Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Shining Travel Bundle

Last Edited on : Mar 13, 2025, 00:45 (UTC)


Here is the probability information for the Shining Travel Bundle.
This item is only available for purchase at the Pearl Shop during a specific period.


* Obtainable Items from the Shining Travel Bundle:
- Opening this bundle guarantees Item Collection Increase Scroll x1 and Cron Stone x300.
- You can also obtain additional items according to a set probability.


Shining Travel Bundle
Guaranteed Items
Item Name Quantity Probability
Cron Stone 300 100%
Item Collection Increase Scroll 1 100%
Additionally Obtainable (Bonus) Items

Item Name



[Event] Premium Outfit Box x30 1 0.03%
[Event] Premium Outfit Box x10 1 0.1%
Advice of Valks (+200) 1 2.5%
Advice of Valks (+170) 1 3%
Box of 30 Memory Fragments 1 4%
[Event] Classic Outfit Box 1 4%
Shining Travel Bundle 1 4.5%
Choose Your Glorious Outfit Box 1 5%
Resplendent Premium Enhancement Box 1 5.5%
Box of 10 Memory Fragments 1 6%
Blessing of Old Moon Box 1 6.5%
[Event] Choose Your 7-Day Box 1 6.5%
Choose Your Endless Journey Box 1 12%
[Event] Premium Outfit Box 1 13%
Advice of Valks (+80) 1 15%
[Event] Giovan Grolin's Support Scroll 1 30%
Cron Stone 100 40%
Memory Fragment 5 50%


* Resplendent Premium Enhancement Box

Open to obtain one of the following according to a set probability.

Item Name

Quantity Probability
[Event] Premium Outfit Box x30 1 0.05%
[Event] Premium Outfit Box x10 1 0.1%
Advice of Valks (+200) 1 5%
Bundle of 2,500 Cron Stones 1 5%
[Event] Premium Outfit Box x2 1 15%
Advice of Valks (+170) 1 10%
Cron Stone 1200 20%
[Event] Premium Outfit Box 1 44.85%

* Blessing of Old Moon Box

Open to obtain one of the following according to a set probability.

Item Name

Quantity Probability
Blessing of Old Moon Pack (180 Days) 1 0.05%
Blessing of Old Moon Pack (90 Days) 1 0.1%
Blessing of Old Moon Pack (30 Days) 1 3%
Blessing of Old Moon Pack (20 Days) 1 4%
Blessing of Old Moon Pack (15 Days) 1 5%
Blessing of Old Moon Pack (7 Days) 1 25%
Blessing of Old Moon Pack (3 Days) 1 62.85%

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