Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Hardcore Server

Last Edited on : Mar 27, 2025, 13:00 (UTC)
The Hardcore server challenges players to spend 2 hours a day in the Great Desert, where they can accumulate Survival Points by defeating monsters or other adventurers, and Quest Points by completing quests. The objective is to gather these points and make an offering. Offered points are exchanged for "Hardcore Honor," which can be traded for rewards on the live server via the Manage Currency UI.
Available Classes
You can choose to play from Warrior, Sorceress, Ranger, and Berserker for the Hardcore server's pre-season.

How to Participate

Hardcore Server - How to Join
How to Participate
  • You can connect to the Hardcore server via Server Selection → Hardcore Tab.
  • You can enter the Hardcore Server after creating a Hardcore-exclusive character.
    • Only one character slot is available for Hardcore-exclusive characters.
    • Hardcore-exclusive characters start at Lv. 63.
    • Upon creating a Hardcore-exclusive character, you receive 3,000 Skill Points.
    • Only Warrior, Ranger, Sorceress, and Berserker classes can be created.
      • You can choose between Succession and Awakening.
  • Mar 13, 2025 (Thu) after maintenance - Apr 10, 2025 (Thu) before maintenance
    • This period is subject to change.
  • Each Family is given 2 hours of playtime per day.
  • Time depletes the moment your character enters the server, and reamining time continues to countdown even while logged out.
    • ex) If you log in at 7 PM and log out at 8 PM, you cannot log back in at 9 PM as your time is exhausted.
  • Playtime resets 23 hours after the last Hardcore server login.
    • ex) If you logged in at 10:30 AM, you can log in again the next day at 9:30 AM.
  • You can connect to the Hardcore server even while Node/Conquest Wars are in progress.

* Caution
  • Once you complete an offering, you cannot play for the rest of the day.
    • Even if you have an hour of playtime left, you cannot re-enter after making an offering.
    • After offering, you will be automatically logged out from the Hardcore server and redirected to the Character Selection window.


1. On the Hardcore server, defeat monsters to earn Survival Points and collect Junk loot.

- If your character dies, you'll lose 30% of your Survival Points.
- You can sell your Junk loot to a sanctum NPC to exchange it into "Hardcore Coin" which can be used to purchase various items from the NPC shop.



2. Completing quests on the Hardcore server will earn you Quest Points.

- Quest Points do not disappear even if your character dies.


3. By offering both Survival and Quest Points at a sanctum, you can earn Hardcore Honor based on your total points.
- You can view your Hardcore Honor via the Manage Currency UI.


4. You can exchange Hardcore Honor for various items.




Survival Points
  • Defeat monsters to earn. The stronger the foe, the greater the points.
  • Defeat other adventurers to claim 10% of their Survival Points.
  • However, you receive the following penalty if your Survival Point is at or above 3,000.
    • If you defeat an adventurer with less than 20% of your own points, a -30% penalty applies.
      • ex) If you have 5,000 points and defeat someone with 1,000 or fewer, you'll lose 1,500 points.
    • In the following regions, if you defeat adventurers with Survival Points under 20% of your Survival Points, the -30% deduction penalty on your Survival Points will not be applied.
      • Regions where Bosses Laytenn and Puturum appear
      • Regions where [Furious] Gahaz Bandits appear
      • Regions where [Furious] Pila Ku Jail monsters appear
      • [Black Spirit Infused] Aakman Temple
      • [Black Spirit Infused] Hystria Ruins
  • Character-specific, so deleting/recreating a character resets your points.
  • Character deletion triggers a 3 min wait time.
  • Unoffered Survival Points are not counted towards the next day's Offering Points upon login. 
    • However, they will remain in your total Survival Points. 
      • ex) If you earn 500 Survival Points on day 1 and exit, the next day's Offering Points reset to 0, while total Survival Points start at 500.
Quest Points
  • Complete quests on the Hardcore server to earn.
    • Significant amount awarded upon completion.
  • Quests can be undertaken once daily and are assigned randomly based on your Survival Points.
    • Under 200 Survival Points - Defeat Ancient Weapons x100-150
    • 200-1,499 Survival Points - Defeat Desert Naga/Fogan, Crescent Shrine monsters
    • You can forfeit these quests but cannot change their type.
      • Quest Points do not disappear upon death.
  • Quest Points do not reset even after the offering.
      • ex) If you complete a quest and earn 1,500 Quest Points, then disconnect, the next day you will start with 1,500 Offering Points available.
  • If you complete a quest after midnight the next day, you cannot start a new one for that day.
  • Hardcore-exclusive gear is provided but cannot be repaired or enhanced.
  • Max Durability for gear is different compared to the normal server.
  • You lose 30% of your Survival Points.
    • ex) If you had 1,000 points, you will lose 300 upon character death.
    • Dying to fall damage or monster attacks applies the same penalty.
* Quest points remain intact regardless of character death.
  • Equipped gear can lose Durability according to a set probability.
    • Gear in your inventory are safe.
  • You'll spawn at one of four designated sanctums upon first logging in and/or revival.
  • Revivals are instant with no limits.
    • If you don't revive manually within 60 sec, you'll be automatically revived.
  • The ESC > Escape function is available if you get stuck in terrain or found yourself immobilized.
  • You'll be relocated to a safe area without monsters.
    • You'll not be relocated to any of the sanctums.
  • The function's cooldown remains unchanged.
  • Survival Point rankings are tallied periodically.
    • This excludes those with 100 points or fewer.
  • Rankings are based on individual characters.
  • The top 10 adventurers by total Survival Points are marked on the World Map.


* Total Survival Points Rankings

  • The total amount of accumulated Survival Points are tallied to determine Hardcore server rankings.
  • Server rankings are updated when you log out or make an offering. Rankings for everyone will reset daily at midnight.
  • Titles and rewards based on rank will be given at the season's end.
  • Connecting to the Hardcore server will automtically turn on Privacy Mode.
  • You can only reset your skills in sanctums and Mysterious Light safe zones.
  • Skill add-ons are unavailable.
  • You can use the World/minimap and auto-navigate the desert without need for a compass.
  • Pets are unavailable, but your character will auto-loot at speeds equivalent to having one taken out.
    • Looting speeds equal to having one Tier 5 Alpha Pet and four Tier 4 "Agile" pets.

Restricted or Unavailable Items

  • Combat/Skill EXP
  • Opponent's Family/Guild Name
  • Party/Platoon
  • Non-server Chat
  • Non-server Rankings
  • Food/Elixir Buffs
  • Pearl Outfits
  • Family Inventory
  • Storage/Central Market Warehouse/Maids & Butlers
  • Artifact Inventory
  • Agris' Fever
  • Fairy Skills
  • Crystal Presets
  • Non-server Challenges
  • Wroker Stamina Recovery
  • Gathering Interactions
  • Black Spirit Quests/Chat
  • Black Spirit's Safe/Mailbox
  • Adventurer's Log Stat Gains
  • Item Drop Rate Increase Buffs
    • This includes buffs from node investments, Knowledge, Family Fame, and items.
  • Old Moon Treaty Token
  • Timed Pearl items (Value Pack, Blessing of Kamasylve, Secret Book of Old Moon, etc.)        
    • However, Value Pack's Max Weight Limit Increase and Inventory +16 Slots effects are applied.        
  • Only server chat is available; general chat is disabled.
    • Server chat consumes Energy.


Upon first entering the Hardcore server, you'll encounter an initial quest. Accept the "Perilous Journey Begins" quest from NPC Faisal near the starting point's sanctum.
After completing the Perilous Journey Begins quest, you can accept a random quest from NPC Faisal based on your Survival Points. These quests are available once per day, and you cannot accept more than one at a time.
The quest you can accept each day depends on your current Survival Points. Your current Survival Points are displayed above your character name.
If you have 1,504 points, you can accept one of the following quests: [Main] Defeat "Furious" Desert Nagas, [Main] Defeat "Furious" Desert Fogans, or [Main] Defeat "Furious" Crescent Shrine monsters.
However, if your character dies and your points decrease while a quest is in progress, you can still continue the current quest. If you forfeit and try to accept a new quest, you can only choose from quests available for 200 to 1,500 points.

– Daily Quests

Quest Name Condition Objective Reward
[Main] Defeat Ancient Weapons Under 200 Survival Points Defeat Ancient Weapons x100-150 1,500 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Violent" Desert Nagas 200 - 1,499 Survival Points Defeat "Violent" Desert Nagas x400 3,000 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Violent" Desert Fogans 200 - 1,499 Survival Points Defeat "Violent" Desert Fogans x400 3,000 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Violent" Crescent Shrine monsters 200 - 1,499 Survival Points Defeat "Violent" Crescent Shrine monsters x400 3,000 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Furious" Desert Nagas 1,500 - 2,999 Survival Points Defeat "Furious" Desert Nagas x400 3,500 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Furious" Desert Fogans 1,500 - 2,999 Survival Points Defeat "Furious" Desert Fogans x400 3,500 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Furious" Crescent Shrine monsters 1,500 - 2,999 Survival Points Defeat "Furious" Crescent Shrine monsters x400 3,500 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Violent" Gahaz Bandits 3,000 - 5,999 Survival Points Defeat "Violent" Gahaz Bandits x400 4,000 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Violent" Pila Ku Jail monsters 3,000 - 5,999 Survival Points Defeat "Violent" Pila Ku Jail monsters x400 4,000 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Furious" Gahaz Bandits 6,000 - 9,999 Survival Points Defeat "Furious" Gahaz Bandits x400 4,500 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Furious" Pila Ku Jail monsters 6,000 - 9,999 Survival Points Defeat "Furious" Pila Ku Jail monsters x400 4,500 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Violent" Aakman Temple monsters 10,000 - 14,999 Survival Points Defeat "Violent" Aakman Temple monsters x400 4,800 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Furious" Aakman Temple monsters 15,000 - 49,999 Survival Points Defeat "Furious" Aakman Temple monsters x400 4,800 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Black Spirit Infused" Hystria Ruins monsters 50,000 - 54,999 Survival Points Defeat "Black Spirit Infused" Hystria Ruins monsters x400 5,000 Quest Points
[Main] Defeat "Black Spirit Infused" Hystria Ruins monsters 55,000+ Survival Points Defeat "Black Spirit Infused" Hystria Ruins monsters x400 5,000 Quest Points
Bonus quests will appear according to a set probability while defeating monsters on the Hardcore server. These quests are available once per day, and you cannot accept more than one at a time.

Safe Zones: Pilgrim's Sanctum

Pilgrim's Sanctums serve as safe zones on the Hardcore Server, where players can engage in quests and purchase or sell items.
The sanctums offer the following functions:
- Meet NPCs to undertake daily quests and earn Quest Points.
- Certain NPCs offer purchasing/selling various items to help prepare your gear for adventures ahead.
If you disconnect after making an offering, you will start at the Pilgrim's Sanctum upon next login.
Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obedience
Pilgrim's Sanctum: Abstinence
Pilgrim's Sanctum: Sincerity
Pilgrim's Sanctum: Purity

Dark Fog

When a certain number of adventurers gather within a certain area in the Hardcore Server, the Dark Fog will activate.
Dark Fog Rules
• Activates when a certain number of adventurers gather within a certain area.
• Once activated, adventurers within cannot leave until only one remains alive.
• The fog is invisible to adventurers not trapped within, but they can intrude at any time and place.
• Cannot unequip gear within the fog.
• Cannot replace gear within the fog.
• Cannot access the map within the fog.
• Escape function unavailable within the fog.
• Exiting the game abnormally within the fog will incur a death penalty and revive your character at a random sanctum upon reconnecting.
• When the Dark Fog is created, you will be teleported to a separate space where combat will occur.
• Other adventurers outside the fog cannot intrude inside.
• When only 1 adventurer is left standing, they will be moved back to their original location.


Monster zones are available for all levels of gear obtainable on the Hardcore server. By defeating monsters, you can obtain Hardcore server-exclusive gear (weapons/defense gear/accessories) and Survival Points.
* Caution: Monster zones beyond the Gahaz Bandits are currently too powerful to subjugate due to the influence of frenzied Black Spirits.

Monster Zone Location Optimal Gear
Ancient Weapons
Great Desert (All Areas) Starting gear
Desert Nagas
Great Desert (West) [Violent]
Green grade gear
Green to blue grade gear
Titium Valley
Great Desert (South) [Violent]
Green grade gear
Green to blue grade gear
Crescent Shrine
Great Desert (South-SW) [Violent]
Green grade gear
Green to blue grade gear
Gahaz Bandits
Great Desert (East) [Violent]
Green grade gear
Green to blue grade gear
Pila Ku Jail
Great Desert (South-SE) [Violent]
Blue grade gear
Blue to yellow grade gear
Aakman Temple
Great Desert (North-NW) [Violent]
Blue grade gear
Blue to yellow grade gear
Hystria Ruins
Great Desert (East-SE) [Black Spirit Infused]

Boss Monsters

Boss monsters Laytenn and Puturum will appear at random locations through the Great Desert. Defeat them to obtain valuable items and a substantial amount of Survival Points.
An alert will announce the appearance of a boss monster, and its location will be marked on the World Map 5 min after it appears.
Monster Spawn Time Loot
Every 45-60 min
Choose Your Young Crow Accessory Box
1,000 Survival Points
▼ Additional items obtainable based on a set probability:
- Choose Your Enduring Blood Crow Weapon Box (Blue Grade)
- Choose Your Vengeful Crow Accessory Box (Yellow Grade)
- Choose Your Vengeful Blood Crow Weapon Box (Yellow Grade)
Every 40-50 min
Choose Your Young Crow Accessory Box
1,000 Survival Points
▼ Additional items obtainable based on a set probability:
- Enduring Crow Defense Gear Box (Blue Grade)
- Choose Your Vengeful Crow Accessory Box (Yellow Grade)
- Vengeful Crow Defense Gear Box (Yellow Grade)
The adventurer who lands the final blow upon the boss monster will obtain the loot.

Shrouded Warriors

Shrouded Warriors roam the Hardcore server in search of adventurers. If you succeed in defeating the Shrouded Warriors, you can obtain high Survival Points and rare gear at a set probability.
Monster Location Loot
Desert Naga
Titium Valley
Crescent Shrine
Green Grade Accessory Box
Blue Grade Accessory Box
50-75 Survival Points
Desert Naga
Titium Valley
Crescent Shrine
Green Grade Accessory Box
Blue Grade Accessory Box
50-75 Survival Points
Desert Naga
Titium Valley
Crescent Shrine
Green Grade Accessory Box
Blue Grade Accessory Box
50-75 Survival Points
Gahaz Bandits
Pila Ku Jail
Blue Grade Accessory Box
Yellow Grade Accessory Box
100-125 Survival Points
Gahaz Bandits
Pila Ku Jail
Blue Grade Accessory Box
Yellow Grade Accessory Box
100-125 Survival Points
Gahaz Bandits
Pila Ku Jail
Blue Grade Accessory Box
Yellow Grade Accessory Box
100-125 Survival Points
Aakman Temple
Blue Grade Accessory Box
Yellow Grade Accessory Box
Red Grade Accessory Box
300 - 400 Survival Points
Van Riker
Aakman Temple
Blue Grade Accessory Box
Yellow Grade Accessory Box
Red Grade Accessory Box
300 - 400 Survival Points
Aakman Temple
Blue Grade Accessory Box
Yellow Grade Accessory Box
Red Grade Accessory Box
300 - 400 Survival Points


You can convert Quest and Survival Points obtained on the Hardcore server into Hardcore Honor through offerings. Once you make an offering, you will be automatically logged out from the Hardcore server and won't be able to re-enter until the next available time. You can offer up to 10,000 points (Survival + Quest) daily.
Unoffered Survival Points are not counted towards the next day's Offering Points upon login. However, they will remain in your total Survival Points.            
e.g. If you earn 500 Survival Points on day 1 and log out, the next day starts with 0 Offering Points but 500 total Survival Points.            
Quest Points do not reset, even if not offered.
e.G. If you complete a quest and earn 1,500 Quest Points but log out without offering, you'll still start the next day 1,500 Offering Points.            
You can make an offering by the Mysterious Light (safe zone) or the randomly spawning "Light of Offering." Offering sites will appear marked on the World Map (M). If you make an offering, you will automatically be logged out from the Hardcore server and won't be able to re-enter until 23 hours have passed since your last login.
Hardcore Honor Exchange List
Honor Cost Exchangeable Items Conditions
Advice of Valks (+250)
1 per Family
Advice of Valks (+200)
1 per Family
Advice of Valks (+180)
1 per Family
Main Weapon Exchange Coupon
1 per Family
Awakening Weapon Exchange Coupon
1 per Family
Sub-weapon Exchange Coupon
2 per Family
Advice of Valks (+150)
2 per Family
Advice of Valks (+130)
2 per Family
Advice of Valks (+100)
2 per Family
Cron Stone x500
1 per Family
Deboreka Necklace
5 per Family
Deboreka Ring
5 per Family
Deboreka Belt
5 per Family
Deboreka Earring
5 per Family
Corrupt Oil of Immortality
15 per Family
Sturdy Forest Tread
50 per Family
Perfume of Courage
100 per Family
Elixir of Deep Sea
100 per Family
Mystical Spirit Powder x50
50 per Family
Item Collection Increase Scroll
50 per Family
Tough Whale Tendon Elixir
100 per Family
Superior Whale Tendon Elixir
100 per Family
Hardcore Gold Bar Box
No limit
Gold Bar 100G x6
No limit
Gold Bar 10G x6
No limit
Gold Bar 1G x6
No limit

Wandering Merchant

The Wandering Merchant appears at random times and locations on the Hardcore server to sell rare accessory items.

Challenges and Titles

There are Hardcore server-exclusive Challenges. Complete each Challenge to claim special titles.
The title of the highest rank you have obtained will automatically be applied to your character. These titles can only be used on the Hardcore server.
Hardcore server challenges and obtained titles will be reset and deleted, respectively, if you delete your Hardcore server character.


In the Hardcore Server ranking window, you can check the rankings based on total Survival Points, enemies defeated, and death counts accumulated in the Hardcore Server. Ranking is refreshed each time an adventurer disconnects or is updated for all adventurers after being tallied for a certain time at midnight every day.

Season Rewards

The following titles and rewards will be issued when the Hardcore server pre-season ends based on the rank/percentile achieved. (Hardcore title rewards are available for use for 30 days.)
Title Required Placement Rewards
1st   - Title: Transcended
- Cron Stone x500
- Gold Bar 10,000G x2
- Choose Your 10 Immortal Perfume Box x1
2nd - Title: Conqueror
- Cron Stone x400
- Gold Bar 10,000G x2
- Choose Your 10 Immortal Perfume Box x1
3rd   - Title: Reaper
- Cron Stone x300
- Gold Bar 10,000G x2
- Choose Your 10 Immortal Perfume Box x1
4th to under top 1%   - Title: Honorblade
- Cron Stone x200
- Gold Bar 10,000G x2
- Choose Your 10 Immortal Perfume Box x1
Top 1% to under top 5%   - Title: Dawnblade
- Cron Stone x100
- Gold Bar 10,000G x2
- Choose Your 5 Immortal Perfume Box x1
Top 5% to under top 10%   - Title: Flameblade
- Cron Stone x100
- Gold Bar 10,000G x2
- Choose Your 5 Immortal Perfume Box x1
Top 10% to under top 30%   - Title: Duskblade
- Cron Stone x100
- Gold Bar 10,000G x1
- Gold Bar 1,000G x5
- Choose Your 5 Immortal Perfume Box x1
Top 30% to under top 50%   - Title: Veteran
- Cron Stone x100
- Gold Bar 10,000G x1
- Gold Bar 1,000G x5
Top 50% to top 100%   - Title: Adept
- Cron Stone x100
- Gold Bar 10,000G x1

* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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