Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Node War

Last Edited on : Feb 5, 2025, 16:29 (UTC)


What is Node War?

Node War is a PvP content where guilds (and alliances) compete for supremacy over various nodes found scattered across the Black Desert world.

The stage for Node War is spread across nodes in different territories, which includes Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon, Mediah, Valencia, and Kamasylvia.


Node War takes place every day from NA 6:00 - 7:00 PM (PST) | EU 20:00 - 21:00 (CET), except for Saturdays when Conquest Wars take place.
In addition to the above, each territory has its own set of stat limits.


Node War is divided into "Occupation Mode" and "Construction mode", which is selected by the unlimited Conquest War (Mediah) occupying guild.

  Occupation Mode 
(current Node War method)
Construction Mode 
(previous Node War method)
Participation Application Conditions and Methods Node War fort construction not required
Apply via Node War UI
Node War fort & annex construction required
Apply through fort construction
Participation Application Time 1 hour after end of previous day's Node War - 1 hour before start of Node War 1 hour after end of previous day's Node/Conquest War - 1 hour before start of Node War
Participating Region Participation region changes according to the applied territory group
Participate in the entire territory corresponding to the applied territory group
Participating region changes according day
Participate in Node War within the area where the fort is built
Participants Varies by territory group and day Varies according to the Node War area designated for each day
Victory Conditions If the fort is being temporarily occupied by your guild when the timer ends,
it is then occupied and victory is achieved
Destroy all other guilds' forts within the area and defend you fort to win
Defeat/Liberation Conditions If your guild is not temporarily occupying the fort when the timer ends, you are defeated
If no guild is temporarily occupying the fort when the timer ends, war ends in liberation
If your guild's fort is destroyed, you are defeated
If multiple forts remain after the Node War duration ends, war ends in liberation
Other Details 10 minutes before start, move to major towns with "Assemble!"
Cannons can be purchased and installed without a Cannon Observatory
Indomitable Flag can be collected immediately upon completion of Indomitable Flag Factory
Indomitable Flag crafting time approx. 3 min
Additional Guild Funds consumed when constructing defensive annexes
Move to allied fort through "Assemble!" after Node War starts
Cannons can be installed after building the Cannon Observatory and collecting cannons
Indomitable Flag can be collected after completion of Indomitable Flag Factory and crafting the flag.
Indomitable Flag crafting time approx. 10 min
No additional Guild Funds consumed when constructing defensive annexes
Participation Reward Obtain Condition When the total K/D count of allies (guild/alliance) is 100 or more and occupied a temp fort at least once  When the fort of allies (guild/alliance) is not destroyed within 10 min after start,
while allies (guild/alliance) destroy opponent's fort,
or the total K/D count of allies (guild/alliance) is 100 or more
Participation Opportunities Return Condition When the total K/D count of allies (guild/alliance) is 100 or more or occupied a temp fort at least once
Revival Cooldown Default Revival Cooldown: 10 sec
Max Revival Cooldown: 30 sec
Revival Cooldown increases by 1 sec per 1 min of match duration
Revival Cooldown increases by 1 sec per death count
Default Revival Cooldown: 10 sec
Max Revival Cooldown: 60 sec
Revival Cooldown increases by 1 sec per 1 min of match duration
Revival Cooldown increases by 1 sec per death count
Cooldown for reviving at Fort/Command Post -6 sec per Recovery Center
Opponent's Fort Location Reveal Always shows the location of neutral forts created after the start Shows the location of enemy forts on the World Map 30 min after start
Rewards: Node War buff effects (Extra AP Against Monsters, etc.), double Node investment benefits, Node War rewards content unchanged
Start Time and Duration: NA 6:00 - 7:00 PM (PST), EU 20:00 - 21:00 (CET), 1-hour duration remains unchanged
Occupying Guild's Participation: Max 6 times per week, regardless of victory/defeat/liberation
War Hero Hire: Max 3, regardless of Territory or fort tier

* For territories with the lowest gear score limits (Calpheon & Kamasylvia), Occupation mode Node War rules apply
* In Construction mode, the Elephant Nursery and Indomitable Flag Factory are located near the fort. As a result, icons for the Elephant Nursery and Indomitable Flag Factory will be hidden to prevent unnecessary overlap with other icons like the Flame Tower and Hwacha.
* The maximum number of War Heroes available for hire in Occupation and Construction modes is now 3, regardless of the Territory and fort tier.

◈ Unlimited Conquest War Occupying Guild's Node War Mode Selection

After your guild successfully occupies a territory in Conquest War (Mediah), you gain the ability to directly select the Node War mode for the following week.
This selection will not have any gear score restrictions, making it accessible to a wider range of players.
Once you become the occupying guild, you can announce the Node War mode for the upcoming week to the Black Desert world. This announcement lasts for approximately 2 hours.
Unlimited Conquest War Occupying Guild's Node War Mode Selection
Announcement Period
[Announcement Period: Approx. 2 hours after end of Conquest War]
The Node War mode announced by the occupying guild of the unlimited Conquest War (Mediah) will proceed
from Sunday following the announcement until the next Conquest War (Sun-Fri).
* If the Node War mode is not designated, Occupation mode is the default mode.
* If Conquest War ends and the occupying guild is confirmed before the Conquest War period ends, the next Node War mode can be selected until approximately 2 hours after the Conquest War period ends.

[Occupation Mode Node War]

The main objective of Occupation Node War is to fight against other guilds to capture and occupy a fort, and then defend it until the end time of each fort to be crowned victorious.


The table below summarizes territories in which Node War takes place and information on their respective stat limits.
When planning to join a Node War, consider if the number of participants and average equipment score of your guild matches, and prepare to experience the thrill of a fierce battle.

Max Participants per Territory Group
Territory Group Max Participants War Heroes
Balenos & Serendia 25 3
Mediah & Valencia 40
Calpheon & Kamasylvia 55
Stat Limits by Territory Group
Territory Group AP Damage Reduction Accuracy Evasion Damage Reduction Rate Accuracy Rate Evasion Rate Resistance Max HP
Calpheon & Kamasylvia 395 311 715 750 14% 0% 0% 30% 6,500
Balenos & Serendia 606 420 900 888 28% 0% 0% - 11,000
Mediah & Valencia No limit

* Calpheon & Kamasylvia territories are limited to PEN (V) Tuvala gear stats, while Balenos & Serendia territories are subject to a combined gear stat limit of 685.
* The server in which Node War is held will have stat limits applied according to each territory.
In Occupation mode, the maximum number of War Heroes available for hire is now 3, regardless of Territory.

Fort Tier Node
Tier 3 Primal Giant Post Longleaf Tree Sentry Post Hexe Sanctuary
Tier 4 North Abandoned Quarry Catfishman Camp Trina Fort
Tier 5 Khuruto Cave Calpheon Castle Site Quint Hill
Fort Tier Node
Tier 3 Ash Forest Loopy Tree Forest Tooth Fairy Forest
Tier 4 Gyfin Rhasia Temple Manshaum Forest Mirumok Ruins
Tier 5 Polly's Forest Lake Flondor Navarn Steppe
Fort Tier Node
Tier 3 Terrmian Cliff Casta Farm Wolf Hills
Tier 4 Ancient Stone Chamber Altar of Agris Western Guard Camp
Tier 5 Cron Castle Forest of Plunder Bartali Farm
Fort Tier Node
Tier 3 Biraghi Den Bloody Monastery Orc Camp
Tier 4 Eastern Border Glish Swamp Alejandro Farm
Tier 5 Castle Ruins Costa Farm Serendia Shrine
Fort Tier Node
Tier 3 Abandoned Iron Mine Tungrad Forest Wandering Rogue Den
Tier 4 Helms Post Omar Lava Cave Manes Hideout
Tier 5 Mediah Northern Highlands Canyon of Corruption Sausan Garrison
Fort Tier Node
Tier 3 Ivory Wasteland Kmach Canyon Rakshan Observatory
Tier 4 Ancado Coast Roud Sulfur Works Roud Sulfur Mine
Tier 5 Valencia Castle Areha Palm Forest Altas Farmland



[Construction Mode Node War] How to Participate - Guild Participation (Fort Construction)

Construction mode Node War follows the below process.
Check Node War Tier On the World Map (M), check the Node War Information through the Node War filter at the top right to find the Node War you wish to participate in.
Purchase Fort and Annexes Purchase a fort suitable for the Territory you want to join through the Guild Military Supply Manager NPC in towns.
(ex: To participate in the Node War in Mediah, purchase a Node War fort for Mediah.)
You can also purchase Annex Assembly Tools.
Construct Fort
(Guild applies for Node War participation)
To construct a fort, move to the server where the Node War is taking place,
apply the Node War filter at the top right of the World Map (M), press the icon for the tier you wish to participate in, enter Remote Fort Installation mode, and install the fort.
Alternatively, you can move directly to the Node War area and use the purchased fort to install it.
Construct Annexes Once the fort is installed, you can pre-build annex buildings around it.


* No additional Guild Funds are required when installing annex buildings in Construction mode.
* In Construction mode, the number of forts constructed in the Node War area will be shown on the World Map 1 hour before the Node War begins.


[Construction Mode Node War] Participation Method - Guild Participation

Guild Member Node War Participation Once the fort is installed, guild (alliance) members can move to the server and click the Join Node War button.
(Guild Information (G) - Guild Member Status - Change to Participate status)
Assemble! When Node War starts, the "Assemble!" button will appear at the top right of the screen.
Clicking this button will move you to the location of your guild's fort.



[Construction Mode Node War] Tier and No. of Participants by Node

  Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
 Calpheon & Kamasylvia
(Gear Score Limit: 550)
Occupation Node War
(Gear Score Limit: 685)
Forest of Plunder
(Tier 5, 55 participants)
Ancient Stone Chamber
(Tier 4, 35 participants)
Bartali Farm
(Tier 5, 50 participants)
Western Guard Camp
(Tier 4, 45 participants)
Altar of Agris
(Tier 4, 35 participants)
Cron Castle
(Tier 5, 55 participants)
Wolf Hills
(Tier 3, 45 participants)
- Casta Farm
(Tier 3, 40 participants)
- - Terrmian Cliff
(Tier 3, 40 participants)
(Gear Score Limit: 685)
Costa Farm
(Tier 5, 50 participants)
Eastern Border
(Tier 4, 45 participants)
Bloody Monastery
(Tier 3, 40 participants)
Serendia Shrine
(Tier 5, 55 participants)
Glish Swamp
(Tier 4, 45 participants)
Castle Ruins
(Tier 5, 50 participants)
Orc Camp
(Tier 3, 40 participants)
- - Alejandro Farm
(Tier 4, 35 participants)
- Biraghi Den
(Tier 3, 35 participants)
(No Gear Score Limit)
Sausan Garrison
(Tier 5, 80 participants)
(Tier 4, 45 participants)
Mediah Northern Highlands
(Tier 5, 65 participants)
Omar Lava Cave
(Tier 4, 60 participants)
Manes Hideout
(Tier 4, 70 participants)
Canyon of Corruption
(Tier 5, 75 participants)
Tungrad Forest
(Tier 3, 55 participants)
- Abandoned Iron Mine
(Tier 3, 50 participants)
- - Wandering Rogue Den
(Tier 3, 60 participants)
(No Gear Score Limit)
Areha Palm Forest
(Tier 5, 65 participants)
Roud Sulfur Mine
(Tier 4, 55 participants)
Ancado Coast
(Tier 4, 55 participants)
Valencia Castle
(Tier 5, 75 participants)
Roud Sulfur Works
(Tier 4, 45 participants)
Altas Farmland
(Tier 5, 65 participants)
Ivory Wasteland
(Tier 3, 45 participants)
- - Rakshan Observatory
(Tier 3, 50 participants)
- Kmach Canyon
(Tier 3, 55 participants)

Node War Rules and Tools

After a Node War starts, the Focus Node War Participation System will be applied.
- In servers where a Node War is ongoing, all Adventurers who are not participating in the Node War will have their DP set to 0.
- Non-participants from Guilds that have joined the Node War will be forcibly moved to the nearest town if they approach the area where the Node War is taking place.
When resurrecting during a Node War, your fallen mount will also resurrect with you.
When your character dies, you can choose to resurrect at predetermined locations in the towns of each territory.
- Balenos: Velia, Western Guard Camp, Olvia
- Serendia: Heidel, Glish
- Calpheon: Calpheon City, Keplan, Behr
- Mediah: Altinova, Tarif, Kusha
- Valencia: Valencia City, Ancado Inner Harbor, Arehaza
- Kamasylvia: Grána, Old Wisdom Tree, Acher Guard Post

The following rules apply to the resurrection cooldown during Node War:
The default resurrection cooldown is 10 seconds, which can increase up to a maximum of 30 seconds.
This cooldown grows by 1 second each minute the Node War progresses, and by an additional 1 second for each death.

◈ Node War Fort Repairs

Guilds/alliances can repair occupied forts using the following item:
Node War Fort Repair Tool
Polished Stone x1
(Recovers 1% durability of a fort/command post/HQ)
◈ When Node War Ends

The following rules apply once a Node War ends:
- The "Return" function will be activated immediately in the top right of the display for the affected Territory when a Node War ends.
- 10 minutes after a Node War ends, monsters will reappear in said Territory.
- PvP between participating Guilds/Alliances will cease immediately after a Node War ends.
- Any remaining annex buildings will be immediately destroyed in the affected Territory when a Node War ends.

◈ Node War Annexes and Siege Weapons

Once a Node War starts, you can construct designated annex using Annex Assembly Tools. Purchase "Annex Assembly Tool" and "Node War Lynch Cannon Assembly Kit" from a Guild Military Supply Manager in each town.
Annexes Node War Lynch Cannons can be installed by the adventurers in the following positions:
- War Heroes cannot install annexes or Node War Lynch Cannons.
- Max 2 Node War Lynch Cannons can be installed.
Positions eligible to install Annexes and Lynch Cannons
Guild Master, Advisor, Staff, Secretary, Officer, Quartermaster, Cannoneer
Node War Annex Assembly Tool
Node War Lynch Cannon Assembly Kit
(Guild Funds: 10 million Silver, Max x2)
Once Node War begins, you can use the Annex Assembly Tool to construct annexes anywhere within the Node War area. Constructing an annex consumes a certain amount of guild funds, and there is a limit to how many annexes can be constructed. Annexes can be constructed regardless of whether a Fort is occupied/owned, as long as guild funds are available.
Node War Constructible Annexes
Flame Tower
(Guild Funds: 500 million Silver, Max x2)
(Guild Funds: 500 million Silver, Max x1)
Elephant Nursery
(Guild Funds: 10 million Silver, Max x1)
Indomitable Flag Factory
(Guild Funds: 10 million Silver, Max x1)
Easy Annex Installation Mode
Using the Annex Assembly Tool, you can construct annexes directly from the list on the right side of the screen without entering a separate UI.

Move around to find the perfect location for installation! Fix the position with the R key, then rotate or install!
* Using the Annex Assembly Tool switches to a mode that allows for easy installation, enabling you to move around and find the perfect spot for installation.

* All annexes and siege weapons are automatically destroyed at the end of Node War.

Installation time for annexes installed using the Node/Conquest War Annex Assembly Tool during a war: 5 sec
- Production time for the Indomitable Flag at the factory during Node War: 3 min
- Production time for the Indomitable Flag at the factory during Conquest War: 10 min
- Production time for Elephants at the Elephant Nursery during Node/Conquest War: 5 min


For Flame Towers and Hwachas in Node War, depending on the participating Territory Group, you can upgrade them to make them more powerful. When approaching a completed Flame Tower or Hwacha, an upgrade button will appear. Upgrading consumes Iron Ingot x10 and Melted Copper Shard x10, and it takes a certain amount of time to complete.
Calpheon/Kamasylvia - Flame Tower, Hwacha Upgrade Unavailable
Mediah/Valencia - Flame Tower, Hwacha Upgrade Available

Victory Rewards and Benefits

When adventurers and their guilds participate in the intense battles of Node War or emerge victorious to claim a node, they are rewarded with glorious spoils!

Brace yourselves for the bountiful rewards that await:



◈ Taxes

When a guild wins a Node War, they receive the accumulated taxes from that node as guild funds.
The taxes can be acquired immediately upon capturing the node, and the higher the node tier, the higher the percentage of taxes that can be obtained.

Tax Amounts Obtainable as Guild Funds
Calpheon & Kamasylvia
Tier 3 Node Fort 3 - 5 billion
Tier 4 Node Fort 3.5 - 5.5 billion
Tier 5 Node Fort 4 - 6 billion
Balenos & Serendia
Tier 3 Node Fort

6 - 8 billion

Tier 4 Node Fort

6.5 - 8.5 billion

Tier 5 Node Fort 7 - 9 billion
Mediah & Valencia
Tier 3 Node Fort

8.5 - 10.5 billion

Tier 4 Node Fort

9 - 11 billion

Tier 5 Node Fort 10 - 12 billion
Conquest War

30 - 40 billion


50 - 60 billion


60 - 70 billion

Balenos/Serendia Tribute Wagon 10 - 20 billion

◈ Personal Rewards

Adventurers can obtain rewards appropriate to the participated tier of Node War/Conquest War result.
You will need to meet the minimal requirements for guild/alliance Node War participation to receive these rewards.
Minimal Requirements for Approved Guild/Alliance Node War Participation
- The participating Adventurer’s guild (alliance) has a total kill/death count of at least 100 and occupied a temporary fort at least one time
* Kills from mounting siege weaponry (such as flame towers or Hwachas) do not count.

You can obtain rewards based on the fort tier upon occupying a node.
Personal rewards obtained are immediately delivered to the Black Spirit's Safe upon the final occupation of the fort.
Depending on the Territory Group and the fort tier, individuals can acquire personal rewards.
In Occupation Node War, you can obtain a bonus reward for occupying a fort marked with a "?", the end time of which is unknown.
* If you participated in a Node War, met the minimal requirements, but were unable to occupy a fort, you will obtain the following rewards.

Obtainable Rewards per Territory Group
Balenos & Serendia
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x3
Mediah & Valencia
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x4
Calpheon & Kamasylvia
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x5

Chilling Fragment

Chilling Fragments can be obtained by occupying a fort in a Node War in a Territory Group of at least Mediah/Valencia grade. The Calpheon/Kamasylvia Territory Group rewards more than Valencia/Mediah. You can find them in the Manage Currency UI upon acquisition and can exchange them for certain items.


Balenos & Serendia


Calpheon & Kamasylvia
(Determined Triumph Rewards (Tiers 1-5))
  Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G




Essence of Honor




Essence of Gallantry




Item Collection Increase Scroll




Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll




Determined Loot Box




Resplendent Medal of Honor
x30 x30 x30
Additional reward for occupying the "?" node in Occupation Node War
(Determined Triumph Reward of Resilience)
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x2
Determined Triumph Reward Box x3
Resplendent Medal of Honor x15

Determined Loot Box Contents

Open the Determined Loot Box to obtain one of the following according to a set probability

Determined Loot Box
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas Gold Bar Box
Imp Boss's Knife Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea Immortal: Perfume of Courage
Elixir of Deep Sea Perfume of Courage Essence of Gallantry
Memory Fragment x10 Caphras Stone x25 -

Mediah & Valencia
Balenos & Serendia
(Kindling Triumph Rewards (Tiers 1-5))
  Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G
x7 x7 x8
Essence of Honor
x7 x8 x8
Essence of Gallantry
x7 x8 x8
Item Collection Increase Scroll
x2 x2 x2
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll
x1 x1 x1
Kindling Loot Box
x2 x3 x3
Chilling Fragment
x5 x5 x5
Resplendent Medal of Honor
x35 x35 x40
Additional reward for occupying the "?" node in Occupation Node War
(Kindling Triumph Reward of Resilience)
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x2
Kindling Loot Box x3
Resplendent Medal of Honor x20
Kindling Loot Box Contents
Open the Kindling Loot Box to obtain one of the following according to a set probability.
Kindling Loot Box
Deboreka Necklace Deboreka Belt Deboreka Earring
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas Gold Bar Box
Imp Boss's Knife Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea Immortal: Perfume of Courage
Essence of Gallantry x2 Elixir of Deep Sea x3 Perfume of Courage x3
Memory Fragment x20 Caphras Stone x50 -
Calpheon & Kamasylvia
Mediah & Valencia
(Blazing Triumph Rewards (Tiers 1-5))
  Tier 3 Tier 4 Tier 5
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 10,000G
- - x1
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G
x8 x8 -
Essence of Honor
x10 x10 x10
Essence of Gallantry
x10 x10 x10
Item Collection Increase Scroll
x2 x2 x2
Glorious Item Drop Rate Increase Scroll
x2 x2 x2
Blazing Loot Box
x2 x3 x3
Chilling Fragment
x10 x10 x10
Resplendent Medal of Honor
x45 x45 x50
Trace of Thunderbolt
x2 x2 x2
Additional reward for occupying the "?" node in Occupation Node War
(Blazing Triumph Reward of Resilience)
Gold Bar of the Glorious Battlefield 1,000G x3
Blazing Loot Box x3
Resplendent Medal of Honor x25
Blazing Loot Box Contents
Open the Blazing Loot Box to obtain one of the following according to a set probability.
Blazing Loot Box
Deboreka Necklace Deboreka Belt Deboreka Earring
Energy of All Creations
(All AP +70)
Energy of All Creations
(All Damage Reduction +300)
Energy of All Creations
(Attack Speed & Casting Speed +20%)
Energy of All Creations
(Movement Speed +20%, Fall Damage -50%, Jump Height +2m)
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment
JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Special Evasion Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas
Gold Bar Box Imp Boss's Knife Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea
Immortal: Perfume of Courage Essence of Gallantry x5 Elixir of Deep Sea x5
Perfume of Courage x5 Memory Fragment x40 Caphras Stone x75
Guild members who win in a Node War and rank in the top 5% or first place for war stats will receive extra rewards.
  Top 5% War Stats Reward Top #1 War Stats Reward
Calpheon & Kamasylvia
Resplendent Medal of Honor x5
Battlefield Honor x1
(Max HP +300 for 4 hours)

Balenos & Serendia,
Mediah & Valencia
Resplendent Medal of Honor x5
Battlefield Glory x1
(Max HP +500 for 4 hours)
The criteria for an adventurer's war stats in Node/Conquest Wars are as follows:
War Stats Criteria
Command Post Destruction
Fort Destruction
Gate Destruction
Annex Destruction
Enemy Guild Member Kill
Siege Weapon Kill
20 10 15 1 1 1

Benefits from Occupying Nodes

Doubled Node Investment Benefits (Across Entire Territory Group)

When occupied, Node Investment Benefits for the entire Territory to which the Node belongs to, and other Territories within the same group, will be doubled for one week. (For example, if you occupy a Tier 3 Fort in a Calpheon territory Node War, the Node Investment Benefits for both Calpheon and Kamasylvia regions will be doubled for one week.)
If you then participate in a Node War and reoccupy a Node within the same Territory, the period of doubled Node Investment Benefits will be reset. The remaining time of double Node Investment Benefits can be checked in the right side of the Guild (G) window under Occupation Information.
When occupying the Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obedience Node Fort in Valencia, all Node Investment Benefits in Mediah/Valencia are doubled, increasing the Item Drop Rate for all Monster Zones within Mediah/Valencia that receive Node Investment Benefits.
What are Node Investment Benefits?
Increased Item Drop Rate +0.5% per Node Investment Level when defeating certain monsters.

- For example, if the Node Level of Gyfin Rhasia Temple is 20, the Item Drop Rate for Monsters at Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Upper/Underground) will be increased by +10%.
- If doubled due to Node occupation, the Item Drop Rate for Monsters at Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Upper/Underground) will be increased by +20%.

Important Things to Know

We have explored the ways to participate in Node War and the rewards and benefits that await you. Now, let's delve into the specific rules that govern Node War.

While it is not necessary to know every detail to excel in Node War, understanding these rules can greatly assist in preparing and strategizing for the battles to come.

For adventurers who prefer to review only the rules of Node War, we have compiled them for your convenience.

1. Common Rules for Node/Conquest Wars

1 When victorious in a Node/Conquest War and occupying a node, the accumulated taxes are automatically collected by the occupying guild/alliance.
2 If an allied fort/command post/field HQ is destroyed during the Node/Conquest War, you are no longer considered as participants and cannot attack participating guilds/alliances.
During the Node/Conquest War, guild wars are restricted on the server, and attacks can only be carried out according to the rules of Node/Conquest War.
4 During the Node/Conquest War, there are no penalties for death in PvP encounters between participating guilds/alliances.
5 During the Node/Conquest War, even when wearing camouflage outfits (Treant Camouflage, Desert Camouflage), your identity is exposed.
6 From 1 hour before the start of the Node War (2 hours for the Conquest War) until its completion, all participating guilds/alliances are unable to recruit new members.


2. Node War Rules


Lord’s guild can participate in the Node war up to 6 times a week.

Each guild/alliance has one weekly opportunity to participate in the Node War, with the chance to participate again after meeting the minimum requirement for opportunity return.

The minimum requirement is achieved when the total kill/death count is 100 or more for the adventurer"s guild/alliance during the Node War. Failure to meet this requirement will result in no opportunity return. (Note: Node War opportunities are reset every Saturday at 24:00 and a new opportunity is granted.)

2 Node Wars are held in the following regions: Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon, Mediah, Valencia, and Kamasylvia. Each region has its own designated servers for the wars.
3 When the war ends, all guilds/alliances' annexes are demolished.
4 Guilds/alliances should consider restrictions on the number of participants and their stats when choosing Territory Group to participate in.
5 Once the territory for the Node War is allocated, you can check the information of the guild/alliance participating in that territory via the Node War menu.
6 In Occupation Node War, should a neutral fort stand unoccupied at the end of the Node War, the node of that fort will be liberated.
7 Victorious guilds/alliances will acquire the taxes accumulated from the occupied node and can obtain the personal victory reward. (Note: The personal reward can only be obtained if the minimum requirement for the opportunity return is met.)
8 Two exclusive guild skills, Breath of Life and Blessing of Battle can be activated by consuming Spirit of Battle while temporarily occupying a fort, and their effects are only applied in the vicinity of the temporarily occupied fort.


Node Wars offer various benefits and rewards, but it' s also an opportunity to experience the thrill of guild-scale group PvP and build strong bonds with guild members.


Even if your gear may not be exceptional, you can participate in the appropriate tier of Node Wars and engage in intense battles. And with an arsenal of siege weapons at your disposal, there is ample opportunity to shine.


We look forward to witnessing your splendid performance on the Node Wars battlefield!


* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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