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#Life Skill
Alchemy Tips and Tricks Part 1: Thuja Sap
Apr 19, 2021, 18:33 (UTC)
3146 2
Last Edit : Apr 19, 2021, 18:35 (UTC)
# 1

Alchemy Tips and Tricks: Thuja

Family Name: Blaqklight

Last Edited: 4/19/2021

Hello again Adventures! Ambassador Blaqklight here with some alchemy tips and tricks! As you may have noticed, either in your own adventures or from friends, Alchemy becomes a little bottlenecked at the higher tiers. Lets take, for example, Helix Elixers. In my opinion, Helix are some of the most profitable elixers you can make but are terribly hard to craft due to the crafting components.


Helix Elixers require:

  • 6 Thuja Sap
  • 3 Monk’s Branch
  • 2 Clown’s Blood
  • 2 Powder of Flame
  • 3 Purified Water


For the most part, the bottom 4 ingredients are easy to make or obtain. You may run into some issues with the “Beast Blood” crafting component for the Clown’s Blood (if you do have this issue, head over to Wolf Hills and use a fluid collector on some wolves for an hour or so), but overall, you can obtain these with minimal effort by crafting or buying from the MP. The issue, typically, is the Thuja Sap.


Thuja Sap: How do I get it?

At the time of writing, there are 14,039 Thuja Saps sitting on the market, which is incredibly rare. Looking at the 3-Month unit distribution, we can see that there have been several major spikes on the MP, probably from a few individuals dumping mass quantities at once. This item is usually up for a max-price pre-order and I expect it will go back up quite soon. Why is this item so rare?


Thuja Sap can only be obtained from two avenues:

1.) Putting a worker on the Dormann Lumber Camp node.


2.) Manually extracting the sap directly from Thuja trees in Drieghan with a fluid collector.


For obvious reasons, I’d recommend doing both. The node itself is 2 Contribution Points (CP) and the Lumbering Node inside of that is 3 CP, so you’ll need a total of 5 for the whole thing. I’ve had an Artisan Goblin worker on the node for about 3 weeks and Ive gotten around 750 Thuja Sap in that time. Its not a lot, but it does help in the process.


Thuja Sap: Lets get to the succ!

Time to succ the trees? Grab the items you’ll need first:

  • Seafood Cron Meal
  • Fluid Collector (Any kind, preferably magical if you’re below 800 mastery)
  • Verdure Draught
  • Gathering Clothes
  • Life Alchemy Stone
  • …and any other optional buffs you’d like!

1.) To start this process, you’re going to want to head over to the Dreighan area, specifically right here on the map where my horse is:


2.) The Thuja Sap rotation is going to start to the right of the Altar on ping:

NOTE: It is important to be able to tell the difference between Thuja Trees and other trees in this area, like Cedar, Dry Pine, etc. Thuja Trees are much skinnier and have leaves starting much higher on the trunks. A picture differentiating Thuja and Cedar is below. The two Thuja are on the left.



3.) Once you walk up to the two trees to the right of the altar, interact with them using your fluid collector. You should receive some Thuja Sap and a few other marketable materials. A third tree is located directly behind you, nestled behind the other stone structure. Notice again that it is the skinnier of the two pictured, on the left.



4.) Leaving that area and heading up the road towards Blood Wolves, we will notice two more Thuja trees.



5.) After successfully succing those two trees, we will turn left and head North up the road towards a broken fence. You will see one more Thuja tree after the end of the fence.



6.) Now, after snagging this tree, drop down the embankment in front of you, and immediately on the left you will find another Thuja tree.



7.) Next, turn left and head towards the ruins we saw from the top of the embankment. Just before getting there, you will find another tree on your right.



8.) Now, turn left and head into the ruins. You will find another tree next to the broken pots.



9.) On the opposite side of the road (to the left of the above picture) there is another tree nestled between two boulders.



10.) Heading straight North up the road from this location, you’ll find 3 more trees on either side of the road.



11.) From this location, if you turn exactly 90 degrees to the right, you’ll find another tree nestled in the ruins next to the broken shack.



12.) Now, turning right again and going back up the road towards our horse, you’ll come across a patch of trees on the right side of the road. There are six more Thuja trees in this area. Be careful not to mix them up with the Cedar ones that are also in the area.



13.) After gathering all 6 of these trees, you’ll want to head through the forest towards the cliff (directly straight from the above picture). You’ll pop out at a cliff with two patches of Thuja in front of you.



14.) Head down the cliff to the patch on the left first. There will be seven Thuja in that grouping. Continue down the cliff to the patch on the right. There are three more in that patch.


15.) Once you’re done getting the bottom 3, head back up towards your horse. Auto-pathing should take you up towards the Hoom Highland. Stop once you get to this spot on the map:


16.)  This is our last stop on the Thuja tour. In that forest up to the right, there are over 15 Thuja trees mixed in with the Cedar and Dry Pine. This is where you’ll get the bulk of your sap. Once you’re finished, head back to your horse and start at the top again!



I hope this rotation can help people gather as much Thuja Sap as possible. You can make a considerable amount of money off this rotation in just sap, more if you turn it into Helix Elixirs.  My last time there I made over 150m an hour with Artisan 10 Gathering on the sap and Master 10 Alchemy turning into Helix Elixirs. I might have missed a few trees here and there, but this is my main rotation that I use frequently. Hope I’m not ruining anyone’s trade secrets, but since many people do not do alchemy, I thought this would help out those who do. If you have any suggestions or feedback, please do not hesitate to let me know in the comments below! Now go succ those trees!



Last Edit : Apr 21, 2021, 17:36 (UTC)
# 2

Kudo's for giving up some secrets to help others out.

For anyone interested in Purified Water accumulation, I would suggest creating a Shai Alt (or 2) to burn energy gathering water, then using a main or other alt to filter it for the Purified Water. "Lend" your gathering gear/accessorries to the alt(s) for gathering. Right now I have a relatively low level Shai that burns < 400 energy to get me about 1,250 bottles of River Water. I then have my main with 25+ mastery in processing to filter that out to into Purified Water. All of this is done AFK (aside from setup), including putting the Shai gatherer in a bed for a few hours to regen energy.


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