Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Manor Furniture and Lighting (Indoor & Outdoor)

Last Edited on : Feb 12, 2025, 13:34 (UTC)

These are objects that you can install both indoors and outdoors. Placed outside, they shine with radiance under the blazing midday sun. Placed indoors, the luxurious feel of the manor is only further magnified.


➤ To check more furniture visit [Manor Furniture and Sculptures (Outdoor)]

➤ To check more furniture visit [Manor Furniture and Lighting (Indoor)]

Carpet of a Forgotten King Florchestra Music Stand
Spirit's Echo Contrabass Shattered Star Partition
Fireflies Fairy's Abode
Atanis Fireflies Large Shattered Star Partition
Curved Shattered Star Partition  



[Manor] Carpet of a Forgotten King



A red carpet made from a now-extinct creature called a Keplan Horn Cocoon. The texture of the carpet is so soft that it feels like you are walking on clouds.

How to Obtain:

• It can be crafted at a level 5 Furniture Workshop with the following required materials:

Required Materials
No. Item How to Obtain
Cotton Yarn x150

Select Heating with Cotton x5 or Node Production.

Flax Thread x150

Select Heating with Flax x5, Node Production, Farming.

Silk Thread x150

Select Heating with Cocoon x5, Node Prodcution.

Keplan Horned Cocoon Silk x1,000

1. Purchase "Fertile Oil-Rich Soil" from Geranoa, the Material Vendor in Calpheon (5 million Silver).
2. Talk with Merv in Calpheon, then follow her indications and complete the quest after finding a journal of someone in Keplan.
3. Obtain the Keplan Horn Cocoon from completing the quest and go to Merv in Calpheon to get silk from it.

Silk Honey Grass x150

Gathering with bare hands or a hoe to obtain Wild Herbs or Node Production.


◈ [Manor] Florchestra Music Stand



A music stand made of wood from a tree hit by lighting that has the Florchestra's Music Textbook from Artina's teacher placed on it. The textbook has faded over time, but no great musician could resist trying to get one.

How to Obtain:

• Arrange and combine the following materials vertically in Yaz's Inventory.

• It can also be purchased from Benns Ruberen in Grándiha with 20 million Silver.

Required Materials
No. Item How to Obtain
Florchestra's Music Textbook x1

Complete the "[Manor][Daily] The Marvelous Musician" quest.
(Starting NPC: Artina, the Wandering Musician)

Thunderstruck Wooden Music Stand x1

Complete the "[Manor][Daily] For Future Musicians" quest.
(Starting NPC: Chief Valentine in Florin)


[Manor] Spirit's Echo Contrabass



A contrabass found in the rubble left by the Thousand Year War between the Papus and Otters. It isn't making a sound right now, but the Papu soldiers claim to have heard the sound of a spirit dwelling within it.

How to Obtain:

• Arrange and combine the following required materials vertically in Yaz's Inventory.
• It can also be purchased from Benns Ruberen in Grándiha with 30 million Silver.

Required Materials
No. Item How to Obtain
Spirit's Echo x1

1. Complete the "[Manor][Daily] Spirit's Echo - Rainbow Fish Bone Coin" quest.
2. Complete the "[Manor][Daily] Spirit's Echo - Rainbow Petal Coin" quest.
(Starting NPC: Benns Lamute in Papua Crinea Island)

Lamute Handmade Stand x1

Complete the "[Manor][Daily] Lamute Gang's Handmade Stand" quest.
(Starting NPC: Benns Ruberen in Grándiha)


[Manor] Shattered Star Partition



A Shattered Star Partition that Pavino Greko, the storage keeper in Epheria, kept in his 23rd storage. Its color will never fade as it is decorated with real star fragments from the star that crashed in Star's End.

How to Obtain:

Complete the "[Manor][Daily] Shattered Star Partition" quest. (Complete Pavino Greko’s Log II and accept from Pavino Greko in Port Epheria)
It can also be purchased from Gustuk in Port Epheria with 2 million Silver.

[Manor] Fireflies


A group of fireflies giving off a gentle light. The light from these fireflies looks even more mesmerizing at night and adds a nice touch to the manor.


How to Obtain:

• Obtained from a quest by interacting with the fireflies found around the world:

- First location: Tarif

- Second location: Pila Ku Jail

- Third location: Star’s End

- Fourth location: Protty Cave


[Manor] Fairy's Abode of (Sunlight, Nature's Light, Moonglade, Flame's Light)



A Fairy’s Abode where fairies that adore lights congregate. They are known to return to the abode after getting tired from playing.

How to Obtain:

Select and complete one of the four "[Manor] Fairy Queen Theiah's Request" quests. (Starting NPC: Fairy Queen Theiah)


[Manor] Atanis Fireflies of (Sunlight, Nature's Light, Moonglade, Flame's Light)



Groups of fireflies that hatched when Gods appeared at the Atanis Pond. They each are the traces of the Narc God, Tunta God, Okiara, and Valtarra.

How to Obtain:

Complete one of the four "[Manor] Legend of Atanis Pond" quests. (Starting NPC: Maery at the Atanis Pond)


◈ [Manor] Large Shattered Star Partition



The Large Shattered Star Partition locked deep in the wares of Pavino Greko, storage keeper of Port Epheria. Decorated with actual pieces of the star that fell in Star's End, they say that's the reason why it has retained its color for so long.


How to Obtain:

• You can purchase [Manor] Shattered Star Partitions from Gustuk in Port Epheria and combine them to craft each of the Shattered Star Partition items listed below.



◈ [Manor] Curved Shattered Star Partition



The Curved Shattered Star Partition locked deep in the wares of Pavino Greko, storage keeper of Port Epheria. Decorated with actual pieces of the star that fell in Star's End, they say that's the reason why it has retained its color for so long.


How to Obtain:

• You can purchase [Manor] Shattered Star Partitions from Gustuk in Port Epheria and combine them to craft each of the Shattered Star Partition items listed below.


* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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