Official Black Desert Calendar
Winners annoucement

In-game Title:
Seasonal Sensation!

Official 2024 Black Desert Calendar

Land of the Morning Light Merch Kit
Land of the Morning Light merch kit contents

Land of the Morning Light merch kit
• Woosa Swallowtail Fan
• Swallowtail Fan Trinket
• Gumiho & Sangoon Traditional Cup
• Land of the Morning Light Magnet
• Postcard x5
We will contact you soon, so please keep an eye on your email.
The physical production of the calendar has not yet started, so we ask for your patience until we can send the physical rewards along with the calendar.
* Additional Notice
- Pearl Abyss may use secondary works such as screenshots and videos submitted by users for the event for promotional purposes without time or regional restrictions, and they may be introduced through the official Black Desert website or SNS channels.
- Participating in the event in inappropriate ways, such as infringing copyright or stealing someone else's work, will result in exclusion from winning, and winners may have their prize revoked even after the winner announcement.
- The announcement for the award will be made within 2 weeks after the event period on the official website. However, the announcement schedule may be changed due to internal circumstances.
- Pearl Abyss reserves the right to change or cancel the event depending on mitigating circumstances. Any changes will be announced on this event page and will not be given separate notices.
- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods or with inappropriate images may result in the cancellation of the participation and may lead to a restriction on game access.
- Participation in the event is only possible when all the requirements are met.
- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support].
- Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].
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