Black Desert beginnt in Kürze.

Das Spiel wird gestartet, wenn Ihr den Launcher installiert habt.

Installiert den Launcher, um das Spiel zu starten.

Sollte der Launcher bereits installiert worden sein, wird das Spiel gestartet.
Startet den Launcher manuell, wenn er sich nicht automatisch öffnet.


1 Ladet die Datei BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe herunter und installiert den „Black Desert“-Launcher.

2 Bitte startet das Spiel, sobald die Installation beendet ist.


Atoraxxion: Orzekea

Zeitpunkt der letzten Änderungen : 25. Mrz 2025, 15:48 (UTC)

Atoraxxion: Orzekea

The story of Atoraxxion, the last stronghold built to thwart the Dark Invaders, has finally reached Orzekea after passing through Vahmalkea, Sycrakea, and Yolunakea.
Atoraxxion Orzekea has a distinct difference from other Atoraxxion biomes. The locations where you previously defeated monsters to obtain items for entering the next area have been changed to field monster zones where you can subjugate monsters.

How to Enter

No matter if you have cleared Vahmalkea, Sycrakea, or Yolunakea, you can step into Orzekea by interacting with Sol Magia.
Alternatively, interact with Elribta's Door in the following Atoraxxion to journey to Orzekea.
  • Atoraxxion: Vahmalkea - Elribta's Door in Vaha's Garden
  • Atoraxxion: Sycrakea - Elribta's Door in Syca's Garden
  • Atoraxxion: Yolunakea - Elribta's Door in Yolu's Garden

Orzekea Questline

To start Orzekea's questline, summon the Black Spirit with a character that has completed the "[Atoraxxion] Yolu's Paradise" quest in Yolunakea, and accept the "[Atoraxxion] Patron's Influence" quest.
Orzekea's suggested questline can only be done on normal difficulty, not in the Elvia Realm, and is available for characters at or above lv. 60.
Orzekea's questline is connected to the stories of Vahmalkea, Sycrakea, the Mountain of Eternal Winter, and Yolunakea. For a more immersive storytelling experience, it is recommended to check these quests' stories before proceeding.

Orzekea Daily Quests

On the Elvia server, characters at lv. 60 or above can take on daily quests from [Investigator] Ivor:
- [Elvia Daily] Orzekea Ancient Weapon Research
- [Elvia Daily] Subdue Alketa
You will find Ivor at the foot of the stairs between "Orze's Root" and "Orze's Base" in the Elvia Realm of Orzekea.
There are also some optional quests that will help you explore Orzekea:




Orze's Root


Roses of Orzekea
Faith of Orzekea
Towers of Orzekea

Orze's Base


Trees of Orzekea
Remnants of Orzekea
Slates of Orzekea

Orze's Petal


Architecture of Orzekea
Irrigation of Orzekea
Landscapes of Orzekea

Orze's Vine


Devices of Orzekea
Research of Orzekea
The Sun of Orzekea

Orze's Garden


Plaza of Orzekea
The Knight of Orzekea


Orzekea Field Monster Zone

When you enter Orzekea from the Elvia Realm, you will find general monster zones where the lethal weapons like Spiran, Centarion, and Leos show up.
As you subjugate these monsters, the alert phase is activated, bringing forth [Ancient Weapon] Spiran, Centarion, and Leos. Reach the final alert phase, and Alketa, an even stronger monster, will spawn with a notice.
Please, keep in mind that the monsters here are not affected by bonus Species Damage.
Recommended Stats
Recommended AP: 350 / Recommended DP: 440
Recommended AP: 1100+ (Based on Total Stats)
Recommended Damange Reduction: 700+ (Based on Total Stats)
The main loot you can obtain from defeating Centarion, Leos, Spiran, and Alketa is as follows:
  • Deboreka Belt
  • Deboreka Earring
  • Gem of Void
  • Caphras Stone
  • Ancient Spirit Dust
  • Black Stone
  • Sealed Black Magic Crystal
  • Thorn-Entwined Weapon Fragment (Junk loot, sells for 96,040 Silver at shops)

Gem of Void

With the Gem of Void obtained from defeated monsters, you can craft a Crystal of Void - Ah'krad or a Crystal of Void Destruction using the recipe below:


Crafting Recipe

Crystal of Void - Ah'krad
Simple Alchemy (L)
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad x1
Gem of Void x30
Magical Lightstone Crystal x300
Black Stone x500
Crystal of Void Destruction
Simple Alchemy (L)
Crystal of Precise Destruction x1
Gem of Void x30
Magical Lightstone Crystal x300
Black Stone x500

Orze's Thread

Throughout Orzekea, you can find Orze's Threads (puzzles). These threads are mysterious clues left by Orze, hoping someone would find her. Decipher their meaning and continue the main questline.
Progress of certain threads may not be smooth in servers where a Node or Conquest War is in progress.

Knowledge and Challenges

Unlock knowledge about Atoraxxion: Orzekea to earn special rewards.
Quest Objective Rewards
[Atoraxxion] Recover the Knowledge of Orzekea I Acquire 50 or more Knowledge related to Orzekea
1,000 Contribution EXP
Enchanted Scroll (+70)
Vaha's Dawn
Title [Seeds of Conflict]
[Atoraxxion] Recover the Knowledge of Orzekea II Acquire 130 or more Knowledge related to Orzekea
1,000 Contribution EXP
Enchanted Scroll (+130)
Vaha's Dawn
Title [Unseen Dawn]
Complete Atoraxxion: Orzekea for the first time to claim the following rewards, available once per Family.
Quest Objective Rewards
[Atoraxxion] Orze's Time Capsule Talk to the Black Spirit
1,000 Contribution EXP
Advice of Valks (+150)
[Event] Ancient Weapon of Atoraxxion
The "Ancient Weapon of Atoraxxion" is furniture that can be installed in your manor.

Obtainable Titles

The titles you can earn while adventuring in Atoraxxion: Orzekea are as follows:
Title How to Obtain
Sinner of the Stronghold Complete Orzekea Suggested Questline
The First Savior Complete Orzekea Suggested Questline
Defeat monsters in Atoraxxion: Orzekea to earn the following titles:
Title How to Obtain
Orze's Plaything Defeat 5,000 Orzekea Ancient Weapons
Thorn in Your Side Defeat 10,000 Orzekea Ancient Weapons
Failure, the M-Orze-r of Success Defeat 20,000 Orzekea Ancient Weapons
Alketa Job Done Defeat Alketa once

* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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