Weather effects in the sea seems almost in barebones and more like if it is in alpha stage.
Photo Examples:
*Fog seen in land
*Fog seen in sea
Other weather examples:
- Day/Night changes moving across a line.
You can see how the sky becomes darker when moving west to east and then change your direction 180º to see how the sky becomes again in daylight in seconds.
- You can cross a storm and the waves seems almost like in a sunny day. (Anyways, your sailors are happy by the good weather)
I would add that storms at sea are a bit overdone: there is way too many thunderstrikes.
I remember when I first started sailing. I was in Margoria and there were waves that were twice the size of my Epheria Sailboat. Haven't seen them anywhere near that big since though.
I remember when I first started sailing. I was in Margoria and there were waves that were twice the size of my Epheria Sailboat. Haven't seen them anywhere near that big since though.
Margoria is nice, seems realistic to me and I agree, very big waves, but scary xD I don´t like the open sea in reality, it is full of scary things and no bottom beneath you.
But nevertheless I like also the fact, that there is a lot of storms in the game on the sea, should stay like it is, it gives you more presure, than just sailing the whole time around, as if there is no danger.
With the storm effect overall, if there is waves or not in certain areas, I haven´t seen or noticed it yet. As I was only once or twice shipping around in storm regions.
And the fact about fogs, I agree it can be way more or dense on some areas, except the sea of silence, which is already with dense fog.
And in general I wanted to have way more darker nights, or at least an option for an dark mode or more authentic mode.