Berserker rping as ranger cus identity crisis cus the developers dont know what to do with this class so they keep slowly deleted its melee kit and buffing flame buster for no fucking reason, removing protection from everything on the class wile giving ALMOST every other class protected multi hit CC on every skill they can find and insane dmg on top of it specially looking at succ wiz/witch, guardian, succ valk, hashashin or w/e its called.
Current zerker meta is to just abuse flame buster cus if u get 2 close u instantly die wile not having the kit to even protect urself from any of the melee meta classes or ranged/mage classes, its actually very borring to RP as a ranger.
i feel the class has no real identity at the moment in NW and siege we are literally a ranger with grabs and dogshit ranged dmg compared to ranger but with an insane CC mechanism every 3minutes, but we are still RPing as a god dam ranger during this skill so ye why not just hand in a free ranger or archer reroll coupon by now?.
I do not view this class from a 1v1 perspective since i dont care about 1v1 i like group pvp, since its a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game not a 1v1 p2p lobby based game.
And those of you that think this game should be balanced arround 1v1 if u wanna play a 1v1 u should be playing SF, MC, KoF or something like that would enjoy the 1v1's way more over there since those game are made specifically for 1v1.
Current berserker is not as fun to play as old berserker and no i dont wanna become the new succ wiz by having all my skills do insane dmg with protection, currently the berserker class ends up RPing as a ranger or archer its very borring cus our kit does not allow us to play any other way unless we are 710gs and we are fighting 600gs players and with 0 succession wizards or rangers or succ valks or guardians arround to 2 tap our ass or sorcs but this one 1 tap u if they CC u into crows.
Bring back 2017 zerker please thanks, gimme back all my SA/FG and CC's so i can be a succ wizard with very low damage, bring back old zerker SA where there are no gaps in when chaining SA's, i am joking here, but ye i want protection and defensive mechanics so i can stay in a fight and play MELEE i never heard of a berserker having to play ranged cus everyone else bullies him if he gets 2 close, i am looking at this from a group fight POV like node wars and siege.
I am possitive this class has the least amount of protection in all BDO with 0 protection on every relevant skill that actually deals dmg unlike every other class that has some of their hardest hitting skills protected AND WITH CC, i am not asking for protection on ancient wave combos but more protection arround the kit and some extra mechanics to help stay in the fight longer so the class can become a berserker i am borred of RPing as a ranger and archer those are 2 diferent classes if i wanted to play ranged class i would of picking something else.
This class is called berserker but it has 0 berserker traits, used to have them with how balls deep u could go into an enemy ball back in 2017 but not anymore.
Add 2 new passive skill to the class to enhance melee experience.
Awaken spec:
Give the berserker an enrage passive mechanics that works similar to rbf mechanic as you loose HP u get DR and heal on hit start getting dr below 95% HP along with heal on hit so we can match guardian on sustain, instead of giving us retarded dmg like succ wiz or guardian or any of the other succession classes where u can 2-3 skill anyone once u hit 289AP if ur not a dent on the class without relying on 3minute CD and they stay in protection FG/SA if we wanna do dmg we have to use unprotected skills and some dont even have CC on them like FD, passive skill should start at 95% HP and caps arround 50% and for HP on hit make it 50-100% stronger than guardian HP on hit since we dont have a single dps FG skill and our 2 meme ass SA skills deal negative damage talking about slugfest and devastation 0 dmg on both if compared to any other similar stationary skill, i think this type of passive skill fits a berserker perfectly fine we dont have any of the berserker trance states, we should be able to trade blows with any class in melee range, we dont have nearly as many reliable iframes as EVERY other class prove me wrong even shai has better iframe, and best defensive skill is an iframe since its completely negates dmg and allows your FG to regen.
so YES we need a MASSIVE melee survival buff, so we can stop rping as a ranger, this skill would make the class so much more fun as it would require so much awareness of ur HP and skill rotation to stay long inside fights without going arround 2-3 taping everyone arround us just slow steady melee dmg with huge sustain, and even with 50% dmg reduction a succ wiz would still 4 skill us and a sorc would prolly still do 90%+ of our HP with crows.
The skill would be something similar to current RBF mechanics since it would give either %DR or flat DR but it would apply at higher HP% values and add a heal on hit to every skill we go similar to guardian heal on hit but ours would be based on HP so lower HP= more heal on hit.
Remove the tedious LMB buff that gives 20% atk speed that has to be refreshed every 9 seconds to be able to perform on the class instead add a frenzy mechanic when ever the zerker deals damage NOT when we use a randome skill but when we actually hit something we get atk speed and movement speed, 2.5% atk speed and 1% MS each stacks and make cap em at 10 stacks make the buff last 20seconds its a nice 5% speed boost and quality of life, this type of skill already exists on the guardian but it does something completely diferent.
Buff slugfest by 70% and devastation by 200%, if u look at other similar skills that deal stationary dmg wile being a SA then u can see how slug and deva deal 0 dmg just look at sorc crows skill that thing does like 7k dmg in 2 seconds meanwile slugfest deals arround 1.5k dmg in 2.5s, and devastation deals arround 1.3k? excluding the flow i forgot this one but it was a meme after standing still for 10years if u dont die before ur even done using it and it can be outpoted by fairy because of how SLOOOOOOOOW this skill is, this was done testing 309 ap on 350dp zerker on zerker action live servers no bullshit test server i forgot to record the exact numbers on the avg dmg of both skills but it was something arround that, and i am sure a 309 sorc can deal arround 10k+ dmg in 2 seconds on a 350dp player with crows nice dmg balance, even with this small buffs this 2 skills will not be anywhere near the damage other stationary skills do like every guardian/succ valk skills dealing insane dmg wile not moving, or crows from sorc wich is the most out of control stationary dmg skill with SA that can be canceled instantly into the most OP iframes in the game.
So yea a 309 zerker deals an avg of 1.5k on a very VERY slow stationary skill to a 350dp player 1 of our only 2 protected dps skills what other class deals this much dmg at that AP? with a SLOW skill maybe it goes up by 5-10% depending on the class nice meme.
I have review devastation and this trash tier skill deals less dmg than slugfest this time i tested with a 324AP zerker hitting my meme gearlet ass and deva deals arround 300 less dmg than slugfest WHAT THE ACTUAL F????? i did not include the devastation Flow damage in here just plain deva vs slugfest, i prolly exagerated on the 200% buff cus of how trash tier this skill is when it comes to doing dmg ..... and u have to stand still for like 2.5-3 seconds for this dogshit skill NICE MEME, remember this 2 skills are VERY VERY SLOW and dont have CC so u can stand up and walk away from them if u where CC'd thats how slow both of this skills are.
Titan blow needs SA not CC the class has enough CC, the skill is completely useless outside of 1v1 and for style points during 1v1 otherwise its useless cant be used on any real scenario, this used to be a very fun skill to use back when it had FG wile holding and SA after release wish we could get this one back
Give back General disarray iframe, do not forget that the berserker iframe is the ONLY iframe in the game that gets canceled by collision so its useless in group fights if u hit an ally with it ur animation stops and so does the iframe same goes with terrain u hit a wall, a tree a rock anything that stops the animation cancels the iframe, if there is even an iframe in that skill, half of our current iframe animation is not protected, becomes an iframe only after u have jumped into the air and still gets canceled by collision what a meme need a 2nd iframe.
Shakeoff remove player and mob collision so its a proper iframe that doesnt get cancelled everytime u are stuck by collision because ur either surrounded by friends or enemies.
Yoinked from Charpie post way to fix this 2 skills frenzy winds can be used atm but its trash this might help and this might also make AoD viable
- Axe of Destruction -> Damage increased to current level of Frenzied Destroyer
- Axe of Destruction -> Can now be canceled by Shake Off, Evasion, C Swap, Lava Piercer, Storming Beast and Ground Lifting
- Axe of Destruction -> Animation speed increased by 100%
- Frenzied Winds -> Startup animation reduced or simply increase over all animation speed by 20-30%
- Frenzied Winds -> Can now be cancelled earlier on
- Shooting Mobility ->Add either SA or FG this skills is to disengage most the time and to engage sometimes but its useless if u get CC'd on it
- Feral Stampede -> Frontal Guard back on this skills and allow us to cancel at the end you end up stuck on this animation at the end for 2 long.
- Corpse Storm -> Grab hitbox comes out faster
- Titan Blow -> NEEDS SA to be even in a spot where u can use it the skill is so slow anyone can punish this trash skill without SA on it, mentioned this before.
- General Disarray -> iframe i mentiones this before.
- Shakeoff -> Remove player and npc collision like mentioned before
- Enrage -> read the book
- Frenzy -> read the book
- Remove the 1s CD on C swap this disabled combos, reduce ground lift dmg on CD if needed to prevent headbut spam combo.
- Slugfest ->100% dmg buff name 1 stationary skill that deals less dmg than this that its not devastation
- Devastation -> 200% dmg buff name 1 stationary skill that deals less dmg than this dogshit skill.
- Seismic -> 12s CD but before this need to buff slug and deva otherwise the class goes back to 0 dmg on protected skills.
And sure u can nerf Flame Buster damage by 15-20% but give me back old FB where it did full dmg if canceled before bar was fully charged so i can use it as a support skill when Q buff in on CD for when the rats tryna run from me at 5% or less HP.
And succession zerker needs a F ton of protection on their skills to be viable at all in node war and siege after the 200% removal.
I dont play this spec at all only did it for the 200% memes so idk how to help it but i think just adding fck ton of FG's and a few more SA's should do the trick.
add enrage mechanic 2 like mentioned before, this one doesnt need extra dmg deals plenty but ur unable to do dmg because u have 0 protection and every other class still hits harder than it but it can become viable with some FG's and SA's arround the kit.
All heals should be buffed by x2 or maybe x3 the amount of converted to % heals like wiz/witch it will still be slower to heal using our heals but they do need to address this can be ignored if the enrage mechanic is taken into consideration.
Hope to get some feedback from devs its becoming very very borring having to RP as a ranger or archer cus u get 2 taped by every other class if u get 2 close to the fight, wile u try and slugmeme them or devastate them with the meme that this skills are wich are our only protected dps skills, we now have new siesmic it helps but doesnt solve the issue of how trash our melee potential is.
And hope ya all enjoyed the book and they change the direction this meme class is going, one can dream the devs would put effort into this class instead of shitting on every skill we got and disable it like they did to predatory hunt and giant leap as i explained on the bug section of the forums feel free to read if u are not aware of why our 100% awaken is trash now a days.
I mean Zerker needs to get his grab chaining back and some tankiness. I dont give AF that it was broken in 1v1s I would rather have that class exist then activate buff and get free kills after X amount of time it doesnt fit the glass hes a big meat wall with no structure........
Change ZERKER!
Berserker rping as ranger cus identity crisis cus the developers dont know what to do with this class so they keep slowly deleted its melee kit and buffing flame buster for no fucking reason, removing protection from everything on the class wile giving ALMOST every other class protected multi hit CC one every skill they can find and insane dmg on top of it specially looking at succ wiz.
Current zerker meta is to just abuse flame buster cus if u get 2 close u instantly die wile not having the kit to even protect urself from any of the melee meta classes or ranged/mage classes, its actually very borring to RP as a ranger.
i feel the class has no real identity at the moment in NW and siege we are literally a ranger with grabs and dogshit ranged dmg compared to ranger but with an insane CC mechanism every 3minutes, but we are still RPing as a god dam ranger during this skill so ye why not just hand in a free ranger or archer reroll coupon by now?.
I do not view this class from a 1v1 perspective since i dont care about 1v1 i like group pvp, since its a MASSIVE MULTIPLAYER ONLINE game not a 1v1 p2p lobby based game.
And those of you that think this game should be balanced arround 1v1 if u wanna play a 1v1 u should be playing SF, MC, KoF or something like that would enjoy the 1v1's way more over there since those game are made specifically for 1v1.
Current berserker is not as fun to play as old berserker and no i dont wanna become the new succ wiz by having all my skills do insane dmg with protection, currently the berserker class ends up RPing as a ranger or archer its very borring cus our kit does not allow us to play any other way unless we are 710gs and we are fighting 600gs players and with 0 succession wizards or rangers or succ valks or guardians arround to 2 tap our ass or sorcs but this one 1 tap u if they CC u into crows.
Bring back 2017 zerker please thanks, gimme back all my SA/FG and CC's so i can be a succ wizard with very low damage, bring back old zerker SA where there are no gaps in when chaining SA's, i am joking here, but ye i want protection and defensive mechanics so i can stay in a fight and play MELEE i never heard of a berserker having to play ranged cus everyone else bullies him if he gets 2 close, i am looking at this from a group fight POV like node wars and siege.
I am possitive this class has the least amount of protection in all BDO with 0 protection on every relevant skill that actually deals dmg unlike every other class that has some of their hardest hitting skills protected AND WITH CC, i am not asking for protection on ancient wave combos but more protection arround the kit and some extra mechanics to help stay in the fight longer so the class can become a berserker i am borred of RPing as a ranger and archer those are 2 diferent classes if i wanted to play ranged class i would of picking something else.
This class is called berserker but it has 0 berserker traits, used to have them with how balls deep u could go into an enemy ball back in 2017 but not anymore.
Add 2 new passive skill to the class to enhance melee experience.
Awaken spec:
Give the berserker an enrage passive mechanics that works similar to rbf mechanic as you loose HP u get DR and heal on hit start getting dr below 95% HP along with heal on hit so we can match guardian on sustain, instead of giving us retarded dmg like succ wiz or guardian or any of the other succession classes where u can 2-3 skill anyone once u hit 289AP if ur not a dent on the class without relying on 3minute CD and they stay in protection FG/SA if we wanna do dmg we have to use unprotected skills and some dont even have CC on them like FD, passive skill should start at 95% HP and caps arround 50% and for HP on hit make it 50-100% stronger than guardian HP on hit since we dont have a single dps FG skill and our 2 meme ass SA skills deal negative damage talking about slugfest and devastation 0 dmg on both if compared to any other similar stationary skill, i think this type of passive skill fits a berserker perfectly fine we dont have any of the berserker trance states, we should be able to trade blows with any class in melee range, we dont have nearly as many reliable iframes as EVERY other class prove me wrong even shai has better iframe, and best defensive skill is an iframe since its completely negates dmg and allows your FG to regen.
so YES we need a MASSIVE melee survival buff, so we can stop rping as a ranger, this skill would make the class so much more fun as it would require so much awareness of ur HP and skill rotation to stay long inside fights without going arround 2-3 taping everyone arround us just slow steady melee dmg with huge sustain, and even with 50% dmg reduction a succ wiz would still 4 skill us and a sorc would prolly still do 90%+ of our HP with crows.
The skill would be something similar to current RBF mechanics since it would give either %DR or flat DR but it would apply at higher HP% values and add a heal on hit to every skill we go similar to guardian heal on hit but ours would be based on HP so lower HP= more heal on hit.
Remove the tedious LMB buff that gives 20% atk speed that has to be refreshed every 9 seconds to be able to perform on the class instead add a frenzy mechanic when ever the zerker deals damage NOT when we use a randome skill but when we actually hit something we get atk speed and movement speed, 2.5% atk speed and 1% MS each stacks and make cap em at 10 stacks make the buff last 20seconds its a nice 5% speed boost and quality of life, this type of skill already exists on the guardian but it does something completely diferent.
Buff slugfest by 30% and devastation by 70%, if u look at other similar skills that deal stationary dmg wile being a SA then u can see how slug and deva deal 0 dmg just look at sorc crows skill that thing does like 7k dmg in 2 seconds meanwile slugfest deals arround 1.5k dmg in 2.5s, and devastation deals arround 2.5k? i forgot this one but it was a meme after standing still for 10years if u dont die before ur even done using it and it can be outpoted by fairy because of how SLOOOOOOOOW this skill is, this was done testing 309 ap on 350dp zerker on zerker action live servers no bullshit test server i forgot to record the exact numbers on the avg dmg of both skills but it was something arround that, and i am sure a 309 sorc can deal arround 10k+ dmg in 2 seconds on a 350dp player with crows nice dmg balance, even with this small buffs this 2 skills will not be anywhere near the damage other stationary skills do like every guardian/succ valk skills dealing insane dmg wile not moving, or crows from sorc wich is the most out of control stationary dmg skill with SA that can be canceled instantly into the most OP iframes in the game.
So yea a 309 zerker deals an avg of 1.5k on a very VERY slow stationary skill to a 350dp player 1 of our only 2 protected dps skills what other class deals this much dmg at that AP? with a SLOW skill maybe it goes up by 5-10% depending on the class nice meme.
And remove the tedious LMB buff that gives 20% atk speed that has to be refreshed every 9 seconds to be able to perform on the class instead add a frenzy mechanic when ever the zerker deals damage NOT when we use a randome skill but when we actually hit something we get atk speed stacks 1% each stacks and make cap em at 25 stacks make the buff last 20seconds its a nice 5% speed boost and quality of life.
Titan blow needs SA not CC the class has enough CC, the skill is completely useless outside of 1v1 and for style points during 1v1 otherwise its useless cant be used on any real scenario, this used to be a very fun skill to use back when it had FG wile holding and SA after release wish we could get this one back
Give back General disarray iframe, do not forget that the berserker iframe is the ONLY iframe in the game that gets canceled by collision so its useless in group fights if u hit an ally with it ur animation stops and so does the iframe same goes with terrain u hit a wall, a tree a rock anything that stops the animation cancels the iframe, if there is even an iframe in that skill, half of our current iframe animation is not protected, becomes an iframe only after u have jumped into the air and still gets canceled by collision what a meme need a 2nd iframe.
And sure u can nerf Flame Buster damage by 15% but give me back old FB where it did full dmg if canceled before bar was fully charged so i can use it as a support skill when Q buff in on CD for when the rats tryna run from me at 5% or less HP.
And succession zerker needs a F ton of protection on their skills to be viable at all in node war and siege after the 200% removal.
I dont play this spec at all only did it for the 200% memes so idk how to help it but i think just adding fck ton of FG's and a few more SA's should do the trick.
add enrage mechanic 2 like mentioned before, this one doesnt need extra dmg deals plenty but ur unable to do dmg because u have 0 protection and every other class still hits harder than it but i can become viable with some FG's and SA's arround the kit.
Hope to get some feedback from devs its becoming very very borring having to RP as a ranger or archer cus u get 2 taped by every other class if u get 2 close to the fight, wile u try and slugmeme them or devastate them with the meme that this skills are wich are our only protected dps skills.
And hope ya all enjoyed the book and they change the direction this meme class is going, one can dream the devs would put effort into this class instead of shitting on every skill we got and disable it like they did to predatory hunt and giant leap as i explained on the bug section of the forums feel free to read if u are not aware of why our 100% awaken is trash now a days.
I don't even play zerk and I would like to see this as well. i do a lot of rbf and it's a joke how melee can barely engage because of so much ranged damage/aoes/cc geting thrown around. Seems like ninja and sorc have an easier time with it since they have iframes, but this just makes it ass for every other melee. Pretty not fun honestly. I've tried out a couple other melee classes in rbf and basically have to play at range just to be somewhat viable.
I don't even play zerk and I would like to see this as well. i do a lot of rbf and it's a joke how melee can barely engage because of so much ranged damage/aoes/cc geting thrown around. Seems like ninja and sorc have an easier time with it since they have iframes, but this just makes it ass for every other melee. Pretty not fun honestly. I've tried out a couple other melee classes in rbf and basically have to play at range just to be somewhat viable.
Ok dont say range damage its the AOE CCs and burst damage coming from witchards. That is why melee classes cant do anything unless ya they can easily get to the backline. tanks are not even really tanks currently because they Get CCed by witchards and bursted down as soon as they try and go inso most of them kind of go for a flank and such instead. Fact!
Since i remember my first choice and only choice to play was berserk and i was enjoy that choice.
Then with time developers dont know what to do with this class so berserk start to be weak and weak and now we have what we have a phatetic class no one want to play.
Balance classes is phatetic too (there is no balances at all) how you can give already strong classes with iframes evasion too + dmg ?
Hope someone from PearAbyss is watching RBF? Propobly not because if they do it, he'll start crying if one of them gets RBF monitored (they don't often do that, why should they do it? By knowing what they've done !!!) the classes that have the most points (kills) have iFrame / evasion (same class again) in every skill CC where berserk is only good for every 3 minutes (q buff) for 30 seconds otherwise it is just an easy target to kill, even if berserk should be (always was) close range class!?! So now it's time to see how many people play berserk and ask why? Oh easy question class is weak no damage in PvP no iFrame no dodging no skill bonus like CC and protected (super armor) so people don't play this class and choose broken classes. Compared to others like striker / ninja / hashashin etc, Berserk needs some really good gear to kill either end, even if it's 95%, he will die if he doesn't catch the enemy.
Every now and then I think what would it be like if all the broken classes took off the iFrame / evasion, how many people would stay and play in those classes? 5% ? 10% ? ok maybe 15% will be keep them because thay buy inventory slots.
They propobly will be do rerol for new classes with iFrames and high evasion good job PerlAbyss new profits coming.
So on the end my post if any want kill any classes should be take good advice from you and just watch what you doing on the end this road will be succes because you kill berserk thank too you no one want play this class.
To do not hesitated to contact with me i can give you more briliant ideas.
(please do not comments that post if you never play berserk 61lvl+ or you cant read with understoonding)
Just from a archetype perspective I also thought Zerks would be a rather tankier or a crazy damage dealing class. Even if he neither gets to be a tank or a damage dealer, he could be a nice AOE-CC support as an alternative. It looks like he is mediocre in all of these things at best.
Alternatively a bit more SA or FG would help this class a great deal, even if you don't want to make him stronger in general. So with some skilled applied they can stay engaged. The whole idea of Zerk was that he is always enganged, pointed out by the fact that he can't dodge back. So if not more DPS, not more effective CC's, and not more HP, then please some better SA/FG/Iframes so at least players who are smart about their skill management can have a chance to make things happen.
the class is still viable but u have to RP as a trash tier succ ranger or archer literally u never go in spam FB u can still sort off get kills but at this point why not just hand in free succ ranger or archer reroll coupon, least that class has a bit of protection on some of its range skills meanwile we rely on RNG to not get cc'd wile we RP as a ranger/archer, in before all zerkers start rping as archers/rangers and the effort to get the class fixed is gone since u can make it viable as long as u RP as something ur not, back in 2017 ranged skills where our supportive skills now its the otherway arround .... what has happened to this class.
i review the damage vs a 324AP zerker hitting me so i adjusted the 2 skills that i think need a damage buff, going from 309 to 324 will make this 2 skills deal the exact same regardless of AP the only damage increase u will notice going from 309 and 324 is ur RANGE SKILLS LMAO and AW+siesmic or that new skill, talking about awaken , all our unprotected skill will recive a deccent buff in dmg if u push past 309 but our protected shit will still deal 0 effing dmg what a fcking meme. 324 ap was still doing arround 1.5-1.6k dmg with slugfest and 250-350 less on deva on average, the flow deals arround 1k+ on its own wich is pretty solid still sort of a meme for todays dmg standards but solid for how fast it is, if u wanna see what dp i was using for test read the book.