Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Events Mar 6, 2025, 10:23 (UTC) [9th Anniversary] Community Discord Month

Community Discord Month!

Looking for new friends or a Black Desert community?
Meet other adventurers in events hosted by community Discords! 


How to Participate

Check out the schedule below for public, in-game events hosted by various community Black Desert Discords! Find an event that interests you and attend!

Type the keyword at the in-game event (General Chat) to receive rewards!
Example: [Class] Discord Photoshoot Day!
NA-Valencia 3 @3:00pm PST, EU-Valencia 3 @15:00 CET
Location: Heidel Fountain, Keyword: 9CLASSDISCORD9


Event Schedule

March 6, 2025 (Wed) - March 27, 2025 (Thu)


Check out the schedule below for a list of community hosted events!

Community Discord Events

Community Discord Event Date & Time Server & Location
[BDO Class Hub] Discord EU Class Hunt: Find The Location
NA: 1:00 PM PST
EU: 19:30 CET
NA-Valencia 3
EU-Valencia 3
Grandiha Fountain
[Witch/Wizard] Discord Photoshoot/Fashion Get Together
NA: 7:00 AM PST
EU: 16:00 CET
NA-Serendia 5
EU-Serendia 5
Cron Castle Bridge
[Guardian] Discord Guardian Photoshoot 3/8/2025
NA: 4:00 PM PST
NA-O'dyllita 1
Loggia Farm
[Dosa] Discord [PvP] King of The Hill -Capture Bradie Fortress
NA: 7:25 PM PDT
Orc Camp
[Completionists] Discord Title Showcase & Mutant Ogre Hunt
NA: 4:00 PM PDT
EU: 20:00 CET
NA-Calpheon 1
EU-Calpheon 1
Calpheon Castle
[BDO Guild Recruitment] Discord Guild Elephant Race
NA: 2:00 PM PDT
EU: 14:00 CET
NA-Kamasylvia 2
EU-Kamasylvia 2
Velia Guild Stable
Dark Knight Photoshoot
NA: 1:15 PM PDT
EU: 21:15 CET
NA-O'dyllita 1
EU-O'dyllita 1
Odraxxia, NPC: Viorencia
[Ranger] Discord
Rooftop Grand Prix, Discord Banner Group screenshot, & More!!!
NA: 4:30 PM PDT
EU: 18:30 CET
NA-Kamasylvia 2
EU-Kamasylvia 2
Valencia Arena
[The Strut] Discord
Carnivale di Calpheon
NA: 5:00 PM PDT
NA-Kamasylvia 2 Calpheon Elvia Realm
[Music Academy] Discord 
9th Anniversary Music Festival
NA: 5:00 PM PDT
NA-Kamasylvia 2
Heidel Manor
Host: Urotsukidoji
[Black Desert Roleplay] (EU) Discord
EU: 21:00 CET
EU-Serendia 2 Calpheon Slums 3-6
Family Host: Vulpa
[Muiquun Community] Discord
Pilaku Jail all vs Muiquun.
EU: 18:00 CET
EU-O'dyllita 1
[BDO Reoleplay Community] Discord
RP Community Picnic & Group Photo
NA: 12:00 PM PDT
NA-Kamasylvia 2
Heidel Elvia Zone
[Hashashin] Discord 
Hashashin Race Through Valencia 
EU: 10:15 CET
EU-Valencia 1
Sand Grain Bazaar

Event Rewards

Community Discords will be giving away these items to attendees.
Make sure to type in the keyword in General Chat to verify your attendance!

Rewards will be sent via in-game mail (B).

[Event] Endless Adventure Seal x5

[Title] Event Enthusiast (7 Days)

Community Discords will also give out one of the following rewards depending on their server.

Blessed Message Scroll x3

Item Collection Increase Scroll x3

[Event] Giovan Grolin's Support Scroll x3

[Event] Premium Elixir Box x2

* Additional Notices 

- Community Discords are unofficial and not officially associated with Pearl Abyss. 

- If the event is disrupted, no compensation or recovery will be possible for any damage caused.
- You must type the keyword in General Chat to receive rewards.
- Rewards may take up to two weeks after the event ends to be sent.

- Changes and adjustments to the event may occur, and in such cases, you should proceed accordingly based on the event host's explanations.

- Event details and duration are subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances.

- Event items may be restricted in trade, sale, and usage, with varying binding settings per item. Transfer or recovery of these items is not possible. 

- For details on item binding, refer to the in-game item descriptions. 

- Items or rewards, once used, cannot be recovered. 

- Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may lead to cancellation, reward repossession, and game access restrictions. 

- For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support].

- Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].

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