Black Desert will begin in a moment.

Install the Black Desert Launcher if the game doesn't start.

Install the Black Desert Launcher to start the game.

The launcher will appear if it's installed.
If it doesn't, try to run your downloaded launcher.

Install Guide

1 Run BlackDesert_Installer_NAEU.exe to install the Black Desert launcher.

2 Start the game once installation is complete.

Adventurer's Guide

Guild League

Last Edited on : Nov 22, 2024, 16:05 (UTC)
The Guild League is a PvP content where guilds compete in 10 vs 10 battles. Once the league starts, guilds that have applied to participate will be paired for matches, and thereafter, up to 10 guild members who wish to fight can participate and battle with the matched guild.

How to Participate

  • Press the "Apply" button in the Guild League menu in the Guild window (G).
  • Or press the "Apply" button in the Guild League menu in the War (F7) in the Menu (ESC).
    • However, Guild League entry is not available in certain areas. (Atoraxxion, Battle Arena, Old Moon Grand Prix, etc.)
    • A guild member who has "Apply for Guild League" authorities can apply for matching.

Application Period
- Weekdays: From 5 PM to 1 AM (NA PT/EU UTC)
- Weekends:
From 1 PM to 1 AM (NA PT/EU UTC)
  • Guild League matches start every hour and half hour.
    • If you apply at 2:15 PM, the matching will be complete at 2:30 PM, and the Guild League match will start once the opponent is determined.
      • Unavailable during Node/Conquest War.
      • Unavailable during Node/Conquest War period even if they end early.


Guild League Rules
Participants 7 min - 10 max members
Match Duration - Match Duration: 20 min
- After the match is set, there is a 2-min waiting time to enter the Guild League.
- There is a 1-min waiting time after the match ends, after which you will automatically exit the Guild League.
- You can freely enter and exit the Guild League after the match starts.
Victory Conditions - Victory Conditions: Achieve 1,000 points (100 kills) or the guild with the higher score wins when the match ends.
- If the scores are tied, the battle continues, and the first guild to score a kill wins.
- Points Earned
- The first kill awards 50 points.
- Every kill after awards 10 points per kill.
Revival - Each guild has one revival point at a designated location.
- The revival waiting time is approximately 3 seconds, and there is no limit to the number of revivals.
- If you are out of combat upon revival, you will be Invincible and have a Damage Reduction effect for a certain period.
- There are no revival penalties such as EXP decrease or crystal destruction.
Penalties - Accumulating 3 penalties leads to a 1-week ban from the league.
- You will need at least 10 participants from your guild before a match begins or face immediate defeat and a penalty.
- If your guild's participant count falls below 5, it will be considered a loss. The match will end automatically, and a penalty will be given.
Others - If you exit during the Guild League, anyone from the same guild can step in for you.
* However, damage and debuffs recorded during the match are reset upon exit.
- Guild members who joined the guild after matching cannot enter the ongoing match.
- The notification duration for consecutive kills is 15 sec.
- Equipment durability does not decrease during the match.
- Cannot use Escape within the Guild League battlefield.
- Consumable items can be used without limits, but Medical Kit cannot be used.
- Install items, such as Stun Trap and Cannon, and transformation items cannot be used.
- You are automatically assigned to a platoon when you enter the match and automatically leave upon exit.
- If you are already in a party/platoon, you can enter after leaving the party/platoon.
- Adventurers joining a guild as War Heroes will not be able to see the Guild League menu and will not be able to join as well.


Navarn Steppe
Heidel Northern Guard Camp
Battlefield of Honor
Taphtar Plain
Gyeongbokgung Palace (Geunjeongjeon Hall)


Rankings in the Guild League are determined by the Guild League points obtained. When the Guild League first starts, you start with 400 points. When you win or lose in the Guild League, your score changes according to the result, and matches are made based on the score range.
Ranking Points
Win: +30 ranking points Loss: -15 ranking points
* Based on the ranking point range, a bonus and adjustment system is applied to the points obtained.
401-600 point range Earn an additional 3 points for a victory, 3 points deduction for defeat
- Victory: Default 30 points + 3 points = 33 points obtained
- Defeat: Default deduction of 15 points - deduction of 3 points = 12 points deducted
201-400 point range Earn an additional 5 points for a victory, 5 points deduction for defeat
- Victory: Default 30 points + 5 points = 35 points obtained
- Defeat: Default deduction of 15 points - deduction of 5 points = 10 points deducted
0-200 point range Earn an additional 7 points for a victory, 7 points deduction for defeat
- Victory: Default 30 points + 7 points = 37 points obtained
- Defeat: Default deduction of 15 points - deduction of 7 points = 8 points deducted

Dormancy Penalty

If you do not participate in matches for a certain period within a specific score range, your score will be periodically deducted based on the score range.
3401 points or more Non-participation in a match for 5 days results in a 50 points deduction every 2 days.
2601-3400 points Non-participation in a match for 5 days results in a 40 points deduction every 2 days.
2001-2600 points Non-participation in a match for 5 days results in a 30 points deduction every 2 days.
For example, if you achieved 1,700 points and played your last match on Jan 1, but did not play for 5 days until Jan 6, ranking points will be deducted on Jan 8, which is 2 days later.

Matching System

The matching system for the Guild League is as follows:
1. Matching starts sequentially from the highest score brackets.
2. If there are guilds within the same score bracket, they will be given the highest priority for matching.
- If multiple guilds fall within the same score bracket, the system will randomly select an opponent from that bracket.
3. If no guilds are available within the same score bracket, the system will match with the guild closest in score, either from the bracket above or below.

Score Brackets
3,601 - 3,800
3,401 - 3,600
3,201 - 3,400
3,001 - 3,200
2,801 - 3,000
2,601 - 2,800
2,401 - 2,600
2,201 - 2,400
2,001 - 2,200
1,801 - 2,000
1,601 - 1,800
1,401 - 1,600
1,201 - 1,400
1,001 - 1,200
801 - 1,000
601 - 800
401 - 600
201 - 400
0 - 200


Based on the results of the Guild League, you can obtain the following rewards. These rewards are for the trial match period and are subject to change periodically.
Winner Loser
Gold Bar 1,000G x4
Whale Tendon Potion x5
Whale Tendon Elixir x3
Perfume of Courage x3
Perfume of Charm x3
Khalk's Elixir x3
Elixir of Deep Sea x3
Essence of Gallantry x1
Essence of Courage x1
Essence of Honor x1
Large amount of Combat EXP
Gold Bar 1,000G x1
Gold Bar 100G x5
Whale Tendon Potion x3
Whale Tendon Elixir x1
Perfume of Courage x1
Perfume of Charm x1

Khalk's Elixir x1
Elixir of Deep Sea x1
Essence of Gallantry x1
Essence of Courage x1
Essence of Honor x1
Combat EXP
Combat EXP Reward
Level EXP for Defeat EXP for Victory
21~30 47.73% 68.19%
31~35 43.89% 62.7%
36~40 36.58% 52.25%
41 34.92% 49.88%
42 33.25% 47.5%
43 31.59% 45.13%
44 29.93% 42.75%
45 28.27% 40.38%
46 26.6% 38%
47 24.94% 35.63%
48  23.28% 33.25%
49 22.48% 32.11%
50 21.55% 30.78%
51 20.48% 29.26%
52 19.29% 27.55%
53 17.96% 25.65%
54 16.49% 23.56%
55 14.9% 21.28%
56 13.17% 18.81%
57 11.31% 16.15%
58 9.31% 13.3%
59 7.18% 10.26%
60 4.92% 7.03%
61 2.53% 3.61%
62 1.3% 1.85%
63 0.5% 0.71%
64 0.21% 0.3%
65 0.08%  0.12%
66 0.03% 0.04%
67 0.01% 0.02%

* The content of the game guide may differ from the actual game content, depending on the update and content changes.

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