Game Controls

Action Hotkeys
◈ Movement:
– Move forward, to the left, to the right, and backward: WASD
– To sprint while moving: Shift
During combat stance, Shift may carry out a special action, depending on the class.
– To jump: Space
– Crouch & sit at edges: Q
During combat stance, Q may carry out a special action or skill, depending on the class.
– Run automatically, which also activates sprint: T
– Walk / Run toggle: Caps Lock
– Switch between walk and run during auto-run: Scroll Lock
– Emergency escape, especially useful during boss encounters and PvP: V
For 5 seconds you are invulnerable, but keep in mind the cooldown is 5 minutes long.
◈ Combat:
– Draw weapon & put away weapon: Tab
– Draw Awakening weapon & change weapon stance: C
– Main attack: LMB
In the default stance LMB will draw the main weapon.
– Secondary attack: RMB
In the default stance RMB will move your character forward.
– The hotkeys E and F do not carry out any action during default stance, but most classes have either special action or skills unleashed with them.
– Rage absorption: Z. Absorb the Black Spirit's rage to increase your abilities in combat.
– Rage transfer: X. Transfuse the Black Spirit's rage of your character to another Adventurer.
– Activate the effects of the equipped alchemy stone: U
– Character interactions: R
– Show or hide the mouse cursor: Ctrl
– Open & close the character's inventory & equipment window: I
– Open & close the knowledge interface: H
– Open the Black Spirit interface: / or , (depends on the keyboard layout)
– Open & close the chat interface: Enter
– Open & close the character profile window: P
– Open & close the skill interface: K
– Open & close the World Map: M
– Open & close Dye interface: J
– Open & close the Friend List window: N
– Open & close the Processing window: L
– Open & close the Guild window: G
– Open & close the Mail & Black Spirit's Adventure window: B
– Open & close the Challenge Reward window: Y
– Open & close the Quest window: O
– Open the Adventurer's Guide: F1
– Open the Adventurer's Board: F2
– Open & close the Pearl Shop: F3
– Open & close the Beauty Salon: F4
Various other features and windows can be opened via a hotkey, but they are not given one by default. You can assign one to open the Worker list, the Residence list, Pet list, Maid/Butler list, Adventure Log, Barter information, family inventory, and Crafting Notes windows. You can also assign hotkeys to other functions, such as calling mounts.
You can access the settings to change these from the main menu (hotkey: Esc), going to Settings, and pressing on Interface Settings. Once there, each section will allow you to customize the desired hotkeys for every feature and function. It also enables customization for Gamepad button settings, in case you prefer adventuring throughout Black Desert's world with a gamepad.