Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.


Events Mar 13, 2025, 09:59 (UTC) Springtime Pearl’s Blessings!

Springtime Pearl’s Blessings!

Mar 13, 2025 (Thu) after maintenance – Apr 3, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance

Receive rewards based on the number of Pearls spent via Pearl Shop (F3) - Pearl’s Blessings at the top right of the screen!


Choose Your Glorious Outfit Box

40% Discount

[Event] Choose Your Premium Outfit Box x3


Additionally, once you've collected all the rewards, including the 45,000 Pearls, you can reset Pearl's Blessings to obtain the rewards two more times!
(Twice per Family)


Obtainable Rewards

Spend  800 Pearls

Ellie's Magical Elixir x2
Fughar's Magical Elixir x2

Item Collection Increase Scroll x10

Spend 4.500 Pearls

Spend 9.000 Pearls

20% Discount Coupon

Spend  15.000 Pearls

Choose Your Glorious Outfit Box 

Spend 23.000 Pearls

[Event] Classic Outfit Box
30% Discount Coupon

Spend 33.000 Pearls

[Event] Choose Your Premium Outfit Box
40% Discount Coupon

Spend 45.000 Pearls

Event] Choose Your Premium Outfit Box x2

Choose Your Endless Journey Box, Choose Your Glorious Outfit Box Contents

Item Selectable (Choose 1)

Choose Your Endless Journey Box
Contract: [Storage Maid] Fairy Irene
Contract: [Transaction Maid] Fairy Irene
Inventory +16 Expansion Coupon
Value Pack (20 Days)
[Event] Blessing of Kamasylve (20 Days)
[Event] Secret Book of Old Moon (20 Days)
Item Selectable (Choose 1)

Choose Your Glorious Outfit Box
Arditeir Outfit Box
Black Knight Outfit Box
Secrua Outfit Box
Coco-Nutty Pirates Outfit Box
Lath'rakan Outfit Box
Poetica Outfit Box
BD9 Outfit Box
BD9+ Outfit Box N
Crimson Flame Outfit Box
Outlaws of Margoria Outfit Box


* Notes

Unspecified quantities in rewards default to one item. 

All discount coupons provided by Pearl's Blessings must be used within 3 days of receiving them and can be used for 7 days upon activation. 

If you cancel a Pearl Shop purchase made during the Pearl's Blessings event period, the amount will be deducted from your total Pearl usage, and any rewards obtained from the event will also be retrieved. 

Event details and duration are subject to change or cancellation due to unforeseen circumstances. Any changes will be announced on this event page without separate notices. 

Event items may be restricted in trade, sale, and usage, with varying binding settings per item. Transfer or recovery of these items is not possible. 

For details on item binding, refer to the in-game item descriptions. 

Items or rewards, once used, cannot be recovered. 

Participating in the event using inappropriate methods may lead to cancellation, reward repossession, and game access restrictions. 

For any questions or concerns regarding the event, please contact us via [Support].

Any content not mentioned on this page is subject to the [Black Desert Event Rules].

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