Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Manor Furniture and Sculptures (Outdoor)

Last Edited on : Feb 12, 2025, 14:49 (UTC)

The expansive outdoor space visible from the manor's entrance is what sets it apart from a normal residence. Check out the list of outdoor exclusive sculptures with details on how to obtain them through this guide.


➤ To check more furniture visit [Manor Furniture and Lighting (Indoor)]

➤ To check more furniture visit [Manor Furniture and Lighting (Indoor & Outdoor)]


Rearing Golden Horse Fountain

Laurel No Bile Trophy 

Leaping Golden Deer Fountain 

Stella's Hope Ornament 

Dreaming Golden Mermaid Fountain 

Glory of Heidel 

Runn Lamp 

Fountain of Blessed Springs 

Skabiosa's Gazebo 

Morning Mist's Embrace 

Little Sun 

Dim Runn Lamp 

Flondor Pond 

Marzana's Starpaved Table 

Lion's Reach Fountain 

Marzana's Starpaved Chair 

Life Guru Trophy 

Stonetail Outdoor Shed 

Breaking Wave Chair 

Turf Tile (1X1) 

Turf Tile (2X1) 

Turf Tile (2X2) 

Turf Tile (2X6) 

Turf Tile (4X4) 

Wing Turf 

Circular Turf (Small) 

Circular Turf (Large) 

Crescent Turf 

Maze Shrub 

Long Maze Shrub 

Maze Corner Shrub 

Maze Arch Shrub 

Small Acacia Tree 

Small Birch Tree 

Cypress Tree

Small Palm Tree


Little Angelica

Little Rosebay

Maze Cloud Shrub

Maze Donut Shrub

Maze Balled Shrub

Twisting Shrub

Wing Raised Bed

Circular Raised Bed (Large)

Crescent Raised Bed

Circular Raised Bed (Small)

[Manor] Budding Red/Yellow Tulip

[Manor] Blossoming Red/Yellow Tulip

[Manor] Fully Bloomed Red/Yellow Tulip


◈ [Manor] Rearing Golden Horse Fountain



A three-tiered fountain with a magnificent golden horse rearing at the top.

How to Obtain:
• It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials



How to Obtain


Golden Horse Statue x1

Exchange with Gula at Stonetail Horse Ranch.

Required Materials: Grand Prix Gold Trophy x3, Grand Prix Silver Trophy x7, Grand Prix Bronze Trophy x15, or Grand Prix Participant Certificate x25.


First Tier of the Fountain x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.

Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x250, Powder of Crevice x500, Gold Ingot x20, Platinum Ingot x20, and Oil of Regeneration x50.


Second Tier of the Fountain x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.

Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x150, Powder of Crevice x300, Gold Ingot x30, Platinum Ingot x30, and Oil of Regeneration x30.


Third Tier of the Fountain x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x100, Powder of Crevice x200, Gold Ingot x40, Platinum Ingot x40, and Oil of Regeneration x20.


Purified Water x1,500

Select Filtering from the Processing window with Bottle of River Water/Bottle of Turbid Water/Bottle of Clean Water x1, or Cactus Sap/Bag of Muddy Water x5.

(It can be purchased from General Goods Vendors, Waida, Noura, Yasum, or from the Central Market.)


◈ [Manor] Leaping Golden Deer Fountain



A three-tiered fountain with a golden deer leaping towards the sky and touching the clouds.

How to Obtain:

 It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials



How to Obtain



Golden Deer Statue x1

1. Exchange with the NPC, Lejenti at Narcion.
(Complete the preceding quest, "[Manor] When the Forest Lost the Light" - Then, Exchange with Narc's Wishstone x10, or Hunter's Token x150)

2. Exchange with the NPC, Remitaronsom at the Tooth Fairy Cabin.
(Complete the preceding quest, "[Manor] Hope of the Ahib" - Then, Exchange with Mournful Crystal of the Forest x20, or Hunter's Token x150.)


First Tier of the Fountain x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x250, Powder of Crevice x500, Gold Ingot x20, Platinum Ingot x20, and Oil of Regeneration x50.


Second Tier of the Fountain x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x150, Powder of Crevice (x300), Gold Ingot x30, Platinum Ingot x30, and Oil of Regeneration x30.


Third Tier of the Fountain x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x100, Powder of Crevice x200, Gold Ingot x40, Platinum Ingot x40, and Oil of Regeneration x20.


Purified Water x1,500

Select Filtering from the Processing window with Bottle of River Water/Bottle of Turbid Water/Bottle of Clean Water x1, or Cactus Sap/Bag of Muddy Water x5.

(It can be purchased from General Goods Vendors, Waida, Noura, Yasum, or from the Central Market.)


[Manor] Dreaming Golden Mermaid Fountain



A three-tiered fountain with a realistic singing golden mermaid.

How to Obtain:

It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials



How to Obtain



Golden Mermaid Statue x1

1. Complete the quest from Naruo at the Slippery Scallywags Isle and obtain the Clickety-clack Key.
2. Open the Slippery Scallywags Treasure Chest buried under the sea near the Slippery Scallywags Isle.


First Tier of the Fountain x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop - Takes 90 min.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x250, Powder of Crevice x500, Gold Ingot x20, Platinum Ingot x20, and Oil of Regeneration x50.


Second Tier of the Fountain x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop - Takes 60 min.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x150, Powder of Crevice x300, Gold Ingot x30, Platinum Ingot x30, and Oil of Regeneration x30.


Third Tier of the Fountain x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop - Takes 40 min.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x100, Powder of Crevice x200, Gold Ingot x40, Platinum Ingot x40, and Oil of Regeneration x20.


Purified Water x1,500

Select Filtering from the Processing window with Bottle of River Water/Bottle of Turbid Water/Bottle of Clean Water x1, or Cactus Sap/Bag of Muddy Water x5.

(It can be purchased from General Goods Vendors, Waida, Noura, Yasum, or from the Central Market.)


◈ [Manor] Runn Lamp



A lamp that was used to light the currently deserted city of Runn back in the day. Runn's Light Fragment, created from the Inextinguishable Stone, never burns out and stays bright throughout the night.

How to Obtain:

 It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:
(Learn the Knowledge on the "Inextinguishable Stone" and find Shakatu to complete the quest and obtain the Knowledge on the "Runn Light Fragment")

Required Materials



How to Obtain



Lamp Post x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Bronze Ingot x100, Steel x100, Gold Ingot x20, Sturdy Snow White Stone x30, and Black Stone Powder x300.



Alchemist's Small Lamp x5

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Brass Ingot x20, Gold Ingot x5, and Black Stone Powder x20.



Runn Light Fragment x5

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Inextinguishable Stone x1, Cleansed Magical Black Stone x10, and Stabilized Magical Black Stone x10.


◈ [Manor] Skabiosa's Gazebo



Skabiosa, the work supervisor in Kamasylvia, was shocked to find out that people coined the term "Skabiosa's midnight oil" as she was infamous for working day and night without rest. She then decided to go to Lake Flondor and rest, but she went all the way down to Okiara River where she was inspired to build the Skabiosa's Gazebo. Skabiosa made it to represent the winds of the forest and the flow of the river.

How to Obtain:

 It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials 



How to Obtain



Flondor Breeze Ceiling x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Piece of Image x50, Noc Ingot x200, Pure Gold Crystal x50, Oil of Storms x100, and Design: Flondor Breeze Ceiling x1.



Okiara Ripple Effect Floor  x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Piece of Image x20, Sturdy Snow White Stone x100, Gold Ingot x20, Zinc Ingot x20, and Design: Okiara Ripple Effect Floor x1.



Loopy Tree Forest Pillars x3

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Piece of Image x10, Sturdy Snow White Stone x150, Pure Gold Crystal x10, and Oil of Storms x30.


◈ [Manor] Little Sun



The Little Sun was used to light the Calpheon Slum. The Inextinguishable Stone, a rare product of numerous alchemical experiments, shines bright like the sun even at night.

How to Obtain:

Use Manufacture from the Processing window with the following required materials to obtain:

Required Materials



How to Obtain



Inextinguishable Stone x1

1. Exchange Charred Stone x100, the result of failed Alchemy, with Yisar Pjetyo, the Alchemist in Tarif.
2. Learn the Knowledge on the "Inextinguishable Stone", that is hidden in the pile of books in the library of Calpheon, then use Alchemy with the Required Materials listed in the hint.



Alchemist's Lamp x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x5, Brass Ingot x50, and Alluvial Gold x20.


◈ [Manor] Flondor Pond



A Grándiha style outdoor stone structure with fresh Apu Apu Waterstarwort planted in it. You can smell the flowery fragrance of Vedelona, and running your hand slowly through the leaves and the cold water reminds you of being at Lake Flondor.

How to Obtain:

It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials



How to Obtain



Grándiha Style Outdoor Stone Base x1

1. Exchange Charred Stone x100, the result of failed Alchemy, with Yisar Pjetyo, the Alchemist in Tarif.

2. Learn the Knowledge on the "Inextinguishable Stone", that is hidden in the pile of books in the library of Calpheon, then use Alchemy with the Required Materials in the hint.



Miloberry's Apu Apu Waterstarwort x100

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop   Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x5, Brass Ingot x50, and Alluvial Gold x20.



Vilentia's Vedelona Bouquet x2

It can be obtained from the "[Manor][Repeat] Vilentia's Vedelona Bouquet" quest (Starting NPC: Vilentia, the Seed Vendor in Grána).



Bottle of River Water x1,000

Fetch River Water in an empty bottle (You can purchase an empty bottle from Material Vendor NPCs in each town).


◈ [Manor] Marzana's Starpaved Table



A table crafted by Marzana, the leader of the Lavania League, and artisan Dwarves in Gavinya Great Crater. The galaxy, as she imagines it, is engraved on it beautifully.


How to Obtain:

 It can be obtained from the "[Manor][Repeat] Marzana's Starpaved Table" quest (Starting NPC: Marzana, the leader of the Lavania League).


◈ [Manor] Marzana's Starpaved Chair



A chair crafted by Marzana, the leader of the Lavania League, and artisan Dwarves in Gavinya Great Crater. The path of the stars through the galaxy is expressed on it beautifully.

How to Obtain:

 It can be obtained from the "[Manor][Repeat] Marzana's Starpaved Chair" quest (Starting NPC: Marzana, the leader of the Lavania League).


◈ [Manor] Lion's Reach Fountain



A northern Heidelian style water fountain that was put out of production after Serendia was conquered by Calpheon. In the past, it was used in ceremonies where someone returning from war would wash their bodies of the stench of their enemies and swear upon the peace of Serendia before an audience with the king. You can read the following text when looking at it closely. "Be always vigilant like a lion"

How to Obtain:

 It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials 



How to Obtain



Northern Heidel Gothic Fountain x1

Complete the "[Manor] Northern Heidel Gothic Fountain" quest.
(Starting NPC: Jemkas Wyrmsbane in the Northern Heidel Quarry)



Lion's Gaze x1

Complete the "[Manor] Lion's Gaze" quest.
(Starting NPC: Bianstimi, the Jeweler in Calpheon)


◈ [Manor] Life Guru Trophy


A glorious trophy crafted by the Old Moon Guild awarded only to people that have reached the pinnacle of every Life Skill category. Anyone that owns it should be proud of themselves and showcase the trophy to gaze upon tirelessly.


How to Obtain:

Arrange and combine the following required materials in order from top to bottom in Yaz's Inventory.

Required Materials



How to Obtain



Pinnacle of Honor x1

Talk to the NPC that comes to the manor once you reach Guru 1 in any Life Skill category.



Pedestal of Honor x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x30, Fairy Powder x300, Pure Gold Crystal x30, and Mystical Cleaning Oil x10.


◈ [Manor] Laurus Nobilis Trophy


The Laurus Nobilis Nest that Lara, who runs the orphanage, carefully crafted with the orphans is placed on top of the Angel's Pedestal that the Heidel Villagers made for Lara. The fresh leaves gently sway in the breeze, and you can feel a sense of warmth from somewhere.


How to Obtain:

Arrange and combine the following required materials in order from top to bottom in Yaz's Inventory.

Required Materials 



How to Obtain 



Laurus Nobilis Nest x1

1. Accept and complete the "[Manor][Weekly] Laurel Leaves" quest from the NPC Melissa Brady to obtain Laurel Leaves.
2. Exchange Laurel Leaves x15 with the NPC, Lara.



Angel's Pedestal x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop .
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x30, Powder of Crevice x100, Pure Gold Crystal x10, and Mystical Cleaning Oil x3.


◈ [Manor] Stella's Hope Ornament



A vase made by Izella in Florin for the adventurer that shared in the pains with her son, Stella. The bouquet of Vedelona in the vase is giving off a pleasant scent. Much like the sincere hopes of Stella for someone, the flowers effuse sentimentality.


How to Obtain:

Arrange and combine the following required materials in order from top to bottom in Yaz's Inventory.

Required Materials



How to Obtain



Vilentia's Vedelona Bouquet x1

1. Accept and complete the "[Manor][Weekly] Laurel Leaves" quest from the NPC Melissa Brady to obtain Laurel Leaves.
2. Exchange Laurel Leaves x15 with the NPC, Lara.



Vase of Florin's Hope x1

Complete the "[Manor] [Daily] Vase of Florin's Hope" quest.
(Starting NPC: Izella in Florin)


◈ [Manor] Glory of Heidel



An Indomitable Lion statue that was only awarded to the great heroes of Serendia. The lion appears so grand and powerful that anyone other than a great hero would not be able to look it in the eye and bow their heads to it.

How to Obtain:

 It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials



How to Obtain



Pedestal of the People's Throne x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x100, Powder of Crevice x100, Shining Powder x100, Pure Gold Crystal x30, and Mystical Cleaning Oil x10.



Indomitable Lion of Serendia x1

Complete the "[Manor][Daily] The Indomitable Lion Fighting the Darkness" quest.
(Starting NPC: Lejenti in Glish)



Crown of Honor x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Blood Ruby x5, Indigo Lapis Lazuli x5, Alluvial Gold x100, Platinum Ingot x50, and Design: Crown of Honor x1.


◈ [Manor] Fountain of Blessed Springs



A water fountain that depicts the wings of an angel with the beautiful song-like sound of water flowing down the fountain. The most unique fact about this fountain is that no one knows who crafted each part of the fountain. However, it would seem like the people wish to protect the mysterious legend of the water fountain, as no one has stepped forward with any information about it. So, the water fountain is still treated as something that was sent down from heaven.

Crafting Hint

Go to Soryu of Port Ratt to hear the story about the Fountain of Blessed Springs.
First, you can get the Fountain of Divine Melodies at Crow's Nest.
Second, you can get the Heaven's Tower by finding and opening the treasure chest at an island heard from legends at Port Ratt with the Ocean Horizon Key.
Third, you can obtain the Wings of Frozen Tides with Iridescent Pebble and Blue Spirit Essence from the leader of Papua Crinea.
Only Bindo, the blacksmith in Land of the Morning Light, can combine the three parts.


◈ [Manor] Morning Mist's Embrace



A hot spring bath that contains Dragon's Tears, the best hot spring water in Duvencrune. The hot spring water relieves you of all tension and calms your nerves with the added effect of the morning mist that clears your mind of all its worries. Dipping your body in it for even a moment washes away all fatigue built up throughout the day. Its design is also recognized as the best in Duvencrune.

How to Obtain:

 It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials



How to Obtain



Bath of Origins x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x250, Dragon Scale Fossil x200, Powder of Flame x500, Pure Gold Crystal x20, and Oil of Enchantment x1.



Jar of Dawn's Mist x6

Purchase from the NPC Pataro at the Morning Fog Post in Duvencrune for 10 million Silver.



Fine Rectangular Thuja Water Frame Base x1

Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Sturdy Thuja Plywood x40, Oil of Tranquility x30, Black Stone Powder x300, and Plywood Hardener x5.



Vilentia's Vedelona Bouquet x2

Complete the "[Manor][Repeat] Vilentia's Vedelona Bouquet" quest.
(Starting NPC: Vilentia, the Seed Vendor in Grána)



Dragon's Tears x10

Use an Alchemy Tool from your residence (Knowledge on "Dragon's Tears" required).
Required Materials: Distilled Water x50, Clear Liquid Reagent x50, Everlasting Herb x50, Trace of Nature x50, and Magical Shard x10.


◈ [Manor] Dim Runn Lamp



A Runn Lamp that gives off a gentle light crafted on Crow's Nest. Walking in the soft light of the lamp makes you feel like you are strolling through the peaceful depths of space.

(Find Shakatu with the Knowledge on the "Inextinguishable Stone" and complete the quest to obtain the Knowledge on the "Runn Light Fragment".)


How to Obtain:

It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials



How to Obtain


Tidal Blue Lamp Post x1
It can be purchased for Crow Coin x500 at the Crow Shop.


Hero's Small Lamp x3
It can be purchased for Crow Coin x100 at the Crow Shop.


Runn Light Fragment x3
Use an Alchemy Tool in your residence.
Required Materials: Inextinguishable Stone x1, Cleansed Magical Black Stone x10, and Stabilized Magical Black Stone x10.


◈ [Manor] Stonetail Outdoor Shed



A Stonetail outdoor shed that clip-clops in the wind. The shed stays cool even in the blazing mid-day heat. It makes you feel the warmth of the countryside as you feel the breeze you feel as you lie inside the shed.


How to Obtain:

It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials



How to Obtain


Sturdy Timber Square x8
Select Heating from the Processing window.
Required Materials: Standardized Timber Square x10, and Plywood Hardener x3.


Sheltering Roof x1
Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Polished Stone x100, Essence of Nature x50, Oil of Storms x50, and Fire Horn x50.


Sturdy Stone Floor x1
Craft at a level 5 Furniture Workshop.
Required Materials: Sturdy Snow White Stone x50, Powder of Crevice x100, Oil of Regeneration x50, and Pure Gold Crystal x4.


Clip-clop Stonetail Mobile x1
Complete the "[Manor][Daily] Clip-clop Stonetail Mobile" quest.
(Starting NPC: Shamhain at the Stonetail Horse Ranch)


◈ [Manor] Breaking Wave Chair



A chair that appears to have the design of a breaking wave frozen in time. Even though it looks hard, it is extremely comfortable to lean back on while sitting.


How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Benns Ruberen in Grándiha (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Turf Tile (1X1)



A well-maintained patch of grass cut to the perfect height (1X1).

How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel (1 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Turf Tile (2X1)



A well-maintained patch of grass cut to the perfect height (2X1).

How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel (2 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Turf Tile (2X2)



A well-maintained patch of grass cut to the perfect height (2X2).

How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel (4 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Turf Tile (2X6)



A well-maintained patch of grass cut to the perfect height (2X6).

How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel (12 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Turf Tile (4X4)



A well-maintained patch of grass cut to the perfect height (4X4).

How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel (16 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Wing Turf, [Manor] Circular Turf (Small, Large), [Manor] Crescent Turf



A well-maintained patch of grass cut to the perfect height. (Wing Turf, Circular Turf, Crescent Turf from the left to right) 

How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel. Wing Turf: 2 million Silver / Circular Turf (Large): 2 million Silver / Circular Turf (Small): 1 million Silver / Crescent Turf: 2 million Silver


◈ [Manor] Maze Shrub



A short maze shrub made by covering a short frame with grass. It's half the length of a Long Maze Shrub.

How to Obtain:

It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel (1 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Long Maze Shrub



A long maze shrub made by covering a long frame with grass. It's twice the length of a Maze Shrub.

How to Obtain:

It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel (2 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Maze Corner Shrub



A maze corner shrub made by covering a curving frame with grass. It looks like it was made by combining two maze shrubs.

How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel (2 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Maze Arch Shrub



A maze arch shrub that was made with an arched frame covered in grass. It takes a lot more work to make compared to the other maze shrubs.

How to Obtain:

It can be purchased from Lebyos, the Furniture Dealer in Heidel (4 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Small Acacia Tree



A petite Acacia tree that gives off a pleasant flagrance when you get close to it. These trees grow in temperate regions and can survive even in inhospitable lands.

How to Obtain:

It can be purchased from Mayeri in Trent (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Small Birch Tree



A petite birch tree with white bark that's peeling off. It's usually found in cold climates, but it also grows well in warmer climates.

How to Obtain:

It can be purchased from Mayeri in Trent (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Cypress Tree



A tree that is widely used for furniture and construction timber, characterized by its soft bark and pleasant aroma. It thrives in warmer climates.


How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Mayeri in Trent (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Small Palm Tree



A small-sized palm tree that grows in hot regions. Both its timber and fruits have various uses, making it a popular choice for beachside landscaping or as a charming addition to any garden.


How to Obtain:

It can be purchased from Atlas in Altas Farmland (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Cactus



Thriving defiantly even in the scorching desert, the Cactus grows well in dry climates by retaining moisture within its stems and leaves.


How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Atlas in Altas Farmland (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Little Angelica



How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (1 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Little Rosebay



How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (1 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Maze Cloud Shrub



How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Maze Donut Shrub



How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Maze Balled Shrub



How to Obtain:

• It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Twisting Shrub



How to Obtain:

• It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (3 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Wing Raised Bed



A well maintained bed of soil raised to the perfect height. It's in the shape of a wing. The gardener Florence in O'draxxia created these frames according to the writings left by Cantarnia, the architect of the Ancient Kingdom of Orzeca. Use a combination of raised beds to create various shapes.


How to Obtain:

 It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (2 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Circular Raised Bed (Large)



A well maintained bed of soil raised to the perfect height. It's in the shape of a large circle. The gardener Florence in O'draxxia created these frames according to the writings left by Cantarnia, the architect of the Ancient Kingdom of Orzeca. Use a combination of raised beds to create various shapes.


How to Obtain:

It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (2 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Crescent Raised Bed



A well-maintained bed of soil raised to the perfect height. It's in the shape of a crescent. The gardener Florence in O'draxxia created these frames according to the writings left by Cantarnia, the architect of the Ancient Kingdom of Orzeca. Use a combination of raised beds to create various shapes.


How to Obtain:

• It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (2 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Circular Raised Bed (Small)



A well-maintained bed of soil raised to the perfect height. It's in the shape of a small circle. The gardener Florence in O'draxxia created these frames according to the writings left by Cantarnia, the architect of the Ancient Kingdom of Orzeca. Use a combination of raised beds to create various shapes.


How to Obtain:

• It can be purchased from Lebyos in Heidel (1 million Silver).


◈ [Manor] Budding Red/Yellow Tulip



A Budding Red/Yellow Tulip that gives off a faint fragrance. It's still quite fresh and young.


How to Obtain:

• It can be obtained by Farming Tulip Seed purchased from Norma Leight at Northern Wheat Plantation.

You can exchange Budding Red Tulip x5 for a [Manor] Budding Yellow Tulip or [Manor] Budding Red Tulip x1 via Norma Leight at Northern Wheat Plantation.


◈ [Manor] Blossoming Red/Yellow Tulip



A red/yellow tulip that has begun to blossom gives off a mild fragrance. Even it's budding form is a sight to behold.


How to Obtain:

• It can be obtained by Farming Tulip Seed purchased from Norma Leight at Northern Wheat Plantation.

•  You can exchange Blossoming Red Tulip x3 for a [Manor] Blossoming Yellow Tulip or [Manor] Blossoming Red Tulip x1 via Norma Leight at Northern Wheat.


◈ [Manor] Fully Bloomed Red/Yellow Tulip



The unique fragrance of the Fully Bloomed Red/Yellow Tulip tickles your nose. Lady Norma Leight treasures them for their delicate form.


How to Obtain:

• It can be obtained by Farming Tulip Seed purchased from Norma Leight at Northern Wheat Plantation.

• You can exchange Fully Bloomed Red Tulip x2 for a [Manor] Fully Bloomed Yellow Tulip or [Manor] Fully Bloomed Red Tulip x1 via Norma Leight at Northern Wheat Plantation.


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