser Training menu.
▲ Select Courser Training with a Tier 8 Courser at the Stable
By using special ingredients, you can increase the Courser's Skill, Elegance, and Strength stats.
Once the total of all training stats reaches 200%, the Courser will finally be qualified to attempt Dream Horse Awakening.
▲ You can check the appearance probability of each Dream Horse via Probability Information.
- If the training level of Skill is high upon awakening, the probability of obtaining Arduanatt increases.
- If the training level of Elegance is high, the probability of obtaining Diné increases.
- If the training level of Strength is high, the probability of obtaining Doom increases.
Also, if the total training level of a stat is at 200%, you will not obtain a Dream Horse corresponding to the 0 stat.
For example, if a courser has 200% trained with 100% Skill and 100% Strength, it has a 50% probability to awaken into Arduanatt or Doom, but 0% for Diné.
You can train up to 180% for each stat. When training is over 100% for a stat, it increases by 0.5 per training item.